Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Fun at the Park

Welcome to my world! Everyday that the sun shines we are at the park! Landon loves it. Esp when he remembers to bring fun things like trucks. But even without them he has fun. He likes to swing, but as soon as other kids show up then he wants to play with them, climbing and sliding and jumping, and imitating everything they say or do.
There were many things to watch today too - the workers cleaning up the trees, the tractor aerating the grass, lots of trucks and cars and van-trucks going by.......

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Some pictures ... for Grandma!!

Grandma has been requesting pics, and I can't really blame her. I've taken basically none this entire month. So I will try to take a few more in upcoming weeks, before the focus shifts to baby #2 :-/ Most of the time I find that I just don't want to miss out on whatever Landon's doing to try and find the camera, so I just take in and enjoy the moment(s) without capturing it to share with others. So I will try to keep the camera a bit closer at hand.
Landon is excited to help daddy work in the basement. He has to explore ALL the tools, and get in the way as much as possible. John did hammer in the first nail(s) tonight, so work is officially underway *YAY*. Months (and months, and months) of planning are coming together, and hopefully we'll have somewhere for guests to sleep once baby #2 takes over the spare room upstairs :-D
The weather has finally smartened up, and Landon is once again enjoying the outdoors. Hours at a time! He loves his sandbox, and is waiting for the dirt to dry out so he can play in that again. Aside from that, swinging and sliding and climbing at the park are favourites too. Our fenceposts have been put in in the backyard, so I'm looking forward to the fence going up (hopefully this week) and we'll have a nice play area for Landon (not to mention I can get some of the backyard planning done prior to baby coming along).
So hopefully this week stays nice and we can spend more and more time outside. It definitely helps the days pass nicer, Landon is so much calmer in the evenings when he's been able to play hard outside for awhile!

The Long Awaited BELLY SHOTS!

Here it is, on full display :-) My belly is definitely getting rolly-polly-er! lol I checked it against pics at ~32 weeks with Landon and i'm actually a pretty similar size. I thought I was bigger this time, but that must just be my butt. *sigh*

Friday, April 25, 2008

Little pisser!

That Landon - aiaiaiai. Last night, not once but TWICE, he took off his diaper and then peed in his bed! *shaking head* Now ... shame on me for not realizing the first time that he still had more pee in him. And maybe I shouldn't be quite so stern on the 'stay in bed' command ... I tried to explain to him that if he wants to pee on his potty he can get out of bed to do that, although I'd much rather he just went to sleep and peed in his diaper - that's what it's there for after all!! LOL Good thing we had extra clean sheets, and I could wash them all up right away today in preparation for tonight's waterworks (if there are any).

We went to the Telus Science Centre yesterday - met a friend from University there with her two kids. It was GREAT to see her and to watch the boys playing (it's a Bob the Builder display right now). It was WAY packed in there, but so much fun. We didn't go to the Children's Museum at all, and didn't even see all there was to see of the Science Centre, so I'm hoping to go back again before Bob the Builder is gone. It was lots of fun though. Landon loved the bulldozer (I guess that's the next toy we'll have to buy for him!), and then we discovered a farming section too with a tractor and everything right when we were leaving, so I'll have to take him back to explore that!

Landon did a bit better at swimming lessons on Wed. He didn't like it at the start, but by the end he was having more fun. So we'll see how it goes on this upcoming (last) week of lessons ... he'll probably start liking it now! It made me realize how I need to get him into some group things so that he can learn to appreciate doing activities as a group (vs always individually). Of course his favourite was playing in the toddler pool after his lesson - we were there for another hour. But at least we're there and don't get turned away for the pool being full (they were turning people away again Wed, just like on Mon when we went and were turned away).

On the sleeping front, things seem to be turning around. Landon is going to sleep easier (even with the peeing the bed thing!), and today he was awake and up all by himself at 9:30 (I don't remember the last time THAT happened). So maybe, just maybe, we're turning a corner? Maybe. We'll see. He's been fighting naps harder recently, although this afternoon he went down easier. If it's not one thing it's another I guess. At least right now he's eating his meals really well too - instead of fighting us at suppertime like he did for a few weeks!!

And YAY - they're putting up our fence posts today (yup - digging through the snow!!)!! So we should have a fence complete by next week! Hallellujia!! I can hardly wait :-) That and we're getting lumber / drywall / etc delivered today so John has his work cut out for him in the basement. We'll be working in the basement and in the backyard for the whole month of May (well, in the backyard assuming it stops snowing!! LOL)! I'm looking forward to it, sort of. Hopefully my back holds out - that's the only part of me that gets sore when I do too much. But I'm sure Landon and I will be spending plenty of time outside in upcoming weeks.

