What you've been waiting for -- pictures!! I finally got some updated. I took quite a few the last few days, Landon's been particularly adorable :-) Considerably less pictures in my May 2007 folder vs May 2006 though ... heh heh Shame on me.
We've been having fun. As long as Landon gets his nap in, we have fun anyways. It is very important that he gets that nap-time or we're in trouble!! aiaiaiai But when he gets it he's pretty darned adorable all day long.
We went over to Ricki and Mike's yesterday afternoon to visit for a bit, and drop off our Baby Bjorn for them to borrow as Parker had been fussy. I find that story hard to believe though, as Parker was an angel the entire time we were there :-) I fed him his bottle, he felt so darned tiny!! Landon was a bit jealous, yes. I do not remember Landon being that small ever!! We got to have a very quick visit with Mona Patterson as well as she was in town at a conference. It's been far too long since I last saw her.
Today we went to visit Stephanie Weinbender ... I haven't seen Steph since sometime last millenium. She has a little guy, Iden, 10 months old. Very adorable! Landon was pretty good, didn't hit him too hard nor too often :-/ We had a nice visit, albeit brief (see note about getting naps in above!!). Hopefully I'll get a chance to see Steph and Iden a bunch more this summer!!
I got a haircut tonight - felt GREAT! It's still 'long', to my shoulders, but I got a good chunk taken off. It is much lighter and feels much better. Hopefully with less hair weight my neck won't bother me as much.
Other than that - we've just been enjoying the sun. Learning how to keep upstairs cool (downstairs never gets hot, but upstairs sure can). I'm going to have to get some curtains for over the blinds in the bonus room as I think most heat comes in there. But something that will still let air through, as we can get a great cross-breeze going. Landon has been hot at nights though - his room gets quite warm. Tonight he's just in pj top, and we leave his window open all night and it still doesn't cool down. I guess he gets late-day sun in there, and not much breeze as the window's sheltered by the house. *shrug* We'll keep working on it.
That's the news -- check out the pictures! Will post again soon...TK
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Some Landon faces :-)
Here are some faces from Landon. From funny to adorable to mischievous. I love the one where he's peeking around my arm ... he was playing hide-and-seek with the camera!! lol
We tried on his new sunsuit the other day...it's a bit big, but that's better than too small. These suits are great - SPF 50 so he's protected from the sun while swimming. Just what we'll need (I sure hope) at the cottage in Falcon in July :-D
And look at those teeth! You can notice the new one (the 9th) on his bottom right (our left) ... it's just barely poking through, it looks more like a bump than a tooth still :-)
When Landon finds and gets ahold of something he's particularly coveting at that moment, he runs around the house clutching his treasures very closely to his chest. The shovel and hairbrush were the treasure combo the other day. He gets some weird combos of treasures, today was a hairbrush (again) and a peek-a-block. Sometimes it's underwear. *shrug* Whatever strikes his fancy.
He still loves trying to get the camera when I'm taking pictures too. But I did manage to get a few cute ones.
Fun times!
Landon is loving all different types of 'games' these days. A fun one this week is crawling beneath my legs --- whether I'm kneeling on the floor (as in the picture), or if I'm working in the kitchen he'll come and walk through my legs too. Giggling the entire time of course.
and he LOVES to jump on the couch. We pull a cushion to the floor to give him 'steps' up to the couch, and he jumps jumps jumps. As you can see by the last picture, this has GOT to be one of the best things a person could ever possibly get to do.
Sandbox fun...
Landon has really been enjoying his sandbox now that the weather is nicer. Unfortunately, the favourite thing in there is the eating of sand! ACK!! By the handfuls, he just shovels it right in. I don't know why. He had a diaper with sand in it yesterday :-/ *sigh* But it does provide him with some fun on the deck :-)
Monday, May 28, 2007
Stinker !!
