Yes I did ... I knocked over a shelf in the basement, made a big mess, and scared the bejesus out of Landon. Not the knocking over part, but the vacuuming up afterwards part :-/ To calm him down, John just kept repeating "mommy broke it, but it's okay" so that Landon knew we weren't mad at him. So all night long it's been "Mama broke it!!". He won't let me live it down, the little stinker bug!
I heard today, and just confirmed online, that Thomas the Tank Engine will be at Heritage Park in May. Oh my good bloody gawd ... I had better get tickets! LOL Actually, I don't know if Landon will be excited or somewhat scared, but I will take him to see Thomas in any case; I'm looking forward to it.
Any bets on how many trips out of the crib tonight? I'm off to put Landon to bed now...........
Thursday, February 28, 2008
getting better...slowly
Landon and I are getting better. Well, Landon's energy levels are right back up to supersonic anyways. I am doing better, but not 100%. Still a bit stuffy, but much better than last week at this time anyways. Landon is still pulling on his ears now and again, I don't know if he still has some infection or if he's getting some teeth. It's been so long since he got any teeth, I just don't know what to think. But he's been pulling on his ears more since he started his antibiotics than he did beforehand...? And at night he asks for medicine when he's getting ready for bed. I've been giving him Camilia (a natural teething pain reliever) at night, although one night I did give him Motrin.
Speaking of going to bed at night....
Any bets on how many times he'll climb out of the crib tonight? One night it was EIGHT times ... over a period of 1.5 hours!! It's usually at least 2 or 3 times, and he seems to do it when he's almost asleep so that he can wake himself up again for another half hour of fun. Drives me nuts!! Of course. We just keep on putting him back in bed every time he gets out. *shaking head* It's not so bad, we're usually just in bed ourselves reading, but with my belly getting bigger and bigger it's getting harder and harder to get up after I lay down!! LOL Ah well ... I'm sure it'll be even more fun when we put Landon in a bed (vs the crib).
We went to the zoo yesterday, it was so nice out. Landon had a BLAST! He ran ran ran all over the zoo - thank goodness it wasn't too busy! I would say that he got the most out of the zoo yesterday of all the times we've been. He was excited to see some of the animals, and was happy to name some and imitate their sounds (like elephants, and zebras which say 'boogie boogie boogie' dontcha know!). He walked / ran most of the time, while I pushed an empty stroller. Which isn't too bad, the stroller is so much lighter without him in it, and it carries all our junk nicely :-D We met Stephanie and Iden there, so it was nice to get a big of a visit, too.
Landon did almost get bitten by a Canada Goose though -- they were sitting on some grass and he just ran right up to them. So very excited to see some birds. He got close enough that they were hissing at him until I was able to get to him (through a throng of moms standing there watching Landon almost get bitten without moving a muscle to stop him, but blocking my way to get to him myself, and then having the nerve to give ME disapproving looks ... *sigh*). Landon stopped when they hissed, thank goodness, and just stood there quacking at them - he was so excited to see them!! It was funny because it all ended up ok.
The highlight must've been feeding the ducks though. You can buy a handful of oats for 25 cents and the ducks will come up to you pretty close. Landon was quacking and squealing and chasing those ducks. I could just picture him and Grandpa feeding those ducks daily ... heh heh Maybe we'll make another trip to the zoo during one of their trips and they can feed the ducks.
Uncle Bob, Aunty Rosemary, Juli and Lilya will be here this weekend. I'm so very much looking forward to having a little baby here! It will be good for Landon too - he'll get some 'practise' heh heh. So I won't post until after their visit. Have a good weekend! And Happy Birthday to Pam -- you are one SEXY 33 year-old baby!! :-D
Speaking of going to bed at night....
Any bets on how many times he'll climb out of the crib tonight? One night it was EIGHT times ... over a period of 1.5 hours!! It's usually at least 2 or 3 times, and he seems to do it when he's almost asleep so that he can wake himself up again for another half hour of fun. Drives me nuts!! Of course. We just keep on putting him back in bed every time he gets out. *shaking head* It's not so bad, we're usually just in bed ourselves reading, but with my belly getting bigger and bigger it's getting harder and harder to get up after I lay down!! LOL Ah well ... I'm sure it'll be even more fun when we put Landon in a bed (vs the crib).
