Friday, May 11, 2007

Fun in the tub!!

Here are a couple of cute pictures of Landon from the tub the other night. He loves to play with the water coming out of the faucet ... keeps him occupied for great lengths of time :-) He tries to drink it, claps his hands under it, tries to catch it and wonders where it goes (stares at his hands amazed it's not just sitting in his palm). It's pretty damned cute, I must admit!!
I'm just getting ready to hit the road this afternoon ... back to Swift Current for a golf tourny tomorrow. I'm sure I'll be nice and sore on Sunday, from the golf and the bevvies :-) Ah well...
I bought Landon a sandbox today. Now we just need to get some bags of sand...yeah! It's on the deck for now (until we get our yard fenced ... that's another drama!).
Have a good weekend everyone! Take care...TK

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