Landon has been very VERY busy this week, exploring all of the new things he can now get to (either by crawling or by pulling himself to standing). The computer room is a wealth of fun, since John's guitars and equipment are in here, as well as all of the computer cords and wires, and bookshelves, and garbage -- you name it, he's trying to get at it. Slowly but surely we are getting everything put up / away / behind obstacles so that we can be in here without having to hold onto Landon the entire time!
The main floor really is Landon's domain - and it's pretty well child-proofed. He's explored everything he can, even the carbon monoxide detector (didn't take him long to pull that thing off the wall!). His bedroom and our bedroom are pretty fun places too, although from our room he tends to do a bee-line right for the gate at the top of the stairs! Thank goodness John got those gates up - just in time! LOL
One of Landon's favourite passtimes right now is chasing things around. Balls work the best (obviously), but he'll improvise with just about anything. He swings his arms until the object flies out and goes somewhere, then he pounces after it like a cat pouncing on a mouse, and when he gets whatever it is he's just tossed, he starts the process over again. Keeps him quite occupied :-)
I'm getting excited for Christmas. My shopping is close to being done (just Grandma and Grandpa left), assuming all of my web/mail-orders arrive shortly!! I did alot more internet shopping this year -- it was so convenient given my limited 'outside the house' time with Landon. I did a test yesterday, shopping at the outlet mall, to see if he'd fall asleep in his stroller. Nope - he wants to sleep in his bed now :-/ I don't know if the elevator ride was scarier because he was tired, or if he couldn't fall asleep in his stroller because the elevator ride scared him too much - but there were some big tears while on that elevator!! In any case, he didn't fall asleep in his stroller, but konked out promptly when we got him in the car!! Poor sleepy guy! We'll see how he does in Red Deer on Sat night (John's Xmas party), when the sitter's in the room with him while he's 'sleeping', and when he has to share the room with mom and dad all night (we'll take ear-plugs to hopefully block out the bed-bouncing noises!!).
That's the scoop from here for now. I should get Landon some lunch so we can go buy a few groceries (to last us until next week, when I'll buy the big Xmas groceries!!). Hope all is well wherever you are, and that you're not too stressed getting ready for Christmas!! Take care...TK