Well, Landon never did have a true nap today. Instead he fell asleep while eating his supper! LOL Right in his high-chair. I thought I'd never ever see that (Pam I guess you were right). John and I were chatting, I turned around and there was heavy eyes. I have some pics, I'll upload and post tomorrow. [ edited May 31 to add picture]
So Landon went to sleep - we put him in jammies and everything. Only to wake up 1.5 hours later. Crying. Hard. We got him up and let him play until about 10, then I did the whole bedtime routine, and he amazingly went down. At least I hope so - I haven't heard him over there since I put him to bed, so hopefully that's a good sign?
I guess he did have his nap, just much later in the day (from 7 - 8:30 pm!!). Tomorrow we will get him down for his nap properly -- this was the second day in a row that it was skewed (yesterday we went to MEC, and he fell asleep in the car on the way home).
It wouldn't have been so bad but he was such a grumpy-lumpagus all damned day. I was ready to string him up! sheesh!! Ah well....
Express Service and Running Wild
We went to get the oil changed today - at the "Express Service" ... heh heh. How can 1 hour to change oil be called Express Service??!! Beyond me. So that leads me to the next part of this posts title....
Landon was pretty good while we waited, and waited, and waited.... but eventually I did have to let him free of the stroller. And did he run -- he took off out of the lounge area like a shot, and ran literally everywhere in that building!! It was so funny - he runs knees up with his back ram-rod straight -- cracks me up every time. He ran through the show room, the offices, everywhere but the service bays! For about half an hour he ran. He was quite pissed that I wouldn't let him go through the automatic doors - those things were quite a fascination. But finally our car was done, and we got to come home.
he fell asleep 2 minutes from our house - the worst thing. By the time I got him to his crib, he'd woken up (the construction noise outside the window certainly didn't help). I've left him in his crib for half an hour now, but he hasn't gone back to sleep. I'm not sure what to do - he needs to nap, the 3 minutes on the way home won't be enough, but he's not going back to sleep now. And it's all because Honda doesn't know what "Express" means.....grrrr
Life has been fine. Landon is adorable. He's saying a few 'words' these days, we think. Guck for truck, Gragoer for cracker. We think that's what he's saying anyways...
so that's my story for today. I think I'll go get Landon up now, he can nap in a hour when he's ready I guess *Shrug* maybe I'll just give him a sandwich or something and some food will konk him out. Until next time...
Landon was pretty good while we waited, and waited, and waited.... but eventually I did have to let him free of the stroller. And did he run -- he took off out of the lounge area like a shot, and ran literally everywhere in that building!! It was so funny - he runs knees up with his back ram-rod straight -- cracks me up every time. He ran through the show room, the offices, everywhere but the service bays! For about half an hour he ran. He was quite pissed that I wouldn't let him go through the automatic doors - those things were quite a fascination. But finally our car was done, and we got to come home.
he fell asleep 2 minutes from our house - the worst thing. By the time I got him to his crib, he'd woken up (the construction noise outside the window certainly didn't help). I've left him in his crib for half an hour now, but he hasn't gone back to sleep. I'm not sure what to do - he needs to nap, the 3 minutes on the way home won't be enough, but he's not going back to sleep now. And it's all because Honda doesn't know what "Express" means.....grrrr
Life has been fine. Landon is adorable. He's saying a few 'words' these days, we think. Guck for truck, Gragoer for cracker. We think that's what he's saying anyways...
so that's my story for today. I think I'll go get Landon up now, he can nap in a hour when he's ready I guess *Shrug* maybe I'll just give him a sandwich or something and some food will konk him out. Until next time...
Thursday, May 24, 2007
On the walls, the change table, on Landon ...
yup - he grabbed his full diaper right out from under his butt, and within 1 nanosecond there was poop everywhere!! lol
Actually, it was a relatively small mess, I was able to clean it up quickly, and swear under my breath for a little while... heh heh. I put him down naked and he ran around the house quite happily that way! *shaking head* He loves that the suitcase is on the floor in our room - in and out and in and out. Too funny.
It's great just to watch Landon playing these days. He's really thinking through stuff, processing. He loves to take things (whatever things he has handy, like magnets, cards, pieces of paper, toys) from one place to another and back again. He does this very orderly as well. Take one thing to the chair, go back for the next thing and take it to the chair; then when all things are on the chair, take one back to the original spot, or maybe a new spot, and keep transferring things until they're all moved to the new location. Repeat.
