Yup - both boys are fully back! We've had a couple of days at the beach, having a blast. I'll have lots of pictures of wet boys dumping pails of water when I get home and upload them :-)
We've tried to convince Arlan to nap at the beach, but that doesn't pan out. So we spend a few hours and then come back for nap time (which is fine because usually John and I steal a few winks in there too). Then when Arlan gets up we head back to the beach. It's so beautiful, even until past 7 pm. The sun is "setting", sparkling waters, and happy boys make for a nice evening.
Landon's exhausted himself fully - he's still sleeping (at 11 am)! Which is fine with us - it's a long day when you fight any possibility of napping! lol
Today is a bit cloudier (hence my patience with sleeping in Landon ... that and the fact that I slept in until 10 am too :-D), but we will still hit the beach for awhile. In fact, Arlan's been up for 3.5 hours and is getting antsy to get going lol
Speaking of antsy - my only real pet peeve with this place is the ants - YUCK! I HATE ANTS! We placed some traps today, so hopefully that'll clean some of the little buggers up.
That's it for now - just wanted to let everyone know that both kids are just fine now, wouldn't even know they were puking-pooping-monsters last weekend. Until next time ... (I'm off to Davison Orchards today for corn on the cob too YUM!)
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Well, the boys are back to talking non-stop, picking on each other, fighting, and general other boy-ish type things (like marveling over bugs, picking their butts, and throwing things). So I guess I'd have to say..."theeeeey're baaaaack!"
I did take Arlan to the dr on Wed, as he was still having trouble keeping stuff down. The doc was good - let us know that Arlan was very well hydrated (we'd done a good job there), and telling us to keep it up, plus give him a Gravol suppository. I think Arlan was at the turn-around point already, or perhaps Gravol really is that incredible, but he only needed one. Since yesterday afternoon he's been on a big improvement. Today we spent most of the day at the beach, and Arlan had a blast. Mostly he enjoyed digging holes and dumping water into them. But he also "swam" and jumped, and played on the dock with mom - looking at ducks and fish (and lots of teen-agers!). So we are VERY happy to have him back!
Landon has been 'recovered' for a couple of days, and is LOVING the beach! He puts his water wings on and has a BLAST! The water is great because he can go for quite a ways and still touch. Plus with his water wings he does very well. He splashes, and pushes John around in the "boat" (one of those floatie thingies, whatever they're called). He even helps Arlan dump water in holes (otherwise known as castles). His favourite thing today was being tossed into the air (I remember Uncle Murray tossing me in the air as a kid - that WAS FUN!).
So we're so thrilled to have the kids back - amazing how little time it takes to start rolling your eyes at the incesant questions in the car, and scolding when they fight. Ahhhh ... normalcy! lol
Until next time...
I did take Arlan to the dr on Wed, as he was still having trouble keeping stuff down. The doc was good - let us know that Arlan was very well hydrated (we'd done a good job there), and telling us to keep it up, plus give him a Gravol suppository. I think Arlan was at the turn-around point already, or perhaps Gravol really is that incredible, but he only needed one. Since yesterday afternoon he's been on a big improvement. Today we spent most of the day at the beach, and Arlan had a blast. Mostly he enjoyed digging holes and dumping water into them. But he also "swam" and jumped, and played on the dock with mom - looking at ducks and fish (and lots of teen-agers!). So we are VERY happy to have him back!
Landon has been 'recovered' for a couple of days, and is LOVING the beach! He puts his water wings on and has a BLAST! The water is great because he can go for quite a ways and still touch. Plus with his water wings he does very well. He splashes, and pushes John around in the "boat" (one of those floatie thingies, whatever they're called). He even helps Arlan dump water in holes (otherwise known as castles). His favourite thing today was being tossed into the air (I remember Uncle Murray tossing me in the air as a kid - that WAS FUN!).
So we're so thrilled to have the kids back - amazing how little time it takes to start rolling your eyes at the incesant questions in the car, and scolding when they fight. Ahhhh ... normalcy! lol
Until next time...
Monday, July 26, 2010
I've never before done as much laundry while on vacation.
We left Friday afternoon for Invermere, as John's band played there. I was hoping to be able to go out and watch. We arrived in Fairmont (we stayed at the lead singers friends house there on the golf course - GORGOUS!! SO lucky to have spent the night there instead of a hotel) at 8 pm. Approximately 9:15 Arlan puked. yay Now don't get me wrong, I feel sorry for the little dude, but that was Friday and it's now Monday!
So I spent a good part of Friday night catching puke. Oh yeah, and Landon still has remnants of his flu (which started Wed afternoon when he puked on the daycamp girl!), so he was crying every time he was in the bathroom. Finally John got home, so he slept with Arlan (catching puke every hour or so) and I slept with Landon (making multiple crying trips to the bathroom).
Saturday - do we hang out in Fairmont in this beautiful house overlooking the golf course with our pooping/puking children, or hit the road for 5 hours to get to Vernon (and our vacation for this week)? We opt for the road - not wanting to spread the joy any more than necessary to our gracious hosts. That was surprisingly a good decision. Arlan only hurled once, and we stopped for Landon to poop (did you know the weigh scale stations for semi's have public washrooms! Phew!) once and we were good to go. A bit of whining from the back seat, but mostly sleeping so our drive was surprisingly pleasant. The scenery was absolutely INCREDIBLE too! John caught up on some sleep so I enjoyed the amazing views (while keeping the car between the lines) in peace and quiet.