We went to the zoo yesterday, it was so nice out. Landon had a BLAST! He ran ran ran all over the zoo - thank goodness it wasn't too busy! I would say that he got the most out of the zoo yesterday of all the times we've been. He was excited to see some of the animals, and was happy to name some and imitate their sounds (like elephants, and zebras which say 'boogie boogie boogie' dontcha know!). He walked / ran most of the time, while I pushed an empty stroller. Which isn't too bad, the stroller is so much lighter without him in it, and it carries all our junk nicely :-D We met Stephanie and Iden there, so it was nice to get a big of a visit, too.
Landon did almost get bitten by a Canada Goose though -- they were sitting on some grass and he just ran right up to them. So very excited to see some birds. He got close enough that they were hissing at him until I was able to get to him (through a throng of moms standing there watching Landon almost get bitten without moving a muscle to stop him, but blocking my way to get to him myself, and then having the nerve to give ME disapproving looks ... *sigh*). Landon stopped when they hissed, thank goodness, and just stood there quacking at them - he was so excited to see them!! It was funny because it all ended up ok.
The highlight must've been feeding the ducks though. You can buy a handful of oats for 25 cents and the ducks will come up to you pretty close. Landon was quacking and squealing and chasing those ducks. I could just picture him and Grandpa feeding those ducks daily ... heh heh Maybe we'll make another trip to the zoo during one of their trips and they can feed the ducks.
Uncle Bob, Aunty Rosemary, Juli and Lilya will be here this weekend. I'm so very much looking forward to having a little baby here! It will be good for Landon too - he'll get some 'practise' heh heh. So I won't post until after their visit. Have a good weekend! And Happy Birthday to Pam -- you are one SEXY 33 year-old baby!! :-D
Friday, February 22, 2008
antibiotics for both of us :-(
I had to break down and go to the doctor yesterday ... I have a sinus infection that is making my face so sore I can barely open my mouth wide enough to eat! So I took Landon as well ... even though he's improved considerably the past few days. We are barely needing to wipe his nose throughout the day, and he's been sleeping well and everything.
So I got antibiotics, which I was fully expecting (and hoping for). What surprised me is that Landon has a 'raging ear infection', so he got antibiotics too. I didn't think he had an ear infection - he sure hasn't been fussy or anything. He hasn't been pulling on his ears too much, he has been sleeping through the night... But at least it's getting treated now - maybe it would've gotten worse yet, who knows? So we're doing the drug thing and hoping to feel better for the weekend, finally!!
Landon is singing away these days ... all day long. He sings Wheels on the Bus which comes out "wheels...bus...round and ROUND!", and he does the alphabet from beginning to end, you just can't understand the words he's saying, but he has the tune and some of the letters. I love when he says LMNOP, he just mumbles all the way through. He even does the "Now ABC, next time," Too sweet.
Landon hasn't been crawling out of his crib too much. A couple of nights ago he was out 3 times, then 2 nights ago he didn't crawl out at all, and last night only once. So that's a good thing. We just grab him and put him back in the crib - we don't say anything or linger, just stick him in there and walk out again. He even slept without a soother the other night, all night. Which is good, as I'd like to take it away from him. He ends up chewing on the soother which puts holes in it and we have to toss it. So soothers aren't lasting him very long these days and I really don't see much point in buying new soothers every few weeks just to keep this habit going. Hopefully when this ear infection clears up we'll be able to drop it altogether!
That's the news for today. I'm just hoping that we both finally get good and healthy and stay that way for a few months!! LOL Well, at least until after Landon's birthday and our trip to Banff!
So I got antibiotics, which I was fully expecting (and hoping for). What surprised me is that Landon has a 'raging ear infection', so he got antibiotics too. I didn't think he had an ear infection - he sure hasn't been fussy or anything. He hasn't been pulling on his ears too much, he has been sleeping through the night... But at least it's getting treated now - maybe it would've gotten worse yet, who knows? So we're doing the drug thing and hoping to feel better for the weekend, finally!!
Landon is singing away these days ... all day long. He sings Wheels on the Bus which comes out "wheels...bus...round and ROUND!", and he does the alphabet from beginning to end, you just can't understand the words he's saying, but he has the tune and some of the letters. I love when he says LMNOP, he just mumbles all the way through. He even does the "Now ABC, next time," Too sweet.