He also looks like he's thinking through what to do next. He'll be playing, then just stop and think, and then move on to whatever it was he thought of I guess. At first I thought he was pooping, or farting or something, but nope - he's just thinking of something and then gets right back to playing.
And he'll be playing at something, then he'll stop, think, get up and race off to do whatever it was he just thought of. Something like "hey, I wonder if the phone will still make that awful beeping sound if I take the receiver off the hook and leave it dangling from the table". Or maybe, "so mom's not looking, I think I'll go and see if that stuff in the toilet is still wet and cold". Or another favourite "Hey look, mom's laying on the floor and not watching me. I should go and sit on her head!"
And Landon loves hide-and-seek games too. You don't actually have to hide, he just likes it when you look at him from under the table, then over the top of the table, then from beside the chair, then from under the chair...
So he's been very busy. He cannot walk to do any of these things either - when Landon moves, it's very quickly!! And I find I'm spending a good part of my day on the floor playing with him. It's so fun - who could resist!! He loves to play with pillows and blankets, throwing them around the room and then pouncing on them. It seems everything he does cracks me up - which is a good thing I guess. And I do enjoy those 2 hour naps in the afternoon - the only time of the day when I can actually get anything done!! LOL
So the weather's supposed to be nicer this weekend - which is good because I think Landon needs to get outside for some fresh air playtime. We've been cooped up since Sunday at Aunty Vonnies really - it rained at Carla's, and it's been raining and snowing ever since :-( So hopefully some good sunshine this weekend and we'll get outside to see if the lid for the sandbox actually kept the sand dry!
Hope everyone is well ... and not spending gross amounts of time on facebook like me :-/ Gack -- who invented that narcotic! sheesh!! Take care...TK
yup - he grabbed his full diaper right out from under his butt, and within 1 nanosecond there was poop everywhere!! lol
Actually, it was a relatively small mess, I was able to clean it up quickly, and swear under my breath for a little while... heh heh. I put him down naked and he ran around the house quite happily that way! *shaking head* He loves that the suitcase is on the floor in our room - in and out and in and out. Too funny.
It's great just to watch Landon playing these days. He's really thinking through stuff, processing. He loves to take things (whatever things he has handy, like magnets, cards, pieces of paper, toys) from one place to another and back again. He does this very orderly as well. Take one thing to the chair, go back for the next thing and take it to the chair; then when all things are on the chair, take one back to the original spot, or maybe a new spot, and keep transferring things until they're all moved to the new location. Repeat.
He also looks like he's thinking through what to do next. He'll be playing, then just stop and think, and then move on to whatever it was he thought of I guess. At first I thought he was pooping, or farting or something, but nope - he's just thinking of something and then gets right back to playing.
And he'll be playing at something, then he'll stop, think, get up and race off to do whatever it was he just thought of. Something like "hey, I wonder if the phone will still make that awful beeping sound if I take the receiver off the hook and leave it dangling from the table". Or maybe, "so mom's not looking, I think I'll go and see if that stuff in the toilet is still wet and cold". Or another favourite "Hey look, mom's laying on the floor and not watching me. I should go and sit on her head!"
And Landon loves hide-and-seek games too. You don't actually have to hide, he just likes it when you look at him from under the table, then over the top of the table, then from beside the chair, then from under the chair...
So he's been very busy. He cannot walk to do any of these things either - when Landon moves, it's very quickly!! And I find I'm spending a good part of my day on the floor playing with him. It's so fun - who could resist!! He loves to play with pillows and blankets, throwing them around the room and then pouncing on them. It seems everything he does cracks me up - which is a good thing I guess. And I do enjoy those 2 hour naps in the afternoon - the only time of the day when I can actually get anything done!! LOL
So the weather's supposed to be nicer this weekend - which is good because I think Landon needs to get outside for some fresh air playtime. We've been cooped up since Sunday at Aunty Vonnies really - it rained at Carla's, and it's been raining and snowing ever since :-( So hopefully some good sunshine this weekend and we'll get outside to see if the lid for the sandbox actually kept the sand dry!