We made it to Vernon shortly after 4 pm (local time), and are so glad we came when we did. Our landlords left Sunday morning, if we hadn't made it Saturday we would've inconvenienced them as well. Plus I doubt our Sunday drive would've been as uneventful as Arlan has moved into the diarrhea stage of this flu bug. Between puking (mostly from over-drinking, poor kid is so thirsty!), and diarrhea-contaminated items, I have washed more clothing and blankets and sheets than ever before in a one day period!
We did manage to get Landon to the beach a couple of times - which he loves! Although he's still pretty worn out from this flu so he slept for 4 hours yesterday afternoon!
So it's Monday; Arlan can mostly keep liquids down now - he'll upchuck if he drinks too much at once. But no solids since Sat night (when he ate a handful of baked macaroni). Yesterday afternoon he looked so rough I was thinking of taking him to the doctor. But he did an over-drinking puke and that seems to have been the turning point. He's napping again right now - most of his time is spent sleeping; his awake time consists of pooping and whining, with some drinking and puking thrown in for good measure.
But I am hopeful we are on the tail-end of this one, and that we'll get to enjoy our vacation more in the days to come. One nice thing: the landlords have offered us the place for additional nights - so we are staying until Monday instead of Saturday! Nice - we can hopefully make up for our 2 days spent indoors on the weekend. Our drive back to Calgary will be considerably more congested, but I think we'll manage -- assuming the pooping and puking has abated by then!
until next time...from beautiful, hot and sunny VERNON....
We left Friday afternoon for Invermere, as John's band played there. I was hoping to be able to go out and watch. We arrived in Fairmont (we stayed at the lead singers friends house there on the golf course - GORGOUS!! SO lucky to have spent the night there instead of a hotel) at 8 pm. Approximately 9:15 Arlan puked. yay Now don't get me wrong, I feel sorry for the little dude, but that was Friday and it's now Monday!
So I spent a good part of Friday night catching puke. Oh yeah, and Landon still has remnants of his flu (which started Wed afternoon when he puked on the daycamp girl!), so he was crying every time he was in the bathroom. Finally John got home, so he slept with Arlan (catching puke every hour or so) and I slept with Landon (making multiple crying trips to the bathroom).
Saturday - do we hang out in Fairmont in this beautiful house overlooking the golf course with our pooping/puking children, or hit the road for 5 hours to get to Vernon (and our vacation for this week)? We opt for the road - not wanting to spread the joy any more than necessary to our gracious hosts. That was surprisingly a good decision. Arlan only hurled once, and we stopped for Landon to poop (did you know the weigh scale stations for semi's have public washrooms! Phew!) once and we were good to go. A bit of whining from the back seat, but mostly sleeping so our drive was surprisingly pleasant. The scenery was absolutely INCREDIBLE too! John caught up on some sleep so I enjoyed the amazing views (while keeping the car between the lines) in peace and quiet.
We made it to Vernon shortly after 4 pm (local time), and are so glad we came when we did. Our landlords left Sunday morning, if we hadn't made it Saturday we would've inconvenienced them as well. Plus I doubt our Sunday drive would've been as uneventful as Arlan has moved into the diarrhea stage of this flu bug. Between puking (mostly from over-drinking, poor kid is so thirsty!), and diarrhea-contaminated items, I have washed more clothing and blankets and sheets than ever before in a one day period!
We did manage to get Landon to the beach a couple of times - which he loves! Although he's still pretty worn out from this flu so he slept for 4 hours yesterday afternoon!
So it's Monday; Arlan can mostly keep liquids down now - he'll upchuck if he drinks too much at once. But no solids since Sat night (when he ate a handful of baked macaroni). Yesterday afternoon he looked so rough I was thinking of taking him to the doctor. But he did an over-drinking puke and that seems to have been the turning point. He's napping again right now - most of his time is spent sleeping; his awake time consists of pooping and whining, with some drinking and puking thrown in for good measure.
But I am hopeful we are on the tail-end of this one, and that we'll get to enjoy our vacation more in the days to come. One nice thing: the landlords have offered us the place for additional nights - so we are staying until Monday instead of Saturday! Nice - we can hopefully make up for our 2 days spent indoors on the weekend. Our drive back to Calgary will be considerably more congested, but I think we'll manage -- assuming the pooping and puking has abated by then!
until next time...from beautiful, hot and sunny VERNON....
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Arlan's in gotchies...
We'll see what the day brings. Arlan keeps asking to wear underwear, so I put some on him today. The first success was he came and told me as soon as he'd peed (in his underwear). So I put him on the potty for a couple of minutes (of course there was no action), and congratulated him on coming to tell me. Put clean underwear on and we'll see what happens. When I ask if he'd like to sit on the potty now he says no ... so we'll see what happens right after lunch (I'll sit him on there as soon as he's done eating). I was just happy that he knew enough to come and tell me he'd peed - the first step to recognizing what, exactly, that sensation means!!
Now, don't go thinking I'm all full of high hopes. I don't expect Arlan to train until next summer!! So any progress is far beyond my expectations. I just think it's a neat experiment :-)
Now, don't go thinking I'm all full of high hopes. I don't expect Arlan to train until next summer!! So any progress is far beyond my expectations. I just think it's a neat experiment :-)
Monday, July 19, 2010
Weekend photos
Here's a shot of my incredible form on follow-thru - HA! My score would not reflect that statement. Although I did have my first ever "pitch-in" from about 50 yards out :-D
John and I had to take a picture to commemorate, it's so seldom we get to golf together. In fact, only when Uncle Neville and Aunt Mary come it seems...

