Landon has become even more attached to that soother these days... it used to be he didn't even think about it when he was out of bed, now he'll be playing downstairs and will go upstairs just to get a soosie. I don't know if it's because his teeth are bugging him, or if he's just turning into a bigger sucky-pants...
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Is this cool or what?
Landon has become even more attached to that soother these days... it used to be he didn't even think about it when he was out of bed, now he'll be playing downstairs and will go upstairs just to get a soosie. I don't know if it's because his teeth are bugging him, or if he's just turning into a bigger sucky-pants...
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Relaxing week before Xmas...
Well our week has been pretty relaxing. Landon and I have been hanging out at home, playing at the park in the afternoons, and just generally vegging out as we make final preps for the holidays. Landon is still enthralled with the tree - but he hasn't managed to knock it over yet. He crawls underneath several times a day though. And the decorations get moved around quite a bit too. But it's all good. He's not so fanatical with having to have the lights on all day, which is nice.
Landon has taught me something that I must be doing a lot these days -- wagging my finger while saying "don't" Heh heh. The other night he was throwing some toys, and I said "don't throw toys". He was sitting on the couch beside me, and before I even finished my admonishment, he was looking at me wagging his finger saying"Don't!" I had to look away I was laughing so hard - and John wasn't much help sitting on the other couch with his face buried in the arm laughing his ass off too! So I've been trying to use more positive statements to avoid bad behaviours ... like "Play nicely with the Christmas tree Landon" versus "Don't swing the broom at the tree Landon!!" or "Toy trucks are for playing on the floor" versus "I said NO! Don't smash your trucks on the living room window!" *sigh*
Landon's starting to figure out colours a little bit too. We've been pointing them out to him on various toys and things (like lego pieces), and every now and again he gets them right (whether it's by chance or skill we're not sure yet). He's confused over how orange can be orange and a thing that you eat ... which I can understand. But it's so cute to hear him say purple...I just love it.
Anyways, it's time for eggs, and Landon's crawling all over me saying "egg" so I'd better go and give him some lunch. Then we're off to check the mail to see if our photo Xmas cards have arrived yet .... ahem. Everyone will be getting their Christmas cards sometime in the New Year I guess ... Ooops!! Until next time...TK
Landon has taught me something that I must be doing a lot these days -- wagging my finger while saying "don't" Heh heh. The other night he was throwing some toys, and I said "don't throw toys". He was sitting on the couch beside me, and before I even finished my admonishment, he was looking at me wagging his finger saying"Don't!" I had to look away I was laughing so hard - and John wasn't much help sitting on the other couch with his face buried in the arm laughing his ass off too! So I've been trying to use more positive statements to avoid bad behaviours ... like "Play nicely with the Christmas tree Landon" versus "Don't swing the broom at the tree Landon!!" or "Toy trucks are for playing on the floor" versus "I said NO! Don't smash your trucks on the living room window!" *sigh*
Landon's starting to figure out colours a little bit too. We've been pointing them out to him on various toys and things (like lego pieces), and every now and again he gets them right (whether it's by chance or skill we're not sure yet). He's confused over how orange can be orange and a thing that you eat ... which I can understand. But it's so cute to hear him say purple...I just love it.
Anyways, it's time for eggs, and Landon's crawling all over me saying "egg" so I'd better go and give him some lunch. Then we're off to check the mail to see if our photo Xmas cards have arrived yet .... ahem. Everyone will be getting their Christmas cards sometime in the New Year I guess ... Ooops!! Until next time...TK
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The Tree is the BEST plaything EVER

First thing when we go downstairs in the morning, the tree has to be plugged in, the lights on the mantel, and now I have two lit snowmen up that have to be plugged in too. And they are supposed to stay on all day, and it's become part of our nighttime routine to unplug everything when we're going to bed. *shaking head* He just loves the 'pretty light' (and yes, that's what he says, all day long!).
We are thinking he's on a growth spurt again, as he's been eating like a horse for the past few days (and pooping like one too, ahem). Where before we sometimes wondered if he was getting enough, now we are wondering what to feed him next!! LOL But that's a good thing. We have learned that he REALLY likes vanilla pudding - he'll eat 1/2 a cup (after eating a good meal) and ask for "more". He has also polished off a little watermelon too - another newfound fave. heh heh
The other night we counted up the words that Landon knows, and we are up to 100 or more. He says some phrases too, like "where go?" (as in where did the cat go, or where did Landon go), and following that "there 'tis". He has said "all done" for quite awhile now, mostly when he's done eating, but sometimes when he's done playing with something. He is starting to tell us when he's going to "poo poo" so we are thinking more about potty training. But it's pretty amazing to watch him picking up so many new words so often. I can really tell when he's concentrating on learning what I'm saying - he gets a very serious look on his face. I was amazed when we pulled out a small book that we haven't seen for weeks, maybe a couple of months, that has pictures of objects and the sounds they make. Landon knew and could make the sounds for over half of the objects, and now today he does them all (for example, a kettle say wheeeeeee, vacuum cleaner whooooosh, toaster pop!, fire crackle crackle, frying pan sssssizzzzzle, and telephone rrrring rrrring).
Hiding is lots of fun for Landon too. He'll be walking around with his hands over his eyes, then pull them away yelling 'peek-a-boo!'. This evening I came upstairs and wondered where he went as he climbed the stairs just ahead of me. Well, he had crawled up on our bed and put a pillow over himself! So I walked around saying "where did Landon go? Where is Landon?" I would've found him eventually, even if I couldn't have seen his feet, because he was snorting he was giggling to hard!! Too funny - I am loving this playful little creature!!
