Landon is still climbing on everything and playing as hard as ever. His play is changing - he definitely wants me to play with him more and more. In fact, I cannot leave his sight these days. Not even to pee!! He follows me absolutely everywhere. Which can be frustrating, but we're dealing with it I guess.
Yesterday we played outside quite a bit in the evening which was fun. He just runs runs runs in the open space behind us. Too cute. He wants to go everywhere, and never wants to hold my hand or be picked up. That can be pretty frustrating - if he'd just hold my hand I'd let him do pretty much whatever, but he gets soo mad. grrr. Then of course he fell over and scraped his forehead, so I was able to carry him home. But he pitched a fit when I put him on the deck (he wanted to run to the street of course!). *sigh* All moms are laughing at this post I know...
Landon has discovered he actually likes cherries, but only when he can bite them whole, giving us panics about choking on seeds and ensuring cherry juice all over his and our clothes! Of course. Luckily the cherry season is coming to a close, so he'll be stuck making strawberry juice messes.
Tomorrow we're going to visit Stephanie (Weinbender) in the morning, so that will be nice. I'm looking forward to Ricki getting back to the city so that Landon and Keaton can play again too. Now that Landon's a bit bigger, perhaps they'll have more fun playing together.
And starting to get excited for the cabin at Eston! Woo Hoo. It's turned into almost a full week ... Wed night to Tues morning. YAY
That's the news from here, just a quick post, and sorry no pics. until next time...TK
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Yup, we're getting scared...
This little stinker! Man! Jumper continues to prove to have been the most accurate in-the-womb nickname. Tonight, Landon would stand on the couch, start jumping and then jump off onto the floor. yup, right off of the couch. Can hardly believe it.
This of course ties into the whole 'gotta climb on everything' deal that we've got right now. He loves to climb onto the kitchen chairs to get up on the table. And when we pull him down he pulls out a different chair to climb up on, like that's going to make the difference!!
He climbs all over the couches. Loves to climb up over the arms and then back down again. Loves to put things (mostly toys) on the half-wall between the living room and entranceway (I'm waiting for him to climb up there). He's climbed on the table beside the piano, sat there looking all smug.
He loves to get up to the computer room so he can climb onto the computer chair and bang on the keyboard (today I had a bunch of "Are you sure you want to ..." messages on the computer when I got up here!!). The other day he climbed onto the keyboard of the computer, causing the entire thing to fall off the desk!
He still loves to get up to look out the window - but we've moved the table so he can't climb onto the windowsill anymore.
And we had to put drawer locks on today, as he has discovered that he can open the kitchen drawers. We put a door lock on the pantry too, as he loves to get in there and pull the recycling out, and any box of crackers/cereal/cookies that he can reach!
So we're getting scared. Life with Landon is certainly changing. He's adorable and all, but this mischievnous!!!!! aiaiaiaiai
Oh well, he still makes us laugh. Last night he was playing with my cell phone, so I called it. His eyes lit up and he started jumping/dancing when it was ringing. Soooo funny, and too cute.
I will try to get some pics up of our trip to the zoo the other day. Man was that place packed!! I guess it's summer and it was the first cool day of the month so far. Landon finally enjoys the animals ... he liked the ostriches, the zebras, the giraffes. But it was the elephants that caused him to just sit and stare - with a half-smile on his face. They were the best there that day for him. Of course, the most fun he had was running around the grass after we had our picnic lunch. He made friends with all sorts of people!! lol It was the young pre-teens "in love" that made me giggle the most - they were all giggly-goo-goo and Landon just walked right up and patted the young guy on the head, then stood there and stared for about 3 minutes!! LOL They were squirming after that inspection!
That's the news ... here's looking forward to some cooler temps mid-week. TK
This of course ties into the whole 'gotta climb on everything' deal that we've got right now. He loves to climb onto the kitchen chairs to get up on the table. And when we pull him down he pulls out a different chair to climb up on, like that's going to make the difference!!
He climbs all over the couches. Loves to climb up over the arms and then back down again. Loves to put things (mostly toys) on the half-wall between the living room and entranceway (I'm waiting for him to climb up there). He's climbed on the table beside the piano, sat there looking all smug.
He loves to get up to the computer room so he can climb onto the computer chair and bang on the keyboard (today I had a bunch of "Are you sure you want to ..." messages on the computer when I got up here!!). The other day he climbed onto the keyboard of the computer, causing the entire thing to fall off the desk!
He still loves to get up to look out the window - but we've moved the table so he can't climb onto the windowsill anymore.