Landon hasn't been crawling out of his crib too much. A couple of nights ago he was out 3 times, then 2 nights ago he didn't crawl out at all, and last night only once. So that's a good thing. We just grab him and put him back in the crib - we don't say anything or linger, just stick him in there and walk out again. He even slept without a soother the other night, all night. Which is good, as I'd like to take it away from him. He ends up chewing on the soother which puts holes in it and we have to toss it. So soothers aren't lasting him very long these days and I really don't see much point in buying new soothers every few weeks just to keep this habit going. Hopefully when this ear infection clears up we'll be able to drop it altogether!
That's the news for today. I'm just hoping that we both finally get good and healthy and stay that way for a few months!! LOL Well, at least until after Landon's birthday and our trip to Banff!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
pictures, finally!
And our luck has run out...
Yup - Landon has figured out how to get out of that crib, easily and repeatedly! lol Yesterday afternoon he wasn't falling asleep for his nap, but I was leaving him in there in the hopes that he would eventually fall asleep. Well...he crawled out of his crib and stood at the top of the stairs looking at me like "if you won't get me out, I'll get out myself, so there". I put him in and asked him to show me how he got out - which he promptly did. He showed John too when he came upstairs. LOL He just puts a foot up on the side rail, lifts himself up, swings his legs over to the recliner and crawls down. This morning when he (finally) woke up I walked in his room to see him sitting in the recliner. Goof ball!
So, I guess our 'luck' at having him stay in his crib has officially run out. Now we'll have much more fun getting him to sleep at night I'm sure. *sigh* Ah well ... it had to happen sooner or later. I'm picking up a safety bed rail today for his 'big boy bed', and we'll probably be moving the mattress upstairs soon. We're still on the hunt for a headboard etc, perhaps we'll have to make next weekend a shopping extravaganza too!
This past weekend we did shop shop shop! On Sunday John bought some pants and I bought shoes. Yesterday John bought more clothes as well, and we got Landon's b'day gift (a tricycle). Both days Landon didn't nap :-( He was so tired both days when we left the shopping centres, but then when we got home he wouldn't (or couldn't) fall asleep. Poor stinker. Sunday was tough - he was soooooo tired and miserable until he finally went to bed. Monday wasn't so bad though - you'd never have known he hadn't napped. I sure hope this isn't the end of naps - I still think he needs the break in the day. We may just have to be a bit more diligent in getting him to bed when he's sleepy (vs whenever we get home from shopping LOL).
This week is supposed to be gorgous ... I'm looking forward to that! Lots of sunshine. Yesterday was so beautiful. And Landon is so ready for nice weather and playing outside. He went out on the deck in the morning with just a light coat and shoes on ... he was so happy just to get out there. He rediscovered his turtle sandbox and played in there despite the cold sand. It will be wonderful to get the backyard fenced and then he can go out so much more - which is really what he needs! Poor energetic little stinkerpants! I can hardly wait to see him on the tricycle ... I'm sure he'll absolutely love it!
That's it for today. Some pics should come soon -- once they're uploaded onto the computer. Since I'm not planning to do any shopping today, maybe I'll get that done! LOL
So, I guess our 'luck' at having him stay in his crib has officially run out. Now we'll have much more fun getting him to sleep at night I'm sure. *sigh* Ah well ... it had to happen sooner or later. I'm picking up a safety bed rail today for his 'big boy bed', and we'll probably be moving the mattress upstairs soon. We're still on the hunt for a headboard etc, perhaps we'll have to make next weekend a shopping extravaganza too!
This past weekend we did shop shop shop! On Sunday John bought some pants and I bought shoes. Yesterday John bought more clothes as well, and we got Landon's b'day gift (a tricycle). Both days Landon didn't nap :-( He was so tired both days when we left the shopping centres, but then when we got home he wouldn't (or couldn't) fall asleep. Poor stinker. Sunday was tough - he was soooooo tired and miserable until he finally went to bed. Monday wasn't so bad though - you'd never have known he hadn't napped. I sure hope this isn't the end of naps - I still think he needs the break in the day. We may just have to be a bit more diligent in getting him to bed when he's sleepy (vs whenever we get home from shopping LOL).
This week is supposed to be gorgous ... I'm looking forward to that! Lots of sunshine. Yesterday was so beautiful. And Landon is so ready for nice weather and playing outside. He went out on the deck in the morning with just a light coat and shoes on ... he was so happy just to get out there. He rediscovered his turtle sandbox and played in there despite the cold sand. It will be wonderful to get the backyard fenced and then he can go out so much more - which is really what he needs! Poor energetic little stinkerpants! I can hardly wait to see him on the tricycle ... I'm sure he'll absolutely love it!