Anyways, that's the long blog for the everning....will post again in the next few days....until next time...TK
Friday, December 14, 2007
Some 'getting ready for Xmas' pictures...
Here Comes Santa Claus...
If Santa is coming, Landon's likely running to my arms. Poor stinker - he did NOT want to sit on Santa's knee today!! He played very shy as we walked up to Santa (head on my shoulder, holding me very tightly), and when I went to put him on Santa's knee ... well, we were having NONE of that! Luckily though, he was okay when I sat in the very big chair beside Santa, and then I could put him on Santa's knee and he was alright. So you can see a bit of my pants and shirt in the picture, but only if I point it out to you, and we have a picture with Santa! Landon's expression is very similar to last year ... that is, serious. LOL Silly kid - I don't know if we'll ever have smiley-Santa pictures!! heh heh
Last night I went to see Bon Jovi with some friends - it was a blast! I'm not nearly as familiar with some of his new stuff, but I sure loved the old stuff! It was nice to get out for an evening with some friends too, esp since John's out tonight and tomorrow with the band.
And if I could just find something for Great Grandpa I would be done shopping!! Today we went to Toys R Us (GONG SHOW!!!!!!!!) to pick up a gift from Grandma to Landon. Landon was insane in there, because all he wanted to do was play with Thomas toys and of course he couldn't and he went bonkers (like most other kids in there). The line-ups at the till were 10 deep, it was insane! But we got out of there relatively intact, to head to the mall for above-mentioned Santa picture and to try to find a gift for Great Grandpa. Well we got the picture, had some lunch and skedaddled without shopping for Great Grandpa because by then we were far beyond nap-time. That's my last trip to the malls before Xmas -- I'll have to find something for Great Grandpa closer to home....
So that's the scoop from here today. Hope all is well and that everyone is done (or nearly done) their shopping...Until next time...
Last night I went to see Bon Jovi with some friends - it was a blast! I'm not nearly as familiar with some of his new stuff, but I sure loved the old stuff! It was nice to get out for an evening with some friends too, esp since John's out tonight and tomorrow with the band.
And if I could just find something for Great Grandpa I would be done shopping!! Today we went to Toys R Us (GONG SHOW!!!!!!!!) to pick up a gift from Grandma to Landon. Landon was insane in there, because all he wanted to do was play with Thomas toys and of course he couldn't and he went bonkers (like most other kids in there). The line-ups at the till were 10 deep, it was insane! But we got out of there relatively intact, to head to the mall for above-mentioned Santa picture and to try to find a gift for Great Grandpa. Well we got the picture, had some lunch and skedaddled without shopping for Great Grandpa because by then we were far beyond nap-time. That's my last trip to the malls before Xmas -- I'll have to find something for Great Grandpa closer to home....
So that's the scoop from here today. Hope all is well and that everyone is done (or nearly done) their shopping...Until next time...
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
It's beginning to look a lot like Xmas
Other than that, we haven't gone too nuts for Xmas. We've decorated the mantel, and hung a wreath on the door. We just might get a big more stuff up in the next few days, we'll see. I'm off to Bon Jovi concert tomorrow, then John plays Friday and Saturday nights, so after tonight we'll probably wait until Sat afternoon to do any more decorating. But Landon's loving that tree, that's for sure!! LOL
Pictures from Grandma's house...
Monday, December 10, 2007
Baby #2!!

But everything looks good. This ultrasound was testing for chromosomal abnormalities (such as Down's Syndrome) and our risks are determined to be very low, which is great news! Also I was just glad to see the little stinker, see the heart beating, see s/he moving around. What a wonderful feeling!!
That's it for now, just a quick post that all's well!! Until next time...
We're home again...
We are home again. After a week of colds and flus for both Landon and I :-( How awful, to be traveling to visit family and friends only to be sick. Landon started with a full-blown cold on Monday, for our visit with Great Grandpa. Then on Wed at the farm he puked, so we took him to the doctor as this was the same progression as in the summer with his throat infection. At that point his throat was slightly infected, so we got antibiotics. But poor little munchkin puked all day Thursday still. Friday and Sat he was better, but he was sick again Sat night, overnight and Sunday morning again. Add to that the fact that I was puking Fri night and all day Sat as well. We just weren't a lot of fun for anyone to be around, that's for sure!! But we both managed to make it through the road trip yesterday (we didn't even stop the entire way back), and hopefully now we're on the road to full recovery. aiaiaiai
but it was a fun visit, when we could visit.
Landon and Ryder had a ton of fun together. They jumped on beds together and ran around the house and broke-in Carla and Dave's new furniture. They were quite the crew. And it's nice now that Landon can play a bit more and Carla and I can actually get some visiting in! He didn't sleep particularly well at Carla's, I don't know what it is, but he doesn't seem to sleep as soundly there :-/ Ah well
Then we were at the farm for a few days. There of course our days were consumed with washing floors, clothing, bedding and anything else that got puked on. Poor kid. He did learn how to puke into a pail though -- well, he did it once anyways :-/
one neat new trick Landon did learn was how to climb out of his playpen. Lickity-split he can crawl right on out!! We did manage to get him to sleep in there most of the time (the last night when he got sick in his bed he ended up sleeping with me for the last half of the night ... he only fell out of bed - onto the pillow - once). But it did take a few trips to put him back into bed !!