And we had to put drawer locks on today, as he has discovered that he can open the kitchen drawers. We put a door lock on the pantry too, as he loves to get in there and pull the recycling out, and any box of crackers/cereal/cookies that he can reach!
So we're getting scared. Life with Landon is certainly changing. He's adorable and all, but this mischievnous!!!!! aiaiaiaiai
Oh well, he still makes us laugh. Last night he was playing with my cell phone, so I called it. His eyes lit up and he started jumping/dancing when it was ringing. Soooo funny, and too cute.
I will try to get some pics up of our trip to the zoo the other day. Man was that place packed!! I guess it's summer and it was the first cool day of the month so far. Landon finally enjoys the animals ... he liked the ostriches, the zebras, the giraffes. But it was the elephants that caused him to just sit and stare - with a half-smile on his face. They were the best there that day for him. Of course, the most fun he had was running around the grass after we had our picnic lunch. He made friends with all sorts of people!! lol It was the young pre-teens "in love" that made me giggle the most - they were all giggly-goo-goo and Landon just walked right up and patted the young guy on the head, then stood there and stared for about 3 minutes!! LOL They were squirming after that inspection!
That's the news ... here's looking forward to some cooler temps mid-week. TK
Monday, July 23, 2007
Did I mention climbing?
Yup - Landon has learned to climb, and not only does he love it, he's pretty good at it too :-/ Aiaiaiai So he climbs everywhere, most notably onto the windowsill in the bonus room. The first time he was banging on the screen of the open window, and gave me a bloody heart attack. Now we moved the 'steps' (the end table) over to the other side of the window, so he climbs up to see what he can see. I hate it, but he insists he must see what's going on outside, from this high vantage point.
He also climbs up on the spare bed now, using the bedside tables as steps. And he climbs chairs and couches like nobody's business. He loves it. The big game last night was climbing onto the couch, then clambering off over the end (over the arms). There were several loud thuds, followed by giggles, and he'd be at it again. *shaking head* Crazy kid.
One thing I did get pure enjoyment out of was watching Landon run through the sprinkler yesterday. He's finally figured out just how fun that really is. He runs, runs, runs through the sprinkler. Yesterday we stripped him down so we could watch his bare little bum running through the sprinkler ... too cute! With this hot weather, that's about the only way we can stand to be outside! yikes!
So that's the news today ... just climbing everywhere! and trying to keep cool. Until next time...TK
Friday, July 20, 2007
Finally - it's cooling down (a bit)
Now that we've managed to borrow a window air-conditioner from some neighbours, it's starting to cool down. Isn't that how it is. We started out putting a fan in Landon's window to at least suck some hot air out of his room at night. But the other night the fan itself almost got sucked out when a storm blew through!! So luckily our neighbours were kind enough to lend us their a/c, as they weren't using it (they have just moved to the basement through this heat-stroke weather). Now we can turn the a/c on for about an hour before Landon goes to bed, and then we turn it off and the house has cooled off before it has a chance to warm Landon's room up (did that make sense to you? It did to me, so I'm just checking).
The whole reason -- the rest of the house cools down fairly well, but Landon's room just doesn't. Frustrating, and hot for the little stinker.
We are almost back to normalcy again. I am still not 100% over this cold thingy, but I'm getting better. Much better compared to Wed actually :-) And Landon is getting back to 12 hour nights, with a 1.5 - 2 hour nap. Now we just need to move the 12 hours up to 9 - 9 and we'll be great (it's currently about 10 - 10).
And Grandpa will be happy to know that Landon did indeed get another tooth. His first top left molar has poked through. Now he had 15 teeth!!
Landon was pretty cute tonight - we turned the sprinkler on and he ran under there for about 20 minutes, getting himself thoroughly soaked and giggling the entire time. It was cute as could be, but I didn't get any video of it (the camera was upstairs and I couldn't leave him outside alone, as we still don't have a fenced off yard).
So that's the update for this Friday night. I'm off to bed now. It's pretty windy (glad we have the a/c in the window, not that fan!! lol), so maybe we'll get a nice rainy storm to move through (a nice one, no hail, no damage, etc). G'nite! TK
The whole reason -- the rest of the house cools down fairly well, but Landon's room just doesn't. Frustrating, and hot for the little stinker.
We are almost back to normalcy again. I am still not 100% over this cold thingy, but I'm getting better. Much better compared to Wed actually :-) And Landon is getting back to 12 hour nights, with a 1.5 - 2 hour nap. Now we just need to move the 12 hours up to 9 - 9 and we'll be great (it's currently about 10 - 10).
And Grandpa will be happy to know that Landon did indeed get another tooth. His first top left molar has poked through. Now he had 15 teeth!!