That's it for today. Some pics should come soon -- once they're uploaded onto the computer. Since I'm not planning to do any shopping today, maybe I'll get that done! LOL
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Shopping Day Extravaganza!
Wow - did we shop today! LOL We picked up our new blinds that we ordered for our bedroom, and headed to IKEA ... our first trip there (I went once in Edmonton about 8 years ago ... it was NOTHING like the trip today...!). Overall John thinks it was a positive experience, I'm like 'meh'. I'm not a huge Ikea fan, although I don't dislike their stuff. I just didn't like the entire feeling of being moved through the store almost like a reverse assembly line. You follow these arrows on the floor which is the path through all the departments; stop off in a dept and pick up what you need, and continue. I felt like I was being herded ... vs a dept store where you go up and down aisles. *shrug* Ah well ... we got our new cupboards for the laundry room that John is installing right now. He put the blinds up this afternoon and they look great. I'm so pleased.
Landon was a very good boy in Ikea ... he had loads of fun saying 'hi' to all of the furniture and toys and stuff there (if you can imagine "Hello moon. Hello frog. Hello truck. Hello bunny.") He did fall asleep on the ride home though ... it was too much, all that excitement of Ikea !! LOL
I also got my car worked on today - well, just a tune-up / check-up / oil change. All's good there. And I went to Toys R Us for awhile *by myself* this afternoon. It was much less stressful than my last trip (a week before Xmas), and I enjoyed going through the store without having to appease Landon at every turn. I liked wandering through Babies R Us and contemplating what to get for the new one :-D
Landon and I are slowly getting over these colds of ours. *sigh* I sure hope it's the last one of the season! I'm so sick of being sick.
But at least Landon has been sleeping very well at night - we don't hear a peep out of him. I've noticed that he's moving around in his crib less, he even kept the afghan on him for the entire night last night - I don't think he's ever stayed under a blanket all night (since the days of swaddling that is). So maybe, just maybe, he's getting ready for a big boy bed. We have been watching for a headboard, etc for him, but haven't found something we're interested in yet. I was tempted to get the Thomas toddler bed today - but the fact that we'd be moving him to get him into a bigger bed (as well as out of the crib) means that it's pointless to use the same mattress when we move him. He is just so big ... he lolls around all over that crib, with arms and legs sticking out of the bars! LOL So cute, I can hardly stand it!
So that's the news from Calgary today. Maybe some more shopping tomorrow - John's wanting some pants. Heh heh Maybe momma will have to buy herself some new shoes or something .... we'll see.
Landon was a very good boy in Ikea ... he had loads of fun saying 'hi' to all of the furniture and toys and stuff there (if you can imagine "Hello moon. Hello frog. Hello truck. Hello bunny.") He did fall asleep on the ride home though ... it was too much, all that excitement of Ikea !! LOL
I also got my car worked on today - well, just a tune-up / check-up / oil change. All's good there. And I went to Toys R Us for awhile *by myself* this afternoon. It was much less stressful than my last trip (a week before Xmas), and I enjoyed going through the store without having to appease Landon at every turn. I liked wandering through Babies R Us and contemplating what to get for the new one :-D
Landon and I are slowly getting over these colds of ours. *sigh* I sure hope it's the last one of the season! I'm so sick of being sick.
But at least Landon has been sleeping very well at night - we don't hear a peep out of him. I've noticed that he's moving around in his crib less, he even kept the afghan on him for the entire night last night - I don't think he's ever stayed under a blanket all night (since the days of swaddling that is). So maybe, just maybe, he's getting ready for a big boy bed. We have been watching for a headboard, etc for him, but haven't found something we're interested in yet. I was tempted to get the Thomas toddler bed today - but the fact that we'd be moving him to get him into a bigger bed (as well as out of the crib) means that it's pointless to use the same mattress when we move him. He is just so big ... he lolls around all over that crib, with arms and legs sticking out of the bars! LOL So cute, I can hardly stand it!
So that's the news from Calgary today. Maybe some more shopping tomorrow - John's wanting some pants. Heh heh Maybe momma will have to buy herself some new shoes or something .... we'll see.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
NOW I know...