So we came home and I thought he'd be okay in his crib. Well, he was, for about 2 minutes. I turned around and there's Landon!! LOL But it only took 2 trips last night and he went to sleep. So I guess we'll have to get his big-boy bed up ... I have to buy some sheets for him though first. Not sure it matters though - he still doesn't like to sleep under blankets. Even when he slept with me, the covers were thrown off of him!!
He did nap with me in my bed at Grandma's, and one day he napped in there by himself (Grandpa and I were at a funeral). When he wore just his diaper (that was easier than cleaning more and more clothes as he got sick on them) he would sleep under the blankets, but if he's dressed, no blankets needed!! He's better at napping with me though - he'd maybe try to get up once or twice, but I'd just say lay down and go to sleep, and he would. He also wasn't nearly as squirmy as usual - which may be because he wasn't feeling well? Don't know, but I must admit it was nice to have him in bed with me....
So that's the quick news from the trip back. I will try to get some pics up soon. But for now I must get Landon fed some lunch, and then I'm off to my first ultrasound. More news on that soon....until next time...TK
but it was a fun visit, when we could visit.
Landon and Ryder had a ton of fun together. They jumped on beds together and ran around the house and broke-in Carla and Dave's new furniture. They were quite the crew. And it's nice now that Landon can play a bit more and Carla and I can actually get some visiting in! He didn't sleep particularly well at Carla's, I don't know what it is, but he doesn't seem to sleep as soundly there :-/ Ah well
Then we were at the farm for a few days. There of course our days were consumed with washing floors, clothing, bedding and anything else that got puked on. Poor kid. He did learn how to puke into a pail though -- well, he did it once anyways :-/
one neat new trick Landon did learn was how to climb out of his playpen. Lickity-split he can crawl right on out!! We did manage to get him to sleep in there most of the time (the last night when he got sick in his bed he ended up sleeping with me for the last half of the night ... he only fell out of bed - onto the pillow - once). But it did take a few trips to put him back into bed !!
So we came home and I thought he'd be okay in his crib. Well, he was, for about 2 minutes. I turned around and there's Landon!! LOL But it only took 2 trips last night and he went to sleep. So I guess we'll have to get his big-boy bed up ... I have to buy some sheets for him though first. Not sure it matters though - he still doesn't like to sleep under blankets. Even when he slept with me, the covers were thrown off of him!!
He did nap with me in my bed at Grandma's, and one day he napped in there by himself (Grandpa and I were at a funeral). When he wore just his diaper (that was easier than cleaning more and more clothes as he got sick on them) he would sleep under the blankets, but if he's dressed, no blankets needed!! He's better at napping with me though - he'd maybe try to get up once or twice, but I'd just say lay down and go to sleep, and he would. He also wasn't nearly as squirmy as usual - which may be because he wasn't feeling well? Don't know, but I must admit it was nice to have him in bed with me....
So that's the quick news from the trip back. I will try to get some pics up soon. But for now I must get Landon fed some lunch, and then I'm off to my first ultrasound. More news on that soon....until next time...TK
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Sask Traveling...
Well, we made it back to Saskatchewan with no troubles on Thursday. I can hardly believe how well Landon travels. He was very well behaved all the way home - we only stopped in Med Hat for some beer (for Carla) and that was it all the way to the farm.
Unfortunately, now Landon is sick with a cold. Poor little bugger. I kind of thought something might be coming last week, even before we left, as he was up in the night and stuff. But yesterday he woke up with a stuffy nose and was pretty grumpy all day. The only saving grace is Ryder -- when Ryder's around, Landon seems to feel a bunch better!! He follows Ryder around and laughs at his antics, then they jump on the beds together and giggle and laugh. Landon absolutely LOVES Ryder!! LOL
So he's still sleeping. YUP - it's noon and he's sleeping!! Poor kid - I was going to wake him up, but he needs his sleep for sure. He went to sleep at 11 pm last night too, so obviously he's not feeling well to be sleeping that long. I have been drugging him up - but since I can't get infants' stuff anymore, I'm debating on giving him children's stuff (for 2 years and up) so that I can hoard the infants stuff for the next kid!! aiaiaiaia I hate that it's been taken off the shelf because idiots overdosed their kids because they can't read labels. grrrr
so poor monkey isn't feeling well. We're going back to the farm today, so hopefully he'll be okay out there without his playmate Ryder. *shrug*
We spent yesterday at Great Grandpa's - it's too bad Landon was feeling so poorly for the visit though. He was good, though. he didn't break anything is what I mean! LOL
Don't know if I'll get the chance to post from the farm, so this might be it until we get back to Calgary. Until then....
Unfortunately, now Landon is sick with a cold. Poor little bugger. I kind of thought something might be coming last week, even before we left, as he was up in the night and stuff. But yesterday he woke up with a stuffy nose and was pretty grumpy all day. The only saving grace is Ryder -- when Ryder's around, Landon seems to feel a bunch better!! He follows Ryder around and laughs at his antics, then they jump on the beds together and giggle and laugh. Landon absolutely LOVES Ryder!! LOL
So he's still sleeping. YUP - it's noon and he's sleeping!! Poor kid - I was going to wake him up, but he needs his sleep for sure. He went to sleep at 11 pm last night too, so obviously he's not feeling well to be sleeping that long. I have been drugging him up - but since I can't get infants' stuff anymore, I'm debating on giving him children's stuff (for 2 years and up) so that I can hoard the infants stuff for the next kid!! aiaiaiaia I hate that it's been taken off the shelf because idiots overdosed their kids because they can't read labels. grrrr
so poor monkey isn't feeling well. We're going back to the farm today, so hopefully he'll be okay out there without his playmate Ryder. *shrug*
We spent yesterday at Great Grandpa's - it's too bad Landon was feeling so poorly for the visit though. He was good, though. he didn't break anything is what I mean! LOL
Don't know if I'll get the chance to post from the farm, so this might be it until we get back to Calgary. Until then....