When we got back from golfing, we "discovered" Aunt Mary buying treats for Landon and Arlan from the ice cream truck. I guess Landon heard the truck a
To top it off, Landon was looking ultra stylish in John's shirt and his rubber boots ... nice.
Pics of us together. Uncle Neville and the boys had SO much FUN! Like Arlan's underwear? He asked for undies, so we put them on over his diaper! Silly kid. He also has one of Landon's runners on, and one of his sandals (on the wrong foot). He's quite the character.
On Sunday we had a BBQ as some friends from John's high school were in town (Doug and Melissa on the right). So it was a mini-reunion with them and Brian & Patricia (who live in Calgary and John reconnected with when we moved here, after 15 years or so....). It was a fun house, with 6 kids and 6 adults (the kids were all older than our two, ranging from 10 - 14, so they entertained Landon and Arlan nicely). It was such a fun day - in fact an incredible weekend that will live in my memory for a long time just because it was so great!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Hail Storm moves through

We also were given bubbles from a neighbour while out for a walk. Landon and Camryn loved blowing bubbles and Arlan was the chief bubble chaser!
I love the lighting after a storm moves through - all the colours are so vivid: blue sky, green grass, red shirt, and lots of fun!

Friday, July 09, 2010
Grandma - I've marked their heights on their growth charts :-)
And for good measure (pun intended) - I also measured Landon since I noticed that he was the same height at 4 years as he was at 3 1/2 years ... (40.5"). He's now 41.75" tall - so he has grown over an inch in the last 4 months - so I'll add that in now.
And for good measure (pun intended) - I also measured Landon since I noticed that he was the same height at 4 years as he was at 3 1/2 years ... (40.5"). He's now 41.75" tall - so he has grown over an inch in the last 4 months - so I'll add that in now.
Update on Stats :-)
Arlan's stats from the doc yesterday:
27 pounds
35" tall
From what I read up on quickly, he's a light one (35-40th percentile?), and average height (60th percentile?). He wasn't too friendly with the doctor either - very minimal examination occurred as he had to be held by mommy and the doc couldn't touch him. The good news is that I mentioned a minor concern around his eyes (Aunty Yvonne pointed out that it appeared one was a bit lazy) and the doctor could not see anything to be concerned about. We'll keep watching, but he said the light reflected back from his eyes as it should so no need for worry :-)
Other than that, slow couple of days. Landon's sad because he doesn't have a constant stream of friends over to play with :-/ I'll have to phone a friend for this afternoon I guess.
until next time...
27 pounds
35" tall
From what I read up on quickly, he's a light one (35-40th percentile?), and average height (60th percentile?). He wasn't too friendly with the doctor either - very minimal examination occurred as he had to be held by mommy and the doc couldn't touch him. The good news is that I mentioned a minor concern around his eyes (Aunty Yvonne pointed out that it appeared one was a bit lazy) and the doctor could not see anything to be concerned about. We'll keep watching, but he said the light reflected back from his eyes as it should so no need for worry :-)
Other than that, slow couple of days. Landon's sad because he doesn't have a constant stream of friends over to play with :-/ I'll have to phone a friend for this afternoon I guess.
until next time...
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
more pics...

Recent pics

July 2 in Invermere

Landon tuckered out, but carried on (eventually). Our biggest challenge with him was getting him to walk down (John had to carry him a chunk of the way). Partly it was due to fear, not just being tired. He was running like a monkey at the lookout, so I put the fear of falling forever into his head if he didn't quit running. Then he was scared to walk down the path because he might fall forever. aiaiaiaiai

Us at the "jump-off" ramp for hang-gliding. A nice view, when the clouds weren't obscuring it.
At the trail head, before we started up. How did I get these pics completely backwards?
More Canada Day pics

Landon on his hike with dad - Canada Day.
Arlan checking out the water - it was a tad bit cold! I only made 1 complete "dip" all weekend - on Saturday. The forecast for 20 all weekend was not correct ... it was cloudy, highs in the mid-teens, with many rain showers. But we still had a blast (just spent less time on the beach than originally planned).
Canada Day Parade

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