Now I know what was up with Landon ... it's this cold. Last night I would've sat up and cried all night too if I'd have thought it would help! So we are both sick with a cold, both miserable and whiny...poor John.
Landon did sleep the entire night last night which was a blessing. But he is whiny today :-( Hopefully he'll be better after a nap. However I will have to keep his nap a bit shorter ... yesterday he slept for 3.5 hours in the afternoon! Needless to say he didn't go to sleep until close to midnight last night, which may be why he's a tad bit grumpy today. I had fallen asleep yesterday afternoon, not waking up until John got home ! Which is why Landon got in such a good sleep too ... heh heh We obviously both needed it though, that's my defense and I'm sticking to it!
So that's really it. Just a couple of sicklings here...*sigh* hopefully this is the last cold of the season for us, I'm really sick of feeling crappy! Oct and Nov were nausea with pregnancy, early Dec was stomach flu, and now I've been sick pretty much since Christmas. Ugh ... 4 months is enough, give me a few months of health before this baby arrives...PLEASE!!
Until next time...TK
Landon did sleep the entire night last night which was a blessing. But he is whiny today :-( Hopefully he'll be better after a nap. However I will have to keep his nap a bit shorter ... yesterday he slept for 3.5 hours in the afternoon! Needless to say he didn't go to sleep until close to midnight last night, which may be why he's a tad bit grumpy today. I had fallen asleep yesterday afternoon, not waking up until John got home ! Which is why Landon got in such a good sleep too ... heh heh We obviously both needed it though, that's my defense and I'm sticking to it!
So that's really it. Just a couple of sicklings here...*sigh* hopefully this is the last cold of the season for us, I'm really sick of feeling crappy! Oct and Nov were nausea with pregnancy, early Dec was stomach flu, and now I've been sick pretty much since Christmas. Ugh ... 4 months is enough, give me a few months of health before this baby arrives...PLEASE!!
Until next time...TK
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Tough night...
Don't really know what was up with Landon last night. He had fun playing all night long, and everything seemed pretty much normal. We put him to bed at the usual time, and he played and babbled for awhile in there which is not unusual. Then about 11 he started fussing, and he cried on and off until 1 am when he finally got to sleep. He was soooooo tired he could hardly keep his eyes open...his eyes would roll back and close, then snap open and he'd cry out. Then he woke up crying at 2. He cried himself back to sleep in about 20 minutes, but woke up at 3 crying again. He cried on and off until 5 am! And he was soooo sleepy -- again he could hardly keep his eyes open, but once they'd close they'd snap open again and he'd be off crying. And he wouldn't settle down for me, only for John. Which was something new (and I have to admit, welcomed as well ... John can have some middle-of-the-night fun for once...heh heh). Finally I had him in the chair with me and he fell into a nice deep sleep about 5. We gave him Motrin at 4 which may have helped. He slept until 9:40 (which is when he usually wakes up if we don't get him up earlier), and was in a pretty good mood all morning. He played well, we went to the store and he behaved well there. He ate a good lunch. He was VERY excited to get some new Thomas trains and tracks in the mail and played nicely with that for almost an hour before going down for his nap.
So we really don't know what's up. He still has a cough and a runny nose. I put Vick's on his chest last night, but maybe it didn't help ...? Today I have a cough that hurts my chest, so maybe that was his problem? But he wasn't coughing in his sleep, so I don't know what woke him up. Once he was awake and crying, then he'd start coughing, and then I can see why he was so miserable. Grandma thinks nightmares, which may be, since he seemed so reluctant to fall asleep. I don't really know - I just hope he sleeps better tonight. One sleepless night isn't too bad, but 2 in a row is tough. Esp since I'm battling this stuffy nose / chest cough thing too. *sigh*
Other than that - dancer was jumping around in my belly all night long too. Must've known something was up! LOL I bought a story book today for Landon for Valentine's Day - it's a Berenstain Bears book and has a story on bringing a new baby home, plus 4 other stories. He seems to really like Arthur books and Berenstain Bears, and the subject matter was fitting so I figured it's a good V day gift :-)
That's the news...I'm going to relax while Landon naps, because who knows how long it'll last!