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Getting ready to travel....
We're heading back to Saskatchewan tomorrow - Landon and I. We were planning to leave on the weekend, but my great-uncle passed away so we will go to his funeral on Friday now in Swifty. I'm looking forward to visiting 'home' as we haven't been for a visit for any length of time for quite awhile (a weekend here, a day there usually).
So won't be posting until we get back. But hopefully I'll have some fun pics then. :-D I'm excited for Landon to check out the animals at Carla's, as he is so excited every time he sees a cow or a horse on tv. LOL And it'll be nice to relax at the farm too.
Hopefully Landon will sleep alright. He's been a silly monkey the past few days -- he'll cry out from his crib when we put him to bed, and when I check on him he wants up. So if I pick him up he clamps on to me like he will never let go - his legs around my waist, his arms around my shoulders. And then he cries when I put him back, which breaks my heart :-( But he still gets to sleep, it just takes a few extra trips in there on my part. So hopefully he'll be okay while we travel.... I think he'll be okay at Carla's as Ryder should tucker him out!! LOL And he has slept well at mom and dad's in the past, so we'll hope that continues....
That's all until Dec 10 or so. That day is my ultrasound too...maybe I'll have some pics of the new baby!! Take care...
So won't be posting until we get back. But hopefully I'll have some fun pics then. :-D I'm excited for Landon to check out the animals at Carla's, as he is so excited every time he sees a cow or a horse on tv. LOL And it'll be nice to relax at the farm too.
Hopefully Landon will sleep alright. He's been a silly monkey the past few days -- he'll cry out from his crib when we put him to bed, and when I check on him he wants up. So if I pick him up he clamps on to me like he will never let go - his legs around my waist, his arms around my shoulders. And then he cries when I put him back, which breaks my heart :-( But he still gets to sleep, it just takes a few extra trips in there on my part. So hopefully he'll be okay while we travel.... I think he'll be okay at Carla's as Ryder should tucker him out!! LOL And he has slept well at mom and dad's in the past, so we'll hope that continues....
That's all until Dec 10 or so. That day is my ultrasound too...maybe I'll have some pics of the new baby!! Take care...
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Just can't seem to hide that RIDER PRIDE!
WAY TO GO RIDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Friday, November 23, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Landon's Going to be a Big Brother :-D
That's right - Landon will be a big brother next summer! We are due with #2 on June 24!! So far it hasn't been as gloriously wonderful as pregnancy with Landon was - I've been nauseaus in addition to sooooo exhausted. But that seems to be passing now and my energy level is picking up again, so that's good news to me (and to John who was doing all the cooking and cleaning for a few weeks!!).
We don't plan to find out what we're having ... I figure we had a surprise with Landon, we can have a surprise with this one too. Plus it wouldn't really change anything that we'd do between now and when the baby's born. All my newborn stuff is gender-neutral already, and I'll likely want to buy some new stuff when the baby arrives regardless of gender. So we'll just leave the girl/boy thing to be a surprise :-)
What is different is that I sure got a belly quickly this time! LOL I'm as big now as I was 2 years ago in November when I was pregnant with Landon - except I was due in March then, now I'm not due 'til June! aiaiaiaiaiai So I'm living in sweat pants most days... heh heh
Well, that's it for now, just wanted to let everyone know that Landon is such a big boy, and will be a big brother soon too! Until next time....
We don't plan to find out what we're having ... I figure we had a surprise with Landon, we can have a surprise with this one too. Plus it wouldn't really change anything that we'd do between now and when the baby's born. All my newborn stuff is gender-neutral already, and I'll likely want to buy some new stuff when the baby arrives regardless of gender. So we'll just leave the girl/boy thing to be a surprise :-)
What is different is that I sure got a belly quickly this time! LOL I'm as big now as I was 2 years ago in November when I was pregnant with Landon - except I was due in March then, now I'm not due 'til June! aiaiaiaiaiai So I'm living in sweat pants most days... heh heh
Well, that's it for now, just wanted to let everyone know that Landon is such a big boy, and will be a big brother soon too! Until next time....
Monday, November 19, 2007
First Movie :-)
I forgot, Landon watched his very first movie on Friday night. And he actually sat and watched it with John and I, on the couch, all the way through. He was quite cute, lounging all over us. He'd lay this way, then that way, but he was enthralled with Stuart Little. He really loved the cats, pointing and meowing when they were on the screen. It was a very nice evening.
What's with all the toy cars being for 3+? I was going to buy one for Landon today, and they are either baby cars (soft, plushy ones), or for 3+ with little parts that Landon would break off in 2.3 minutes! Very disappointing. I guess that's what happens when you shop at London Drugs! LOL
Which makes me think I'd better get some Xmas shopping done soon. aiaiaiai
That's all for now ... until next time..