Landon was pretty cute tonight - we turned the sprinkler on and he ran under there for about 20 minutes, getting himself thoroughly soaked and giggling the entire time. It was cute as could be, but I didn't get any video of it (the camera was upstairs and I couldn't leave him outside alone, as we still don't have a fenced off yard).
So that's the update for this Friday night. I'm off to bed now. It's pretty windy (glad we have the a/c in the window, not that fan!! lol), so maybe we'll get a nice rainy storm to move through (a nice one, no hail, no damage, etc). G'nite! TK
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Happy to be home...
Landon certainly has been happy to be home these past few days. Monday morning he jumped for about 2 1/2 hours non-stop, he was so happy.
Landon has been trying some new foods the last week too. Firstly he tried beets at Grandma's house, which he absolutely loved. He enjoyed the fresh peas too. then this week we BBQ'd some corn on the cob, which Landon gobbled up off of the cob like a pro. All those new teeth are being put to good use!!
Grandma of course spoils him and bought him a new toy. He's been having fun banging the hammer on every surface save the 'nails' on the new toy (did I thank you properly Grandma?). When we got home from that shopping trip, Landon promptly made the biggest mess he could in the laundry room :-/ Little stinker - but at least he was quiet for a few minutes ;-)
And he's been so happy to get his ride-on cars back into his life....he pulls them both around non-stop (one just wouldn't be good enough) and gets frustrated because he can't quite lift them onto the couch. Usually he does ride them the right way around, but not always :-)
At Grandma and Grandpa's

Landon sure was excited to get back to a familiar place at Grandma and Grandpa's. As soon as we pulled in the yard he was excited. He ran around all night, playing and playing.
Sunday morning, Grandma and I packed up and headed back to Calgary. But not before Landon got a chance to visit Grandpa and help out a bit with fixing up the swather. He got some kisses too, much to his delight.
Landon travelled back to Calgary very well. We stopped in Brooks at the spray park, which was a lot of fun. Landon didn't get wet, just cooled off, which was perfect. He was good for the rest of the trip. When we got home, I don't think I've seen a happier kid. He just ran and played and laughed and giggled. He was pretty darned excited to see dad too - the biggest grin ever when he saw 'dada'.
Swinging Bridge in Wolseley
It took us awhile to find the damned thing, but once we found the swinging bridge in Wolseley, Landon had a lot of fun on it. He took off right away, the sway didn't bother him at all. But when we got close to the other side, he was pretty tired as you can see.
We got an ice cream cone and a drink and hit the road after that. The play-time worked, and Landon had a good snooze all the way to Moose Jaw!
The Park in Wolseley
Playing the Keyboards
Landon had quite a fun time playing Cor's keyboards. There was some pretty interesting music coming out of there...heh heh. Then he thought that maybe his butt, and/or his feet and knees could play too. The climbing stage has officially begun - he's climbing EVERYTHING!
At Uncle Neville's we had a nice night watching the football game. Landon got to spend some time with Neville and Mary, which he took full advantage of. Here he's drawing something for Uncle Neville.
Playing at the Park
We had a lot of fun playing at the park by Cor and Dave's house. Landon has so much fun going down the slide ... Allie took him down as did I. He smiles with big dimples right from the top! It was fun to watch him playing here, he actually climbed the play structure himself, and he likely would've gone down the slide on his own (but I was too worried he'd crack his head open). Then he had fun playing at the bottom of the slide, examining rocks and such.
This was all after we went to feed the geese. It was pretty funny. Landon just wanted to chase the geese, he thought their hissing at him was funny (mom didn't think it was too funny though). Then Cor gave him some bread to throw to the geese, and he just ate it. Then he proceeded to eat 2 more slices of bread (yes, we do feed this kid, just not stale bread which is apparently a favourite!! lol). Too cute.
Playing at Pam's
Here's a picture of Frankie posing for me.
Despite being a sick little monkey, Landon did get some playing in at Pam's. Landon had a blast playing with Murphy too, they both chewed the same toys :-/
And Landon had so much fun 'cheersing' with Pam -- they must've cheered each other 2 dozen times, giggling the entire time.
Visiting Nathan (and Karen)
We managed to get a short but sweet visit in with Karen, Ken and Nathan (born same day as Landon, shared hospital room) while in Winnipeg. It was cut short as Landon was sick, but it was so great to get to see them. Nathan sure is a cutie-pie, and he's still got an inch or two and a few pounds on Landon. They got along as well as any 16 month olds do I guess ... playing more beside each other than anything. But it was cute to see them together.