Hope everyone is well ... and not spending gross amounts of time on facebook like me :-/ Gack -- who invented that narcotic! sheesh!! Take care...TK
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
back from long weekend in Sk
Well, we're back from another weekend in Saskatchewan. Landon and I hit the road Thursday morning, came home last night. John was camping with his friends back east -- he had MUCH nicer weather than we did! heh heh
But - Landon and I had a good trip. He travels pretty well. We stop once, the rest of the time he naps and squawks, it's manageable.
Saturday I got in to Swift for 9 holes of golf with Tilly and Savannah - it felt good to get out golfing again!! That's for sure. Sunday we went to Kyle to visit Aunty Vonnie -- who absolutely SPOILS Landon rotten!! So many gifties for the little stinker! It was a great visit, but I couldn't believe he wouldn't fall asleep on the way home ... 1.5 hours and he was awake staring at everything the entire time :-/ He went to sleep as soon as we got to the farm though!
Monday we went in to spend the day in Swift with Carla and the boys. Landon LOVES Ryder ... holy moly! He followed him around all day long! heh heh.
And Tuesday back to Calgary. I think Landon, John and myself were all glad to get home again! It was a great long weekend though. Now it's rainy (and snowy) and yucky. Blech. The weekend's supposed to be nicer though - hopefully.
I will have to dig up some pics and post them soon. I've been spending so much time on stupid facebook that I don't get to blogging as much :-/ Dumb addicting website. So I will get some pics on here shortly, adn will try to keep on blogging regularly. Sorry to all of those who miss the (more) regular updates!
But - Landon and I had a good trip. He travels pretty well. We stop once, the rest of the time he naps and squawks, it's manageable.
Saturday I got in to Swift for 9 holes of golf with Tilly and Savannah - it felt good to get out golfing again!! That's for sure. Sunday we went to Kyle to visit Aunty Vonnie -- who absolutely SPOILS Landon rotten!! So many gifties for the little stinker! It was a great visit, but I couldn't believe he wouldn't fall asleep on the way home ... 1.5 hours and he was awake staring at everything the entire time :-/ He went to sleep as soon as we got to the farm though!
Monday we went in to spend the day in Swift with Carla and the boys. Landon LOVES Ryder ... holy moly! He followed him around all day long! heh heh.
And Tuesday back to Calgary. I think Landon, John and myself were all glad to get home again! It was a great long weekend though. Now it's rainy (and snowy) and yucky. Blech. The weekend's supposed to be nicer though - hopefully.
I will have to dig up some pics and post them soon. I've been spending so much time on stupid facebook that I don't get to blogging as much :-/ Dumb addicting website. So I will get some pics on here shortly, adn will try to keep on blogging regularly. Sorry to all of those who miss the (more) regular updates!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Fun weekend in Swift :-)
I sure had a good time last weekend, golfing in Swift Current. It had been awhile since I've been home with good friends just letting loose! The drive back to Calgary was pretty looooooong on Sunday though :-/ aiaiai
John and Landon had a good weekend too. They played played played all weekend long. When I got home, Landon was like 'hi mom' and then off playing some more! lol
We haven't done much this week. Bought some sand for his new sandbox ... he's been LOVING that thing! There's sand everywhere now :-/ And running around outside as much as possible - Landon does not like to be in the house for any length of time, that's for sure. So we go out lots.
He's still at 1 nap a day - it's working well. A nice 2-hour snooze at 1, he's in bed at 9 snoozing until 9 am. That I can handle.
We're getting ready to head to the farm tomorrow. Grandma *might* be a bit excited to see him, but I'm not too sure :-/ Heh heh Hopefully he'll travel well - we're leaving as soon as he eats breakfast. He'll be bonkers by the time we get to the farm - all that sitting all day. I'll have to let him out of the car and he can run run run at the farm. That will be nice.