What's with all the toy cars being for 3+? I was going to buy one for Landon today, and they are either baby cars (soft, plushy ones), or for 3+ with little parts that Landon would break off in 2.3 minutes! Very disappointing. I guess that's what happens when you shop at London Drugs! LOL
Which makes me think I'd better get some Xmas shopping done soon. aiaiaiai
That's all for now ... until next time..
Sunday, November 18, 2007
And Aunty Vonnie and cousin Kyle can be happy to know that Landon is LOVING Kyle's rocking horse. It took him awhile to get used to it, but now he treats it like a jungle gym with the added bonus of being able to rock and move it across the room. Good fun!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Counting and climbing and colouring
Landon sure has been 'exploring his world' ... aiaiaiai. Keeps us very busy. He loves to drag the chairs around the kitchen, so that he can reach EVERYTHING on the cupboards, including clean and dirty dishes, knives, garlic, hot frying pans ..... So he's had a couple of owies (see hot frying pan), and some near misses (see knives), and made some VERY big messes in the process. And we've cleaned off our cupboards (sort of).
One of Landon's very favourite things to do is colour. Every day he is going for his pad of paper and his crayons. He says 'paper' but not crayon yet. I don't think he gets that paper is paper though, I think to him paper is colouring, because he says paper while he's colouring the chairs, or the table, or just running around with the crayon in his hand and a mischievous gleam in his eye. But at least it's a relatively quiet activity, and crayons wash off of everything (including walls, couches, and his clothes, where he loves to put the crayons into his pockets and take them out again, repeatedly).
And somewhere along the line he's picked up counting. Don't know where it came from. John had him at the park last weekend and one of the girls there was counting to 10 then rolling down the hill. Landon was apparently mesmerized, so maybe that's where it came from *shrug* Anyways, now I'll say 'one', he'll say 'two', I'll say 'two', he says 'three', I say 'three' and he laughs and laughs and laughs. Pretty cute, if I do say so myself. Of course John is now working on four and five, I'm just impressed with one, two, three!!
So that's been the news here. It's been awhile since I posted, some comp troubles kept me mostly off-line for a couple of days. But John muttered and swore at the comp so much that it has quit acting up (for now). So maybe some pics coming up shortly as well. Until next time...TK
One of Landon's very favourite things to do is colour. Every day he is going for his pad of paper and his crayons. He says 'paper' but not crayon yet. I don't think he gets that paper is paper though, I think to him paper is colouring, because he says paper while he's colouring the chairs, or the table, or just running around with the crayon in his hand and a mischievous gleam in his eye. But at least it's a relatively quiet activity, and crayons wash off of everything (including walls, couches, and his clothes, where he loves to put the crayons into his pockets and take them out again, repeatedly).
And somewhere along the line he's picked up counting. Don't know where it came from. John had him at the park last weekend and one of the girls there was counting to 10 then rolling down the hill. Landon was apparently mesmerized, so maybe that's where it came from *shrug* Anyways, now I'll say 'one', he'll say 'two', I'll say 'two', he says 'three', I say 'three' and he laughs and laughs and laughs. Pretty cute, if I do say so myself. Of course John is now working on four and five, I'm just impressed with one, two, three!!
So that's been the news here. It's been awhile since I posted, some comp troubles kept me mostly off-line for a couple of days. But John muttered and swore at the comp so much that it has quit acting up (for now). So maybe some pics coming up shortly as well. Until next time...TK
Thursday, November 08, 2007
looking forward to the weekend
Well, we had a busy week. On Tuesday we headed down to Medicine Hat to visit with Jenay who was in the country for a few days due to the passing of her Grandma :-( Landon quite enjoyed the road trip though, he loves to have a new audience to perform for!! LOL And perform he did. I was very impressed though - he did not break a thing in a non-childproofed house! I was sure we'd be buying some replacement somethingorother, but he managed to contain himself just enough !! LOL
We spent the night at Julie's ... it was great to get a chance to visit with her as well.
Landon did so very well during the car trip too. On the way down he slept for a bit, but spent a good hour prior to falling asleep just staring - looking like he was going to fall asleep! And on the way back he mustn't have made a peep for at least an hour on the road! The picture is from on the way back - he was putting his babybanz sunglasses on his head! LOL He didn't nap on the trip at all, and so by the time we hit Calgary he was a bit squirelly (yes, I had stopped for a play-break on the way ... but he just was squirelly). Luckily the bag of toys kept him fairly occupied -- he took everything out and threw them all over the car. The babybanz were a hit though - he kept putting them on his head. I don't know if he was actually trying to put them on, or if he was just reacting to my laughing at him *shrug*
Oh yeah, and guess who decided he didn't need a nap today :-/ little turkey - I sure hope he doesn't continue this pattern! He was pretty grumpy all evening without that nap!! He may have snoozed for a few minutes when I first put him down, but he wasn't very quiet in his room for very long so I'm not so sure. Little stinker!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Hallowe'en is FUN
Well, Landon may not have cared much for the carving of the pumpkin, but he sure enjoyed the rest of Hallowe'en!!
This morning we went to a Hallowe'en party at a friends house. We didn't dress up for the party, but Landon sure had fun playing with all the other kids. And I had a good time getting to visit with some other moms!
