Friday, May 28, 2010

Life is...Life!

Isn't that song from the '80's?

Life is just a moving along here. Both boys are growing. Arlan imitates every single thing that Landon does - drives me insane. Landon is starting to calm down a bit more now though, which is a blessing. For example, I only had to yell at him once to slow down and come back to mommy while at the mall this morning. The rest of the time he walked beside me (and helped me to chase Arlan).

Today Landon asked me "Mommy, are all asses hard?" "ummm, not all of them Landon" "yeah right, some are fluffy!" What do you think of that! Wonder where he got the "hardass" idea in his head in the first place?? It was on the way back from the mall, which makes me wonder if he heard it there? it's not a term that's common to my vocabulary ...

Other than that, we're just waiting for the return of spring. The ground was covered with snow again this morning. That foggy winter (Jan through Mar) has certainly proven the saying true (that one about 90 days after frost there will be rain). Grandpa's going to be sowing rice in the fields soon, as he can't seed!!

Which reminds me - on the way to the mall, we pass an equipment dealer. Joyous. Today Landon was bawling he wants to buy a combine - a real one. I told him I'd have to sell him just to get the down payment! Maybe that's where he learned hardass....

until next time...