So I likely won't post again until next week. Take care everyone!! TK
John and Landon had a good weekend too. They played played played all weekend long. When I got home, Landon was like 'hi mom' and then off playing some more! lol
We haven't done much this week. Bought some sand for his new sandbox ... he's been LOVING that thing! There's sand everywhere now :-/ And running around outside as much as possible - Landon does not like to be in the house for any length of time, that's for sure. So we go out lots.
He's still at 1 nap a day - it's working well. A nice 2-hour snooze at 1, he's in bed at 9 snoozing until 9 am. That I can handle.
We're getting ready to head to the farm tomorrow. Grandma *might* be a bit excited to see him, but I'm not too sure :-/ Heh heh Hopefully he'll travel well - we're leaving as soon as he eats breakfast. He'll be bonkers by the time we get to the farm - all that sitting all day. I'll have to let him out of the car and he can run run run at the farm. That will be nice.
So I likely won't post again until next week. Take care everyone!! TK
Friday, May 11, 2007
Fun in the tub!!
Here are a couple of cute pictures of Landon from the tub the other night. He loves to play with the water coming out of the faucet ... keeps him occupied for great lengths of time :-) He tries to drink it, claps his hands under it, tries to catch it and wonders where it goes (stares at his hands amazed it's not just sitting in his palm). It's pretty damned cute, I must admit!!
I'm just getting ready to hit the road this afternoon ... back to Swift Current for a golf tourny tomorrow. I'm sure I'll be nice and sore on Sunday, from the golf and the bevvies :-) Ah well...
I bought Landon a sandbox today. Now we just need to get some bags of sand...yeah! It's on the deck for now (until we get our yard fenced ... that's another drama!).
Have a good weekend everyone! Take care...TK
Monday, May 07, 2007
Monday Report :-)
Here's my little monkey concentrating this morning ... I can't remember on what, likely the cell phone :-)
We had a good day -- to the zoo this morning, which was fun (pics below). A long snooze this afternoon after that fresh air and excitement. Tonight he ran around outside ... explored the backyard while John and I measured for a fence. He didn't even have his pants on (socks and shoes, + shirt) but he was happy as hell just to be running outside (I think he was happiest to have gotten off of the deck!!). I'm very much looking forward to having the yard fenced ... we're phoning tomorrow.
I went for a bike ride tonight. Three so far this year - WOW. It was such a nice night though - very nice ride.
That's the news for today. I'm heading home on the weekend to golf with Carla, Tilly and Julie. I'm going on my own - Landon's staying home with dad :-) Should be fun fun fun!! Heh heh
Until next time ... enjoy the pics!! TK
At the zoo - it's the animals that are supposed to excite you, right?
Not Landon! heh heh Don't get me wrong, he did like some of the animals. But the big hit were the waterfalls we passed, and this lion statue :-) He liked the butterflies too, but I didn't manage to get any in this picture.
Landon also saw hippos (they were eating right in front of us ... pretty hard to miss), giraffes, and peacocks. Everything else he wasn't too interested in :-/
It was fun to go to the zoo though - I'm looking forward to going again. We only went through a portion of it, and he did seem to pay a bit more attention this time. heh heh And I enjoyed seeing the animals too :-)
Fun with Windows!
Sunday, May 06, 2007
My Little Man
OMG -- Landon isn't a little baby anymore!! Look at my little man in this photo!! All handsome :-) Just thought I'd post a cute pic from today.
We had a nice day today, the sun was out, it was quite nice. John let me sleep in :-D
We went to the driving range this afternoon too. John and I took turns. I was quite impressed with how improved John's hits are ... I didn't realize just how much better he'd gotten last summer. I have my work cut out for me to kick his butt again!! I hit a few straight ones, a few not-so-straight, but hey -- it's been 2 years, what'd you expect right?
Saturday, May 05, 2007
For Nikki ;-)
ahhh .... finally ... sun!! We went for a nice walk this afternoon, despite the wind :-P Blech! But it's nice to get out again.
We also went to the kids only community garage sale this morning, but by the time I got my sorry butt there all the 'good stuff' was gone. We did buy a few shirts for Landon, and a noisy toy (WHAT was I thinking??!!!).
