Thursday, January 14, 2010

General pics from the holidays

John and I out celebrating New Years. What a fun night :-)

We didn't have a corkscrew at Grandma & Grandpa's, so we improvised!!

A picture of me and Kyle - can hardly believe he's so big! I remember him so clearly when he was the same size as my kids are now!!

On the way down for Christmas, we met my dad's cousin Christina in Medicine Hat for the very first time. We found each other on Facebook - so nice to make a new connection!!

Arlan's Christmas

Here's our family picture from Christmas day. We didn't plan the entire red shirt thing, promise. It just worked out that way!! lol
Arlan and dad on Christmas day. He really wasn't too sure what to make of the entire production. Poor kid!
Loved the tractors from Grandma and Grandpa. And loved when Cousin Kyle helped him get at his presents too!!

And the picture with mom is Arlan opening his new jammies on Christmas Eve. Landon LOVED his new jammies, wearing them for almost our entire visit. Arlan on the other hand was like "meh" lol

Landon's Christmas

Landon got skates from us for Christmas, and went skating twice in Moose Jaw. The first time Aunty Yvonne helped him out quite a bit, and he wasn't overly thrilled. But when we went the next day, and he discovered that falling isn't all that terrible, he enjoyed it a lot more. Since then, he's started skating lessons - every Sat with dad until March. He'll be out-skating both John and I by then I'm sure!!

Look at his face as he tears into the presents! He had lots of help from "Cousin Kyle" to open gifts as well. Landon loved all of his gifts, but the trains and tractors were the biggest hit I think.
On Christmas morning, Santa left a note for Landon and Arlan that one gift was too big to take to Moose Jaw, so it was waiting for them at home. When we got home, we had Landon all excited, racing into the house to see what Santa had left here. He got in the living room and looked under the tree - there was nothing there, he sat down so dejected! Poor kid -- he hadn't noticed the big, bright red play kitchen sitting in front of the fireplace! His eyes lit up a few moments later when he finally spied it!! Too cute :-)