I was lucky enough to get a few golf games in while at Falcon -- three to be exact. While my game isn't quite what it used to be a couple of years ago, I did manage not to hack up the course too badly. Uncle Bob, Aunty Rosemary, John, Uncle Neville, Brian and I all managed to get out through the week, and here's a picture of Brian, Uncle Neville and Uncle Bob on the course.
Also - we did manage to get a picture of most of us one night. Unfortunately Lorie and the kids were already gone, Isabel was sleeping, and Thomson didn't want to get in this picture (although he did make it for a second version not posted here). But the rest of us were here and smiling. This was taken on the top of the boathouse.
Fun at the Cottage
Landon had so much fun playing with Aunty Liz at the cottage - here Aunty Liz was singing 'the wheels on the bus' and Landon was laughing his little butt off.
Landon loved playing with his cousins too - he and Konur got along especially well. It sure was fun (if tiring) with all the kids.
Landon didn't take to the water too well on his first try with dad, but after a couple of times playing on the beach he got into the water with mom at the end of the week.
The best part of all for Landon was playing with Zoey. He loves puppies so much, and Zoey is so great with all of the kids. They gave each other kisses at every turn it seemed.
Home in Calgary :-)
Ok, I got orders from Grandma to get this thing updated now that we're home again :-) So here it is. Pics are not yet uploaded, so watch for them in the next day or two.
Landon recovered from his throat infection fairly well, once he started his antibiotics on Tuesday evening. This was after he threw up all over Karen and Ken's house (I sooo hope Nathan didn't catch this infection!!), cutting our visit much shorter than originally intended and prompting me to go to a walk-in. I must admit, the walk-in experience was great -- about a 10 minute wait, then saw the doctor immediately for about 5 minutes, and I was outta' there!
So Landon got some good sleep in on Wed afternoon (after being up for 2 hours throwing up overnight ... my first experience with Landon puking in his bed ... poor little bugger!!). But his good nap on Wed aft meant that Pam and I could (finally) get a good visit in ... that was long overdue and I really enjoyed it.
Wed evening we watched my old ball team, Bad Habit, win their game out at Blumberg. Then we went to Cor and Dave's where Landon terrorized the house. Thurs we met Loreen and Liz down at the Forks for lunch (Landon isn't exactly restaurant trained, but he wasn't too bad at the Forks). I stopped by MTS for a few minutes to see everyone - it was short and sweet, although I didn't get a chance to visit very much. Thurs aft was spent with Cor and Liz visiting and relaxing - very nice - while Landon snoozed (good kid!).
Thurs night Alison stopped by Cor's for a nice visit - it was great to see her again!! We went to feed the geese (Landon chased them, and then ate the bread himself!! lol) and went to the park where Landon had tons of fun on the slide.
Friday was spent on Sherry's deck (friend from MTS), which was very nice and relaxing (and hot). Landon was a good kid and napped very well there too, giving us a chance for a really good visit. Then Friday night to Neville and Mary's where we ate pizza (Yum Yum) and watched the football game. It was a nice relaxing evening there too, I am so glad Landon got over his infection so quickly as those last days wouldn't have been nearly as nice.
Sat morn up and off to the farm, Sun back to Calgary as Jenay was here for only a couple of days before flying off on Tuesday morning (so I didn't spend any extra time at the farm). Mom came back with us, which was nice. To have some company on the ride, and some help with Landon. Although I must say that Landon has learned to travel extremely well. We stopped in Wolseley and were 'tourists' on Sat afternoon ... we walked across their swinging bridge, and played in the playground, and at ice cream. And on Sun we stopped in Brooks at their water park (it was 33 degrees or something stupid like that!!). Landon didn't go under the water, but he splashed and stood close enough to get 'misted'. It was fun.
so that's the play-by-play of the trip.
I can hardly believe how much more Landon is playing now. It's like he's grown 3 months in 1! He climbs all over everything, the couches, chairs, everything. He loves light switches, and he can reach a few in our house ... one in the living room, and the three by the front door (he climbs the first 3 stairs). It is fun to watch him now. He rides his cars, he actually plays on the play structures at parks now (climbing them mostly, I still help him down most slides as I'm worried he'll crack his head open on the bottom). He is learning how to manipulate objects by twisting his wrist, so he can 'start' his ride on car, he can open his diaper garbage, etc.
And words. He calls everything with wheels a 'guck', except cars. But trucks, semis, tractors, graders, etc are all 'gucks'. Ducks are still 'gucks' too. Birds are a sort of squeal, as are cats. Baths are 'bahs' , and he LOVES them. He responds when you ask what a puppy says with a breathy 'arf', and he loves dogs more than anything. He had a blast with both Uncle Neville's Zoey and with Pam's Murphy (will have pics to post soon). He imitates many things, but mostly just the intonation than the actual sounds. But he imitates the tones of cock-a-doodle-doo, an owl hooting, etc. And he loves baa-baa-black sheep, he says Baa Baa all day long hoping we'll sing it again!! It is so much fun to play with him now.