That's the news today. Oh yeah, other good news is that John doesn't have to go on his business trip next week (PHEW!) so Landon doesn't have to be all put-out that John's not home. I am VERY pleased about that. Until next time...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

We Missed our Weekend Trip :-(

Nice weather, Calgary!! We ended up not going back to Sk for mom & dad's anniversary on the weekend, the weather was too miserable. It's been snowing (!!) in Calgary since Friday ... today's DAY 5! Enough already!!
But we had a nice weekend at home. I looked back and it's our first weekend without visitors or traveling since early Feb (and then Landon and I were sick, so does that even count?). No wonder it felt so good to just hang out at home! LOL

Landon wasn't too bad - I thought he'd suffer more from cabin-fever than he did. But we managed to get him out every day, even if it was just to the store with dad (he asks to do that now ... he must've had fun with dad!). We were going to go swimming yesterday, but the pool was 'full' (yeah, full ... wtf? they had only 2 lifeguards on for toddler swim time, so wouldn't accept any more kids ... like, get some more lifeguards on duty - don't they know it's been snowing for days!!??). So we just grocery shopped instead :-/ Landon was so disappointed though - he was standing at the glass looking in at the pool "swimming! swimming!" Poor guy. Instead he got to buy a loader tractor at Superstore. heh heh

We went to the doc today and FINALLY Landon does NOT have an ear infection!! YAY It's all cleared up. And he's done his 2-weeks of Sinulair, so now we see if this post-nasal drip returns. If so, he's likely got allergies. If not, he just had an infection that just wouldn't quit. He's eating WAY better now, at mealtimes even, so hopefully that's all it was and we're out of the woods.

Sleep - different story. He just keeps pushing at night and won't go to sleep forEVER when we put him to bed. I've been keeping him up later and later, hoping he'll go to sleep faster, but to no avail. Last night I put him to bed 1 hour earlier and he went to sleep 1.5 hours earlier, so maybe he's just been so wound up and overtired that he fought sleep that much harder? Who knows. He fought his nap today again ... grrrr. But we'll put him to bed at the same time as last night again tonight and see if that helps. It's a good thing he's so good natured, even so late at night. He's always in a good mood it seems, so it's easier to handle the wonky hours!! LOL

That seems to be the news for today ... still snowing, hopefully that will quit soon!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Swimming lessons still no fun

Landon still doesn't like his swimming lessons. He wasn't even that thrilled to be in the pool at all. He just wants to get into the toddler pool and play with the boats!! We made it through the lesson with minimal screaming, but also with minimal participation. He'd just cling to me, and wouldn't even blow bubbles (one of his favourite tricks in the bathtub). Ah well, only a couple of lessons left. Maybe next year he'll be more into organized play in the pool. He did love the toddler pool with the boats and other kids, and enjoyed the hottub too (I loved putting my legs in and really look forward to being able to sit in the hottub again!).
The best thing about swimming is he's so tuckered out he has a GREAT nap afterwards! LOL

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Not much news really here. Life is just plodding along. It's been good though. Landon is sleeping a lot better, even if he's going to sleep late. the weather's been beautiful so we've been heading to the park lots. Landon loves to swing, and climb, and slide. Then he loves to come home and play in either the dirt or his sandbox. I'm glad he's liking his sandbox more ... I can at least then come in and make lunch or whatever while he's playing. When he's out front in the dirt I can't see him from the house so end up sitting on the steps (but when it's nice out and I have a book to read, I don't really mind all that much!!).

our fence should be in maybe this week, or hopefully even next week -- assuming the weather doesn't turn too stupid! THAT will be SO nice - and Landon will have a nice big pile of dirt to play with then :-D

We are heading home on the weekend for my mom & dad's 40th anniversary. Supper on Sunday at the K in Swift Current (where else??). It'll be nice. It's a quick trip home though - leave Sat, come back Mon. I might head back the following week though, as John will be gone for a business trip and I don't like the thought of despondent Landon for a whole week again! We'll see ... mom and dad will be busy seeding, but I'm sure Landon and I can stumble around a bit without causing too much trouble.

Swimming lessons tomorrow - we'll see if Landon is any happier. He loves the pool, just not the lessons part. It'll be the last lessons he takes for at least a year ... when he's 3 he can take 'non-parented' lessons, where he wears a life jacket for lessons. That is when I'll think about next enrolling him. For the next month of so, we'll just go swimming ~once a week so he can have fun in the pool.

It's much nicer to take Landon to play these days ... he can do so much more on his own. He's such a little boy! He climbs up on the play structure and comes down the slide all by himself! He is part monkey though, I'm sure.