But the best part definitely came tonight. Landon has been loving this costume since he first saw it on ebay, and he loved wearing it tonight too!! When I first put it on him and plunked him in front of the mirror, he tried to kiss himself! LOL
Then I took him out trick-or-treating. I thought we'd be gone 10 or 15 minutes. NO WAY! We were out for an hour, came home - he pitched a fit when he realized the house we were at was our house - so we dumped the candy bag and went out for another half an hour!! yup - 1.5 hours of trick-or-treating!! He didn't say trick-or-treat, but he would 'roar' for everyone, and show them how Tigger jumps. Then he'd wave and say bye-bye as he was descending the steps on the hunt for the next house! He had an absolute blast! And he was so good - he held my hand the whole time (he usually won't hold it for 10 seconds), and did all the walking and step-climbing himself. Such a big boy. And such a tired boy! He was certainly tuckered out after the fun, as was I. But it was a great night - we all really enjoyed it.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Pumpkin carving...
Well, Landon had absolutely zero interest in carving a pumpkin. I spread newspaper on the floor, got all settled in, and all he could do was come up to the pumpkin, look at it warily, and say 'BLECH!', then he'd walk away!! LOL So he sat on the floor a little ways away from me reading a story book to himself and I carved the pumpkin!! Too funny.
He sure does love his Tigger costume though. I pulled it out tonight to show some friends from the volleyball team and he was loving it! So tomorrow night should be fun, I hope. I'm only planning to take him to about 5 or 6 houses I think - if he even lasts that long. We'll see.
Yesterday was a fun day. We went to Ricki's for lunch and a visit with Amy who was in town. Landon played so very well with Keaton and Jenna (another girl visiting too). And Ricki's yard is so fabulous - we could put the kids out in the back and they played and played and played. It was a nice chance to actually visit a bit with Ricki and Amy while they played outside. I am SO looking forward to getting this yard fenced!!!
And that's about it - pretty quiet life we're leading here. Landon's adorable - talking and dancing and imitating everything we say and do. It's great! hope all is well...until next time...TK
He sure does love his Tigger costume though. I pulled it out tonight to show some friends from the volleyball team and he was loving it! So tomorrow night should be fun, I hope. I'm only planning to take him to about 5 or 6 houses I think - if he even lasts that long. We'll see.
Yesterday was a fun day. We went to Ricki's for lunch and a visit with Amy who was in town. Landon played so very well with Keaton and Jenna (another girl visiting too). And Ricki's yard is so fabulous - we could put the kids out in the back and they played and played and played. It was a nice chance to actually visit a bit with Ricki and Amy while they played outside. I am SO looking forward to getting this yard fenced!!!
And that's about it - pretty quiet life we're leading here. Landon's adorable - talking and dancing and imitating everything we say and do. It's great! hope all is well...until next time...TK
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The weirdest things are the best toys
Landon discovered another new and very fun toy the other day. He got an old necklace of mine from the computer desk (more on how below), and a toilet paper tube. The fun was in putting the necklace through the tp tube. lol And of course he managed to drop the necklace down the furnace register, but I did get it out so that the fun could continue.
How did he get the necklace from the computer desk? Well, he used his very favourite tool -- the stool! He has figured out that by dragging the little white plastic stool around, he can reach many things he couldn't before. Like everything on the computer desk! And everything on the ledge in the bonus room (including many many kleenexes with one fake blow in them!). And by dragging the kitchen chairs to the cupboards he can reach EVERYTHING on the cupboards too. So if you're at my house and you want to sit at my table, you may need to go searching for a chair -- today it's been by the front door, the front stairs, and in the laundry room!!
Brand New Fun Thing...
Landon discovered just how much fun his toy basket could really be the other night. He dumped all of the toys out, and then proceeded to climb in and out, and finally to sit in, the basket. He had his string of beads with him in there too, for some reason they were very important to the fun. *shrug*
You might notice the lego 'tower' in the background (on the speaker), Landon has taken a liking to lego too. But his fave still is the vehicle puzzle (seen under the basket) -- that gets at least 20 mins attention every single day :-)
Thursday, October 18, 2007
The workin' man
Today I took Landon in to John's office for a visit. He was pretty sleepy as he'd had a bad night last night and I dragged him out of bed early this morning for an appointment, so he didn't get into too much trouble. He met everyone, played shy with most of them, and then had a ton of fun playing at John's desk. I think I REALLY need to get his own table and chairs up from the basement - he needs his own play-table. The funniest part: he picked up the phone, put it to his ear, babbled some Landon-talk, then hung the phone up again!! LOL
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Hoser - GAH
Remember the whole coo-oo-coo-oo-coo-oo-coo-coo thing? heh heh Well, Landon still loves it, and will try to repeat it whenever we bring it up. Tonight though, he put a twist on it. He was saying coo-oo-coo-GAH! Then he'd laugh laugh laugh and fall down laughing so hard. So I started doing that too, well ... let's just say that that is the funniest darned thing that I've ever done. Made me laugh a lot too watching him.
I think he was giggly because he was tired. After dinner tonight he ran ran ran ... right around the block (for those familiar, out our backdoor, to the main drag, down to Mac's and back again). He did one face plant though - he even left a wet mark on the cement where his poor mouth hit - and scraped up his nose :-( But luckily there were some birds flying over head and they were more interesting to watch and point at and shout about than crying was. PhEW!!
