Our new countertops have been installed ... YAY!! They are quite nice, I am very happy with them. The flooring install has been delayed, it will be installed on Oct 12 now. Ah well...
With the counters being installed today I actually relaxed a bit, felt really good to just read in the afternoon, instead of painting something LOL. I have some touchups to do now around the counters, and the backsplash is lower than the old counters, so I'm going to have to fix that up. Either with paint, a paper border, or a row of tile. I may just try the tile, see how that goes.... But that is a project for a couple of weeks from now!
Landon has fully recovered from the his shots. No more fever or anything. And no fever with foretelling the onset of roseola...that'll likely hit Saturday or something, just because we want to leave Sunday morning :-/
Right now he's in the jolly jumper jumping away, puking about every 5 minutes because he gets himself jumping so much and then sticks his hand in his mouth, gagging himself. But he doesn't seem to mind. I'll just notice him stop jumping for about a minute, he'll be chewing on his hands, and then BLECH ... and I go clean him up and he starts the entire process again! Monkey...
He slept through the night again last night ... and I got the longest stretch I've had in, oh I don't know, a year or so ...?! I slept from shortly after 1 until 9:30 without waking up! YAY Usually I wake up sometime between 4:30 and 7, just because. And then it takes me awhile to get back to sleep. Not last night ... I woke up at 9:30, and then went right back to sleep until 10:50, when it was time to get Landon up.
I couldn't believe Landon today - he slept right through the countertop install, including taking the old countertops off, sawing and banging and everything!! What a sleeper! If only he slept like that when we first put him down at night!! LOL Oh well, I will take the good napping and not complain too much!
Oh yeah, Landon tried green beans today. I thought he wouldn't like them as much as they aren't as sweet as squash and sweet potatoes, but he barely batted an eye and munched them all up. Something's gonna' happen around food here, because feeding him is just too easy ... he has only rejected chicken so far. And to like green beans!! C'mon!! I guess he doesn't like cereal made with water either, so I pump every day to mix milk in with his cereal. So that's not easy ... so maybe that's the trade-off. I don't know. But I'm liking this veggie love of his ... we'll just keep on introducing veggies!! LOL
That's the news for tonight. Getting excited for the trip to the farm. Calling all friends back home: I'm looking for a loaner exersaucer for the week I'm at the farm. If you have one, or know of one I can borrow, please let me know. Mom will be in Swift on Saturday, so she can pick it up in it's there...Thanks!! I'll post again tomorrow probably...TK