Anyways, just a quick post...will try to post again before we leave.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

mid-week update...

Holy moly is Landon glad that John's home!! LOL He is a 100% different kid since John got home Sunday night. He's contented, he's happy to play at the park (versus just walking walking walking to nowhere and flipping out when I insisted we come back home), he's eating better. A definite change. Makes me dread the week that John's gone at the end of the month. Ah well, after that there aren't any trips planned for quite awhile. Maybe I'll have to hit the road again at the end of the month in order to keep my sanity!!

Landon and I went to the dr yesterday. Landon has been sleeping better, Sat night was the only really difficult night, although he still cries at times during the night he doesn't wake up at all (or not enough to need me). The doctor confirmed that yes, Landon has post-nasal drip that is causing him to gag on his snot at night. We are doing a 2-week stint on Singulair to see if he has allergies. It's hard to say though as Landon slept well last night with only Singulair (no other meds like the previous 2 nights), but the Singulair won't kick in for a week or so ... so why would he sleep better last night essentially sans medication? I don't really think it's allergies, I think he just has a low-grade infection in his sinuses that won't let go ... I know altogether too well how that feels. But we'll do the Singulair and check that out. It's almost pointless, since if it does appear that he has allergies we won't do allergy tests for a year or more anyways. I guess it is just meant for peace of mind *shrug*

But yes, Landon has been sleeping better, which is a blessing. I usually get up to check on him once in the night - he wakes me with his whimpering / crying, I check on him & cover him up, he goes back to sleep easily (if, in fact, he was actually awake to begin with), and we sleep 'til morning. Now, of course, it's time to start getting up earlier (again!!). A never-ending story with us....*sigh* At least Landon has a 'regular' schedule right now, something we haven't had for MONTHS! It's just a late schedule ... up late at night, sleep late in the morning :-/ Ah well, we'll get it sorted out soon enough.

The dr appt went well for me. My diabetes results were fine (i.e. no gestational diabetes), baby's heartrate 138 bpm, I'm growing at a 'good' rate, all is well so far. Now I have appts every 2 weeks until early June when I'll start going every week. yay (not). But so far so good anyways.

Liz was here last night for a quick visit (she was out west for work). Landon had a ton of fun with "aunty", he didn't want to go to bed without her!! But he sure enjoyed the visit, as did Aunty and we did too.

That's the mid-week update ....

Sunday, April 06, 2008

not feeling so well...

I am wondering if Landon either still has an ear infection, or now has a sinus infection or something. Last night was a long night with very little sleep. He woke up at 1 am crying and coughing so hard he couldn't breathe and spit up in bed. Poor kid - he was very disconcerted with that whole event. So we were up for a couple of hours and he finally went back to sleep in my bed. But he woke every few minutes (20, 30, maybe 40 minutes) coughing and gagging again. I think he just has so much snot draining down the back of his throat that he's gagging on it - I think that because I had that happening to me a few weeks back. *sigh* Finally I plugged the humidifier in at 7 am, and we got a bit more sleep (well, longer periods between crying and gagging anyways). I have a dr appt on Tues aft, so I'm hoping decongestants will help us sleep til then and I'll get the dr to check him out for infections ... again.

On the bright side - John will be home soon! YAY He arrives just before 9, so Landon and I will meet him at the airport. I think Landon will be very excited to see him, he's been out of sorts the past few days, and has been asking for daddy. So I'm sure he'll be excited to see him. As will I ... hopefully Landon won't have to be glued to my side with John home again! It's like he's thinking 'you're the only parent left in this house, I'm not letting you out of my sight!'. Good thing he's so frickin' cute - esp with his new haircut!!

more haircut pics

Here are a couple more pics I had on my phone from Landon's haircut day. You can see the hair 'cut' itself better in the one where he's playing in the mall. He's playing with the school bus you see in the first picture - a treat from the hairdressers. It has hardly left his hand since Thursday, and has already made many miles in the 'dirt' (flowerbed?) in front of our house!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Very first Haircut :-)

Landon got his very first haircut today. We went to Beaners for kids, which I think was a good move. It took all of 15 minutes, and he barely even registered what was happening. He was excited to sit in a truck chair, and watched treehouse while the hairdresser gave him the snip. I was very proud that he sat so well ... until she said that most first haircuts are good, it's the ones after that that cause the most turmoil :-/
Ah well...Landon was happy to have a sucker when it was all said and done too. Then we went to the mall, and he played in the playplace which was fun. Then some french fries when we came home and he played in the dirt for another 45 minutes. By then he was getting pretty sleepy so we washed up (dirt head to toe!) and he is having a nice nap. We'll see what kind of funky hairdo he'll wake up with! LOL