Somewhere along the past few months, Landon has been learning so much I can't believe it. He points out his eyes, nose, mouth, ears, belly, toes, feet. He's starting to remember where his cheeks are, but is still confused about his bum. He can point to my eyes too - just about gouging them out, but he knows where they are!! LOL
He also knows many of his vehicles - firetruck, dumptruck, cop car, taxi, helicopter, boat. The ambulance tricks him up sometimes, but usually he gets his vehicles right. He loves to point out the vehicles as we're walking or driving somewhere, 'GUCK!' 'GAR' 'AN' (truck, car, van). And he points to motorbikes and bicycles, but doesn't know what to call them so they get called gucks too :-)
Anyways, that's the news from here. John and I are going out for our anniversary on Thursday - a HUGE thank you to Trish for babysitting for us!! I am looking forward to it!!!!! until next time...TK
I think he was giggly because he was tired. After dinner tonight he ran ran ran ... right around the block (for those familiar, out our backdoor, to the main drag, down to Mac's and back again). He did one face plant though - he even left a wet mark on the cement where his poor mouth hit - and scraped up his nose :-( But luckily there were some birds flying over head and they were more interesting to watch and point at and shout about than crying was. PhEW!!
Somewhere along the past few months, Landon has been learning so much I can't believe it. He points out his eyes, nose, mouth, ears, belly, toes, feet. He's starting to remember where his cheeks are, but is still confused about his bum. He can point to my eyes too - just about gouging them out, but he knows where they are!! LOL
He also knows many of his vehicles - firetruck, dumptruck, cop car, taxi, helicopter, boat. The ambulance tricks him up sometimes, but usually he gets his vehicles right. He loves to point out the vehicles as we're walking or driving somewhere, 'GUCK!' 'GAR' 'AN' (truck, car, van). And he points to motorbikes and bicycles, but doesn't know what to call them so they get called gucks too :-)
Anyways, that's the news from here. John and I are going out for our anniversary on Thursday - a HUGE thank you to Trish for babysitting for us!! I am looking forward to it!!!!! until next time...TK
Friday, October 12, 2007
Weight / Height stats :-D
I just realized that I never posted anything about Landon's vaccines or anything. We went a couple of weeks ago (before Elkwater!). He got 2 shots, he cried a bit, but it didn't last long. Thankfully he didn't react much either - a bit sleepy and his appetite decreased a bit, but nothing very noticeable (we left for Elkwater the next day, so I think he had more interesting things to focus on than a couple of needles!).
Stats: he weighs 28 pounds, and is 33" long. That's 75th percentile for both height and weight. Little porker! LOL No wonder I get tired lugging him around!!!!!
Anyways, just thought I'd share that too. TK
Stats: he weighs 28 pounds, and is 33" long. That's 75th percentile for both height and weight. Little porker! LOL No wonder I get tired lugging him around!!!!!
Anyways, just thought I'd share that too. TK
My puzzle-solver :-)
Landon has all of a sudden taken to puzzles. Well, maybe not all of a sudden. John's friend Melissa gave him a puzzle in August that he has enjoyed - but he didn't really 'get' it ... it makes noise when you put the pieces in, but you can just push the buttons yourself to get the noise, which is what he would do. But now Aunty Liz sent some puzzles to him, they don't make noise, but one has vehicles (lots of 'gucks' LOL). The other day I was wondering why Landon was so quiet (I was worried actually ... quiet = naughty usuall). He was standing at the couch doing the puzzle. He puts all the right vehicles in the right spots. And when you ask him to point out the different vehicles, he can! I don't know where or when he learned all of this!!! LOL But he loves that thing now ... which is great. It's a nice, quiet, 15 minutes when he gets working on the puzzle :-D I'm so proud that he has it all figured out ... heh heh
We went shopping today - for bras and bathing suits. I thought that was going to be an absolute gong-show. Landon in a store, while I'm naked in between trying on 'things'. *shaking head* Well, he was actually really good. He did finally make an escape from the change room when I was fitting bras, but the ladies at the store thought he was pretty cute (plus I was buying expen$ive bras which I'm sure contributed to their patience!!) so he didn't get into too much trouble. I was shopping at the Cat's Pyjamas, which has cat figurines all over the store. Landon ran from display to display saying 'meow'. lol
Then I went to swimco for a bathing suit. By now Landon's goodness is almost used up, and he's ready for a snoozers. He didn't do too badly, but he kept opening the change room door on me :-/ He was actually the best behaved when I was playing -- jumping up and down on the display raisers by the windows. He didn't knock over any manequins, and he didn't go flying through the windows (gave me heart palpitations, we were on the second story!!), and he didn't even have a meltdown until I picked him up to leave (he was having FUN on those raisers).
So all in all, he was pretty darned good little shoppers' *ahem* helper today :-)
AND, the Thomas toys and DVD's that I bought on ebay arrived today. YAY! We watched a couple of videos before we went shopping (Landon was enthralled ... he had to sit on my knee, with his Thomas story book and one of the train pieces while we watched). And he took Fergus shopping with us too. I will have to get his little table all painted up and then he can play trains on there. I don't know where his Thomas got to - I hope we didn't lose it in Saskatoon...?
Oh yeah, and Landon's hallowe'en outfit arrived Wed (bought on ebay too). It's a Tigger costume. As soon as he saw it he came running up to me, so I gave it to him and he was hugging it and squealing! He's pretty excited about that outfit I guess!! LOL That was pretty much his reaction when he saw it on ebay, which is why I bought it in the first place. Funny kid.