So we really don't know what's up. He still has a cough and a runny nose. I put Vick's on his chest last night, but maybe it didn't help ...? Today I have a cough that hurts my chest, so maybe that was his problem? But he wasn't coughing in his sleep, so I don't know what woke him up. Once he was awake and crying, then he'd start coughing, and then I can see why he was so miserable. Grandma thinks nightmares, which may be, since he seemed so reluctant to fall asleep. I don't really know - I just hope he sleeps better tonight. One sleepless night isn't too bad, but 2 in a row is tough. Esp since I'm battling this stuffy nose / chest cough thing too. *sigh*
Other than that - dancer was jumping around in my belly all night long too. Must've known something was up! LOL I bought a story book today for Landon for Valentine's Day - it's a Berenstain Bears book and has a story on bringing a new baby home, plus 4 other stories. He seems to really like Arthur books and Berenstain Bears, and the subject matter was fitting so I figured it's a good V day gift :-)
That's the news...I'm going to relax while Landon naps, because who knows how long it'll last!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Do they HAVE to turn 2?
need I say more? Not really, but I will.
Today was one of those days. Landon had a melt-down at lunch-time, for what reason I do not know. He was just bawling and screaming and clinging to me and didn't eat a thing. Nice. Finally we laid down on my bed and read some books. After 3 stories he was fine, and went playing away for an hour or so without bothering me for a minute. *shrug*
So it's coming up to nap time, he needs to eat something, so we go downstairs for some yogurt. He ate one, wanted another, okay. I got another out of the fridge. He decided to see what the big yellow container was ... well, he found out. Orange juice all over the floor, fridge, cupboards. To his credit - he was pretty cute, standing there completely stunned at the mess he had just made.
So I stripped his clothes off, and put him in the living room while I went about finding something to mop up. He followed me around babbling away. I start mopping, he comes around the corner giggling and laughing because he'd taken his diaper off (I should've seen something coming here... but I was busy). I look up again, about half-way through oj mopping, and he playing in a new puddle with his car. Yup - he'd peed, on the car, his hand, etc, it was fun. I'm sure he thought I was playing in a puddle of oj, he should play in a puddle too. *sigh*
So put off cleaning up oj to clean Landon up, and mop up that mess on the floor. Then finally back to the oj, and trying to figure out how to get it all from under the fridge.
After this wonderful 15 minutes (all the time I will say he was in a good mood though - much different than the lunchtime meltdown period), we finished up yogurt and had a snooze - Landon and mommy!!
Tonight he's been in a much better mood - John thinks I'm nuts when I talk about his grumpy/clingy/sucky times all day long. *sigh* Maybe I am. or maybe it's just because between John and I Landon gets more attention at night. Ah well...I guess I might as well get used to it, he's SO close to 2....makes me sad.
need I say more? Not really, but I will.
Today was one of those days. Landon had a melt-down at lunch-time, for what reason I do not know. He was just bawling and screaming and clinging to me and didn't eat a thing. Nice. Finally we laid down on my bed and read some books. After 3 stories he was fine, and went playing away for an hour or so without bothering me for a minute. *shrug*
So it's coming up to nap time, he needs to eat something, so we go downstairs for some yogurt. He ate one, wanted another, okay. I got another out of the fridge. He decided to see what the big yellow container was ... well, he found out. Orange juice all over the floor, fridge, cupboards. To his credit - he was pretty cute, standing there completely stunned at the mess he had just made.
So I stripped his clothes off, and put him in the living room while I went about finding something to mop up. He followed me around babbling away. I start mopping, he comes around the corner giggling and laughing because he'd taken his diaper off (I should've seen something coming here... but I was busy). I look up again, about half-way through oj mopping, and he playing in a new puddle with his car. Yup - he'd peed, on the car, his hand, etc, it was fun. I'm sure he thought I was playing in a puddle of oj, he should play in a puddle too. *sigh*
So put off cleaning up oj to clean Landon up, and mop up that mess on the floor. Then finally back to the oj, and trying to figure out how to get it all from under the fridge.
After this wonderful 15 minutes (all the time I will say he was in a good mood though - much different than the lunchtime meltdown period), we finished up yogurt and had a snooze - Landon and mommy!!
Tonight he's been in a much better mood - John thinks I'm nuts when I talk about his grumpy/clingy/sucky times all day long. *sigh* Maybe I am. or maybe it's just because between John and I Landon gets more attention at night. Ah well...I guess I might as well get used to it, he's SO close to 2....makes me sad.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Another cold :-(
Landon has another cold, poor little stinker. He started coughing Wed even, had a slight fever. That lasted through yesterday, and his afternoon nap was tough (a sure sign he's not feeling well). Today his nose started running. Poor kid ... At least he knows how to blow his nose now though. But I feel bad for him, we can hear him coughing at night. Last night he woke up, miserable, from coughing, and cried for a few minutes before he could get himself back to sleep. Hopefully it won't be as severe as the last one, and won't last as long. At least he was up and playing happily this morning for awhile, even if his appetite is gone.