Julie was here last night - on her way home from her TO class. It was great to have her again, and I'm looking forward to many more visits as we're only a few hours apart now :-)
And Aunty Laura is here for the weekend, for her class. John and I are looking forward to more visiting tonight, and some foot massages as Aunty Laura practises for her big test tomorrow. Everybody think good thoughts for her tomorrow so she passes :-D
And plans are in the works for next weekend --- I'm going to head back to Speedy Creek to golf in a ladies tournament. The last time I golfed in this particular tournament ... aiaiaiaiai. So I'm really looking forward to it - although I'll be some sort of sore after not golfing for the past 2 years!!
And to Landon - he's wonderful as usual. Was very glad to get outside today, to say the least!! He's getting better at holding onto my hand when we're outside, so he can walk on his own more and work off some energy! lol
He was pretty hilarious yesterday actually. He learned to scream ... all-out ... Aunty Laura would jump when he did it, so he'd laugh soooo hard, and scream again. He was laughing harder than I've ever seen. Aunty Laura and I were laughing so hard we were crying too. It was very funny - loud - but funny!! Hopefully we can curb the screaming habit though :-/ It's an awful sound.
And we're still on one nap a day ... it seems to be working. Although today the nap was over a bit early, so I'm not sure if he'll make it to bedtime tonight, or if he'll go to bed early, or if he'll need a bit of downtime on his own. I guess we'll see. He gets pretty tired by the time he goes to bed at night ... like one nap just isn't quite enough, and two is far too much. Add to that a shorter, earlier nap today, and it could be interesting. Ah well ... we'll see.
So that's the news from here. Will post again soon...TK
We also went to the kids only community garage sale this morning, but by the time I got my sorry butt there all the 'good stuff' was gone. We did buy a few shirts for Landon, and a noisy toy (WHAT was I thinking??!!!).
Julie was here last night - on her way home from her TO class. It was great to have her again, and I'm looking forward to many more visits as we're only a few hours apart now :-)
And Aunty Laura is here for the weekend, for her class. John and I are looking forward to more visiting tonight, and some foot massages as Aunty Laura practises for her big test tomorrow. Everybody think good thoughts for her tomorrow so she passes :-D
And plans are in the works for next weekend --- I'm going to head back to Speedy Creek to golf in a ladies tournament. The last time I golfed in this particular tournament ... aiaiaiaiai. So I'm really looking forward to it - although I'll be some sort of sore after not golfing for the past 2 years!!
And to Landon - he's wonderful as usual. Was very glad to get outside today, to say the least!! He's getting better at holding onto my hand when we're outside, so he can walk on his own more and work off some energy! lol
He was pretty hilarious yesterday actually. He learned to scream ... all-out ... Aunty Laura would jump when he did it, so he'd laugh soooo hard, and scream again. He was laughing harder than I've ever seen. Aunty Laura and I were laughing so hard we were crying too. It was very funny - loud - but funny!! Hopefully we can curb the screaming habit though :-/ It's an awful sound.
And we're still on one nap a day ... it seems to be working. Although today the nap was over a bit early, so I'm not sure if he'll make it to bedtime tonight, or if he'll go to bed early, or if he'll need a bit of downtime on his own. I guess we'll see. He gets pretty tired by the time he goes to bed at night ... like one nap just isn't quite enough, and two is far too much. Add to that a shorter, earlier nap today, and it could be interesting. Ah well ... we'll see.
So that's the news from here. Will post again soon...TK
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Sleeper head :-)
Landon did something the other night that he hasn't done for months ... he fell asleep on John!! John was msn'ing with Guy and Donna, Landon was being adorable (or so I heard), and then *blink* he went to sleep :-) 
It's part of this new transition I think. He has been fighting naps for us, sometimes not falling asleep for over an hour after we put him down. And then at night he's up 'til all hours.