So that's the little tidbits of news. Landon's adorable as usual. Hope all is well with you! Until next time...TK
We went shopping today - for bras and bathing suits. I thought that was going to be an absolute gong-show. Landon in a store, while I'm naked in between trying on 'things'. *shaking head* Well, he was actually really good. He did finally make an escape from the change room when I was fitting bras, but the ladies at the store thought he was pretty cute (plus I was buying expen$ive bras which I'm sure contributed to their patience!!) so he didn't get into too much trouble. I was shopping at the Cat's Pyjamas, which has cat figurines all over the store. Landon ran from display to display saying 'meow'. lol
Then I went to swimco for a bathing suit. By now Landon's goodness is almost used up, and he's ready for a snoozers. He didn't do too badly, but he kept opening the change room door on me :-/ He was actually the best behaved when I was playing -- jumping up and down on the display raisers by the windows. He didn't knock over any manequins, and he didn't go flying through the windows (gave me heart palpitations, we were on the second story!!), and he didn't even have a meltdown until I picked him up to leave (he was having FUN on those raisers).
So all in all, he was pretty darned good little shoppers' *ahem* helper today :-)
AND, the Thomas toys and DVD's that I bought on ebay arrived today. YAY! We watched a couple of videos before we went shopping (Landon was enthralled ... he had to sit on my knee, with his Thomas story book and one of the train pieces while we watched). And he took Fergus shopping with us too. I will have to get his little table all painted up and then he can play trains on there. I don't know where his Thomas got to - I hope we didn't lose it in Saskatoon...?
Oh yeah, and Landon's hallowe'en outfit arrived Wed (bought on ebay too). It's a Tigger costume. As soon as he saw it he came running up to me, so I gave it to him and he was hugging it and squealing! He's pretty excited about that outfit I guess!! LOL That was pretty much his reaction when he saw it on ebay, which is why I bought it in the first place. Funny kid.
So that's the little tidbits of news. Landon's adorable as usual. Hope all is well with you! Until next time...TK
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
John's Surprise Birthday Party
In Saskatoon, we had a surprise birthday party for John at the Willows Golf course. Uncle Neville, Uncle Bob, and Brian took John golfing in the afternoon - which was great for John as he shot an 89. Then when he came in, Aunty Rosemary, Bernie, Juli and Lilja, mom, dad, Yvonne and Greg, Kyle, Uncle Murray and myself were all waiting for him. He was quite surprised to see us all there. We had dinner, and shared some gag gifts with Johnny-cakes. Landon had quite the time running around and around and around. He was impressively well-behaved, considering we were there for 5 hours!! He had so much fun playing with everyone - I love the picture of him and Grandma playing. Then he got to explore the gifts. And finally he discovered the balloons -- that was a big hit!!
All in all, it was a very fun night, and I'm so thankful to everyone who was able to make it such a special evening!!
Fun at Aunty Rosemary's

We had an absolutely fabulous weekend in Saskatoon visiting with Uncle Bob and Aunty Rosemary for Thanksgiving. Landon particularly enjoyed Aunty Rosemary's incredibly beautiful backyard. He ran and ran and ran. He exploted all of the plants, flowers and bushes. He climbed up and down from the deck. And he had some fun rocking with Aunty Rosemary too (I LOVE this picture of them).
Of course, the biggest shock of the weekend came when I checked out the second picture here, and realized just how much Landon looks like Uncle Neville!! LOL Just like a little mini-Neville running around -- watch out everyone!!
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
S-L-O-W times...
Not much has been happening here. I've been preparing for John's birthday - baked a cake, made nice dinner, etc, and that's kept me occupied (his birthday is today). *shrug* Landon is cute as all get-out of course. He says 'bubble' all the day long - I think he likes bubble baths :-) He is started to say more, and juice; well really he's starting to make sounds that stand for these words - I have trouble recognizing them so I don't think anyone else would. But at least I'm starting to catch on to his garble. He loves juice, and he always wants more of it :-D
Landon is loving trains too - thanks to Thomas! He says 'toot toot' whenever he sees a train, or anything looking remotely like a train. He loves the C-train when we drive by it, that's for sure. And I bought a little train thing last week for him to, which he's loving. Aunty Liz sent a Thomas puzzle which is a big hit too!!
Tonight we had a snowball-shower here. Really. It was like miniature snowballs falling down (or super soft, fluffy hail if you prefer). Landon was mesmerized. So we let him outside for a bit - he was running around the backyard laughing and giggling, watching the snowballs fall. It was adorable! I took some video - will post on the other site hopefully tomorrow (?).
That's really all the news today. Tomorrow we'll be getting ready for our trip to Saskatoon for the weekend! YAY Looking forward to it :-) Might not post before we leave, but I will when we get back. Until next time...
Landon is loving trains too - thanks to Thomas! He says 'toot toot' whenever he sees a train, or anything looking remotely like a train. He loves the C-train when we drive by it, that's for sure. And I bought a little train thing last week for him to, which he's loving. Aunty Liz sent a Thomas puzzle which is a big hit too!!
Tonight we had a snowball-shower here. Really. It was like miniature snowballs falling down (or super soft, fluffy hail if you prefer). Landon was mesmerized. So we let him outside for a bit - he was running around the backyard laughing and giggling, watching the snowballs fall. It was adorable! I took some video - will post on the other site hopefully tomorrow (?).
That's really all the news today. Tomorrow we'll be getting ready for our trip to Saskatoon for the weekend! YAY Looking forward to it :-) Might not post before we leave, but I will when we get back. Until next time...
Sunday, September 30, 2007
pics from Elkwater
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