Haven't done too much this week. Landon has received some Thomas track and stuff that we ordered on ebay. He was so excited going through that new stuff. Now we have train tracks running everywhere LOL And trains are everywhere too.
We got some new little trucks for him as well, at the consignment store, a firetruck, dumptruck, and cement truck. He has been playing with those for every minute that he's not playing with trains for the past couple of days too. Too funny ... he absolutely loves the cement truck -- if he doesn't have it, we have to find it or else!
No more potty business this week - maybe he has been feeling this cold coming on, I don't know, but he hasn't been interested in running around naked and using the pot. He is interested in us using the toilet - whenever John goes pee Landon's running right into the bathroom behind him to watch! LOL And he likes to flush the toilets too, whether they really need it or not. Thank goodness we have low-flow toilets!
That's the news - not too much. Bedtimes are still not perfect, but getting a bit better (maybe?). He'll likely fall asleep easier while he's not feeling good these days - but it still breaks my heart to have to yank him out of bed in the morning when he's sleeping so nicely. Especially since he's usually grumpy when I get him up and I'm very used to a kid who's very happy when he wakes up (on his own). But we'll stick to it ... hopefully we'll get his schedule moved up eventually -- he just really likes that 11 pm sleep-time I guess *shrug*
That's all for now...
Haven't done too much this week. Landon has received some Thomas track and stuff that we ordered on ebay. He was so excited going through that new stuff. Now we have train tracks running everywhere LOL And trains are everywhere too.
We got some new little trucks for him as well, at the consignment store, a firetruck, dumptruck, and cement truck. He has been playing with those for every minute that he's not playing with trains for the past couple of days too. Too funny ... he absolutely loves the cement truck -- if he doesn't have it, we have to find it or else!
No more potty business this week - maybe he has been feeling this cold coming on, I don't know, but he hasn't been interested in running around naked and using the pot. He is interested in us using the toilet - whenever John goes pee Landon's running right into the bathroom behind him to watch! LOL And he likes to flush the toilets too, whether they really need it or not. Thank goodness we have low-flow toilets!
That's the news - not too much. Bedtimes are still not perfect, but getting a bit better (maybe?). He'll likely fall asleep easier while he's not feeling good these days - but it still breaks my heart to have to yank him out of bed in the morning when he's sleeping so nicely. Especially since he's usually grumpy when I get him up and I'm very used to a kid who's very happy when he wakes up (on his own). But we'll stick to it ... hopefully we'll get his schedule moved up eventually -- he just really likes that 11 pm sleep-time I guess *shrug*
That's all for now...
Monday, February 04, 2008
Monday News...
There isn't much Monday news today. We had a nice weekend, didn't do too much (which is likely why it was nice LOL).
Nothing more has been happening on the potty training front. Landon has been wanting to keep his clothes on, and I'm fine with that.
Landon is definitely closer to 2 though - he's starting to have tantrums. This morning he laid on the floor crying and wailing - then looking to see if I was looking - and then crying and wailing some more; for about 15 minutes! I couldn't believe he kept it up, since I was doing what the 'experts' say to do and ignoring him. Finally I sat on the couch -he came over and wanted up and wanted to snuggle. He still cried a bit though, even on my knee. Stinker! Then we went for a car ride (to the post office) and all was good.
The sleep thing - we have had Landon getting up at 9 am for the past couple of weeks, hoping that he'll go to sleep better for us at night. It really wasn't helping - he would lay in bed from 10 until 11:30 or so before going to sleep at night. During this time he would cause all sorts of trouble - like taking his sleeper off, throwing everything out of his crib and then crying to get it back, and he even showed me he could reach the pictures on the wall (when one came crashing down off the wall) so I had to rehang them higher. I think he reached a peak of being overtired last week when he woke up at 8:30 one morning after only 9 hours of sleep! aiaiai He wasn't very happy that morning, let me tell you!
