Monday, November 30, 2009


Landon and Arlan had a ton of fun playing "command centre" on Saturday night. I knew I bought those old keyboards for a reason!!

And this is Landon getting himself dressed for grocery shopping. Yes, that's an orange shirt he's wearing as a ... ahem ... skirt. It took some fine negotiation skills to get him out of that and into pants. I mean really ... he's gone out in his Hallowe'en costume numerous times, dirty pants, shorts when he should've had pants, pants when he should've had shorts, but I had to draw the line somewhere, and "shirt-pants" is where. (especially since he didn't even have gotch on under there!! LOL)


Arlan loves yogurt, and he loves to feed himself, and he loves to smear yogurt all over the place - can you tell?

Arlan's also learning to be a kitchen helper - even donning the oven mitts for mom (although we didn't have his pulling anything out of the oven!)

And Arlan loves to wear shoes -- his shoes, winter boots, Landon's, mommy's, and even daddy's cowboy boots (although he absolutely cannot walk in them - he fell over approximately .03 seconds after we took this pic)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

All right already, I'll post!

We haven't been doing too much, or maybe it's just been so much that time is flying by and I'm not posting often enough (as I'm being reminded).

Hmmmm, let's see. Arlan has some new words. He says "Dank Youuuuuu" when he hands us something, or when we give him something. He always says "miiiiiine!" a LOT. And his fave new thing is to squeal VERY loudly when he wants something Landon won't let him have, then he cries like the world is ending and looks to mom and dad for sympathy. Pretty funny to witness actually. He hasn't done it too much because we aren't giving in to the ploy, but it is comical to watch.

Landon is turning into such a good big brother. He makes sure Arlan doesn't play with anything dangerous, well actually he makes sure Arlan doesn't play with anything at all usually!! But he does make sure to take away non-toy items and such, and puts them on the cupboard. He really does watch out for Arlan. That is heart-warming to see.

We went to Medicine Hat last weekend, stayed with Julie. It was a good visit, and the boys were well behaved (read: Landon didn't break anything this time). Both boys slept on the way down there, so the ride was HEAVENLY! Landon did pee while he slept though, so was pretty grumpy when he woke up to a wet carseat (and a pants change on 3rd Street downtown Medicine Hat!!). It also meant Landon was up until midnight, but he was very well behaved, so Julie and I visited and Landon went to bed with me. He got to play "camp-out", sleeping on a foam mattress on the floor in his sleeping bag. Now he wants to play 'camp-out' at home and sleep in a tent in the basement. We haven't ventured there yet, but maybe we'll have to let him try one night. One of us can always sleep in the bed down there in case he wakes scared or whatever.

Other than that, just been busy with candles, which is fun. Had a Xmas Faire last weekend. The boys came and spent some time at the child-minding area which was really cool. They had to sign in or whatever, and both of them stayed right there. Landon was loving the cars and playmat of course, and I think Arlan stayed because Landon was there. When I asked Landon at the end of the day what he did all day (because he did spend most of it at home with dad), he said "we played sharing!" and meant at the child-minding. So cute

Oh yeah, the boys did get their H1N1 shots, last Tuesday. Poor Landon - didn't know what was coming until they were swabbing his arm. We drove home from Medicine Hat and when we got to the city I asked him if we should go get vaccines. He was quite excited by that idea, so we went! No line-ups, which was fantastic. Both boys cried, but we had no reactions whatsoever, which is quite nice.

Well, Arlan's babbling away in bed, I'd best go get him. Sorry no pics ... will try to remember to take some soon. We need a new camera for Xmas Grandma *hint hint*
Until next time...

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Hallowe'en Pics

I hope I don't scar Arlan for life with him being the Hunny Pot!! LOL
I just love these costumes -- so cute! Arlan thought he was quite something, posing and giggling with his costume on. Landon has been wearing his since it arrived, so it's getting a bit grubby, but still cute!!
So this pic doesn't accurately reflect Landon's mood. He was SO excited for Trick-or-Treating this year!! He was sick of pictures though - which is likely where this face comes from!! LOL

Playing playing playing

The boys are starting to enjoy bathing together. Well, Arlan usually hates baths, until he sees Landon in there!! Splashing and making as big a mess as possible....
Landon's absolute fave is to play in the shale pile in the field behind our house. Arlan gets a kick out of trying to climb it, Landon is busy moving as much of it around as he possibly can!! Every day "Let's go play in the dirt pile!" I only wish it was closer to the house so we could go out while Arlan naps, but c'est la vie.

And Arlan is getting pretty good at running. Especially for meal-times! Ask him if he wants to sit in his chair and eat, and he drops whatever he's doing to run to his highchair. He'll then stand with his back to his chair, sticking his butt out, like "ok, put me in. I'm ready!"