Friday, October 08, 2010

Sept pics of the boys

Here are the boys at Camryn's birthday party - they had such a blast!!
Our little Rider Fan (whether he's aware of the fact or not)

Landon has discovered the wondrous joy of the Sears Wish Book!! LOL He tore out his favourite stuff, slept with those pages for about 2 weeks, before the catalogue was so destroyed I needed to toss it. Maybe -- MAYBE -- we'll bring a new one home again in November :-D

Niagara Falls

Landon's trip to Niagara Falls

Hanging out after the butterflies - both boys are a tad bit tired I'd say!

When we first arrived, Isabel and Landon set off to do some exploring!!

All the kids loved the butterflies. Landon was amazed at the butterflies "eating".

Chasing butterflies. Landon did not catch any of them though ...

Arlan's trip to Niagara Falls

Chasing butterflies -- Arlan was on the floor studying this one, which was so co-operative to just sit there with him.

Wet, and wanting to check it all out!

Arlan was in heaven 'driving' this video game!! Too funny :-)