But he finally went to sleep that night when we put him to bed, and he did the same again last night. Plus he's finally starting to wake up easily at 9 am, usually he's already starting to shuffle around in there by 9. So maybe, after TWO WEEKS, he's starting to get used to it? Let's hope. I'd like it if he could start falling asleep better at night - I feel bad when we put him to bed and he's awake for so long in there. He doesn't seem to mind - he plays quite happily, singing and babbling. But that situation doesn't bode well for when we move him to a 'big boy bed' -- a move which will be coming up soon I'm sure. Although he hasn't crawled out of his crib for almost 2 months (knock on wood!).
Singing - yes, Landon does love to sing. He is always singing his "mommy, I seepy" song that I made up for him when I put him down for his naps. And he's singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" for us too ... he has the tune down, and he says some or most of the words of each line (tinkle tinkle star, how wonder you are, up world high, diamond sky ...) It's very cute, and I love it.
Landon has also been playing non-stop with either his matchbox trucks (memuck guck = cement truck; loadah - loader; beeguck guck = big dump truck; cahne guck = crane truck) or his Thomas trains and tracks. We watch Thomas dvd's aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllll day long! He particularly likes Gordon for some reason, and Percy. and Cranky. Too funny - it amazes me how he remembers all of their names!
Well, that's Monday afternoon for ya. I go to the doc tomorrow for my monthly prenatal check-up. Landon's going with me to this one ... could make it interesting!! I've definitely packed on some pounds this month, so we'll see what the doc says. I'm not worried though - I'm following the same weight gain path as I did with Landon, and I lost that weight so I'm sure I'll be fine ... esp with two monkeys to chase after! aiaiaiaiai
Until next time...
Nothing more has been happening on the potty training front. Landon has been wanting to keep his clothes on, and I'm fine with that.
Landon is definitely closer to 2 though - he's starting to have tantrums. This morning he laid on the floor crying and wailing - then looking to see if I was looking - and then crying and wailing some more; for about 15 minutes! I couldn't believe he kept it up, since I was doing what the 'experts' say to do and ignoring him. Finally I sat on the couch -he came over and wanted up and wanted to snuggle. He still cried a bit though, even on my knee. Stinker! Then we went for a car ride (to the post office) and all was good.
The sleep thing - we have had Landon getting up at 9 am for the past couple of weeks, hoping that he'll go to sleep better for us at night. It really wasn't helping - he would lay in bed from 10 until 11:30 or so before going to sleep at night. During this time he would cause all sorts of trouble - like taking his sleeper off, throwing everything out of his crib and then crying to get it back, and he even showed me he could reach the pictures on the wall (when one came crashing down off the wall) so I had to rehang them higher. I think he reached a peak of being overtired last week when he woke up at 8:30 one morning after only 9 hours of sleep! aiaiai He wasn't very happy that morning, let me tell you!
But he finally went to sleep that night when we put him to bed, and he did the same again last night. Plus he's finally starting to wake up easily at 9 am, usually he's already starting to shuffle around in there by 9. So maybe, after TWO WEEKS, he's starting to get used to it? Let's hope. I'd like it if he could start falling asleep better at night - I feel bad when we put him to bed and he's awake for so long in there. He doesn't seem to mind - he plays quite happily, singing and babbling. But that situation doesn't bode well for when we move him to a 'big boy bed' -- a move which will be coming up soon I'm sure. Although he hasn't crawled out of his crib for almost 2 months (knock on wood!).
Singing - yes, Landon does love to sing. He is always singing his "mommy, I seepy" song that I made up for him when I put him down for his naps. And he's singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" for us too ... he has the tune down, and he says some or most of the words of each line (tinkle tinkle star, how wonder you are, up world high, diamond sky ...) It's very cute, and I love it.
Landon has also been playing non-stop with either his matchbox trucks (memuck guck = cement truck; loadah - loader; beeguck guck = big dump truck; cahne guck = crane truck) or his Thomas trains and tracks. We watch Thomas dvd's aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllll day long! He particularly likes Gordon for some reason, and Percy. and Cranky. Too funny - it amazes me how he remembers all of their names!
Well, that's Monday afternoon for ya. I go to the doc tomorrow for my monthly prenatal check-up. Landon's going with me to this one ... could make it interesting!! I've definitely packed on some pounds this month, so we'll see what the doc says. I'm not worried though - I'm following the same weight gain path as I did with Landon, and I lost that weight so I'm sure I'll be fine ... esp with two monkeys to chase after! aiaiaiaiai
Until next time...
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