On this day (of the pic) he had had only one nap. And then again Tuesday, Wednesday and today he's had only one nap. Tuesday was good - he was tired as we'd been out bike shopping. Last night not-so-much -- we're thinking he went to sleep well, but then woke up thinking he'd simply had a nap. He was talking and googling in his room. I went in a couple of times to put him back down (he LOVES to jump in his crib), and he finally went to sleep for the night at midnight.
Tonight has been better -- he napped even later today (2 - 4 pm) and went to bed at 9:15. I've heard some squirming, but I think he's sleeping, and I don't think he's woken up as if from a nap (not yet anyways).
So we'll see how this all goes. I wouldn't mind if he kept his 2 nap schedule as the second one was right when I would make supper, but hey ... what can I do? This way we'll have more of the day to do stuff, and maybe he'll get back to going to bed at a decent time (it's been running to 10, 10:30, 11 as of late ... mostly because he fights his second nap for so long, then sleeps until 6 or 6:30 and we have to wake him up!). So maybe, just maybe, this is the transition to 1 nap days :-) We'll see.
Other than that ... it's rainy here. We've had the May snow for this year, so hopefully that doesn't happen again. Big fluffly flakes ... so big they make 'smoocking' noises when they hit the windows! S'posed to rain again tomorrow :-( So no zoo plans for us! Not until Monday anyways -- when it's supposed to be in the 20's. I'm very much looking forward to getting to the zoo again - I think Landon will 'see' more this time, especially if it's nice out!
Aunty Laura is coming for the weekend as well - YAY!! She'll be here tomorrow afternoon, and will be doing her reflexology course Sat and Sun. We're looking forward to a nice visit again.
That's the news from here ... will post again soon (and yes, I'll try to take more pics and get them posted!!) TK
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
John (finally) bought himself a bike
We went out tonight and John finally bought himself a new bike!! YAY It's quite nice, and I'm sure he'll enjoy riding it to work much more than his old bike. And I'm glad because he can quit fretting over which bike to buy - it's bought!! :-D
Landon was pretty good while we were out. We left home about 4:20 and didn't get back until 8 pm. Landon didn't even get a real supper - just crackers and cookies while we were at the bike shop :-/ He was in bed by 9 though, and I'm hoping he's down for the night! He was a real trooper though - smiling and flirting with everyone he met the entire time we were there. But after close to 2 hours in the bike shop, I was glad to get him out of there (it's tiring running after a 1 year old hoping he doesn't pull every bike in the shop down!! lol)
We had a nice weekend - Julie was up on Saturday, we went out for drinks Sat night. It's been a long time since I've been out in a bar. I don't miss it. But it was nice to be out with Julie. She'll be back Friday night too - after her course in TO.
Other than that, life is just ticking along. We got our taxes submitted last night about 11:58 pm or so. Of course :-/ aiaiaiai Next year maybe we'll get them done early. Heh heh
That's about it .... I'll try to get some pics up soon. I've been looking back at pics from the first few months of Landon's life ... *sigh* All wistful :-) SO hard to believe he's over a year already! lol And so darned cute too! tee hee
Until next time...TK
Landon was pretty good while we were out. We left home about 4:20 and didn't get back until 8 pm. Landon didn't even get a real supper - just crackers and cookies while we were at the bike shop :-/ He was in bed by 9 though, and I'm hoping he's down for the night! He was a real trooper though - smiling and flirting with everyone he met the entire time we were there. But after close to 2 hours in the bike shop, I was glad to get him out of there (it's tiring running after a 1 year old hoping he doesn't pull every bike in the shop down!! lol)
We had a nice weekend - Julie was up on Saturday, we went out for drinks Sat night. It's been a long time since I've been out in a bar. I don't miss it. But it was nice to be out with Julie. She'll be back Friday night too - after her course in TO.
Other than that, life is just ticking along. We got our taxes submitted last night about 11:58 pm or so. Of course :-/ aiaiaiai Next year maybe we'll get them done early. Heh heh
That's about it .... I'll try to get some pics up soon. I've been looking back at pics from the first few months of Landon's life ... *sigh* All wistful :-) SO hard to believe he's over a year already! lol And so darned cute too! tee hee
Until next time...TK
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