Sunday, March 20, 2011

Various Pics

The kids liking their new trucks from Christmas.

Landon posing for the camera. Yes, he's wearing pajamas. He LOVES pajamas. When I go away for a weekend, I bring him pajamas instead of a toy, because he loves them that much!! lol

Hallowe'en 2010 -- we held the block party, and here are 4 of the 5 gals all dressed up.

Landon dressed up as a Fireman for Hallowe'en. He may love his jammies, but he LOVED this costume and wore it non-stop for about a week ... until it was just too grubby to be worn anymore. Great Costco value :-D

Christmas 2010 in Moose Jaw

Landon and Arlan got crazy carpets from Uncle "Dregg" and Aunty Yvonne. Arlan could NOT have cared less, usually bawling because he got snow in his face. Landon, on the other hand, had a BLAST crazy carpeting, despite the cold weather. We found this ideal spot about a 5 minute walk from the house that was just right.

Family picture on Christmas Day ... after opening gifts. Note Landon's Christmas attire. He flat out refused to wear the most adorable "Santa Claus Rocks" t-shirt I bought him for Christmas (until after New Years, then it became cool I guess).

Landon opening one of the semi's the boys got from Grandma and Grandpa. They played constantly with these semi's, until they managed to thoroughly destroy them :-(

Christmas 2010

Opening presents on Christmas Morning...Both boys are in their RoughRider jammies they got on Christmas Eve (that they've now outgrown!!).

Arlan had no clue at this point how much he'd love this bounce back racer! LOL

Christmas Eve gifts -- jammies and a book for each. Landon LOVED his Roughrider jammies, and wore them the entire time we were in Moose Jaw!

Arlan loved his Christmas puzzle book (this kid loves puzzles more than any kid I know!). Landon got a really cool book on the earth ... it took him a while longer to love it, but it has become a staple bedtime story book

Landon's 5th Birthday

So proud with his presents on his birthday (March 7). These are his gifts from mom & dad, Arlan, and Grandma & Grandpa.

Arlan is particularly fond of the Lincoln Logs Landon received from his good friends Madison & Douglas!

The Birthday Party! We had Landon's party on Sat the 5th, with 8 guests :-) It was the first real 'party party' we'd had, usually it's just a few kids and it was more about us adults. This time I actually planned some games and fun. Like "Spin the Bottle" (with a beer bottle no less!). Spinning the bottle is how we determined whose gift Landon would open, and also each guest got a small present as well.
Then it was time for cake. Landon decided on Wednesday that he wanted a Transformers cake -- so voila! It was one of the easier of the character cakes I've made actually, and I think it turned out well.

Landon was so excited to receive so many gifts: Hotwheels, Transformers (his favourite right now), and lots and lots of LEGO! In fact, Landon took his birthday money from Great Grandpa and bought even more lego!! He has now discovered that we can take the lego apart and rebuild each piece, so I think he'll be more content with what he has (versus begging to go out and buy more lego EVERY day!).

Oh yeah - Landon also got a RC truck. He and Arlan spent the days immediately following his birthday racing the truck and Arlan's Bounceback racer around and around and around the house. come to think of it, haven't seen them racing for a few days (ah peace!).