So ... this is a long post. I will post more when I get pics up. This is too close to a novella for me!! lol Until next time...TK
Landon recovered from his throat infection fairly well, once he started his antibiotics on Tuesday evening. This was after he threw up all over Karen and Ken's house (I sooo hope Nathan didn't catch this infection!!), cutting our visit much shorter than originally intended and prompting me to go to a walk-in. I must admit, the walk-in experience was great -- about a 10 minute wait, then saw the doctor immediately for about 5 minutes, and I was outta' there!
So Landon got some good sleep in on Wed afternoon (after being up for 2 hours throwing up overnight ... my first experience with Landon puking in his bed ... poor little bugger!!). But his good nap on Wed aft meant that Pam and I could (finally) get a good visit in ... that was long overdue and I really enjoyed it.
Wed evening we watched my old ball team, Bad Habit, win their game out at Blumberg. Then we went to Cor and Dave's where Landon terrorized the house. Thurs we met Loreen and Liz down at the Forks for lunch (Landon isn't exactly restaurant trained, but he wasn't too bad at the Forks). I stopped by MTS for a few minutes to see everyone - it was short and sweet, although I didn't get a chance to visit very much. Thurs aft was spent with Cor and Liz visiting and relaxing - very nice - while Landon snoozed (good kid!).
Thurs night Alison stopped by Cor's for a nice visit - it was great to see her again!! We went to feed the geese (Landon chased them, and then ate the bread himself!! lol) and went to the park where Landon had tons of fun on the slide.
Friday was spent on Sherry's deck (friend from MTS), which was very nice and relaxing (and hot). Landon was a good kid and napped very well there too, giving us a chance for a really good visit. Then Friday night to Neville and Mary's where we ate pizza (Yum Yum) and watched the football game. It was a nice relaxing evening there too, I am so glad Landon got over his infection so quickly as those last days wouldn't have been nearly as nice.
Sat morn up and off to the farm, Sun back to Calgary as Jenay was here for only a couple of days before flying off on Tuesday morning (so I didn't spend any extra time at the farm). Mom came back with us, which was nice. To have some company on the ride, and some help with Landon. Although I must say that Landon has learned to travel extremely well. We stopped in Wolseley and were 'tourists' on Sat afternoon ... we walked across their swinging bridge, and played in the playground, and at ice cream. And on Sun we stopped in Brooks at their water park (it was 33 degrees or something stupid like that!!). Landon didn't go under the water, but he splashed and stood close enough to get 'misted'. It was fun.
so that's the play-by-play of the trip.
I can hardly believe how much more Landon is playing now. It's like he's grown 3 months in 1! He climbs all over everything, the couches, chairs, everything. He loves light switches, and he can reach a few in our house ... one in the living room, and the three by the front door (he climbs the first 3 stairs). It is fun to watch him now. He rides his cars, he actually plays on the play structures at parks now (climbing them mostly, I still help him down most slides as I'm worried he'll crack his head open on the bottom). He is learning how to manipulate objects by twisting his wrist, so he can 'start' his ride on car, he can open his diaper garbage, etc.
And words. He calls everything with wheels a 'guck', except cars. But trucks, semis, tractors, graders, etc are all 'gucks'. Ducks are still 'gucks' too. Birds are a sort of squeal, as are cats. Baths are 'bahs' , and he LOVES them. He responds when you ask what a puppy says with a breathy 'arf', and he loves dogs more than anything. He had a blast with both Uncle Neville's Zoey and with Pam's Murphy (will have pics to post soon). He imitates many things, but mostly just the intonation than the actual sounds. But he imitates the tones of cock-a-doodle-doo, an owl hooting, etc. And he loves baa-baa-black sheep, he says Baa Baa all day long hoping we'll sing it again!! It is so much fun to play with him now.
So ... this is a long post. I will post more when I get pics up. This is too close to a novella for me!! lol Until next time...TK
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Trip Update :-)
We are back from the lake and have survived, if barely ;-P LOL It was a ton of fun, with lots of family and visiting and swimming. Landon really enjoyed himself, and was a good boy most of the time. He had a bit of a time settling into a sleep pattern, and has managed to fanagle himself to a midnight to 11 am sleeping routine :-/ But we're dealing with that and will worry about 'fixing' it when we get home.
The trip out was good. Landon travelled like a pro. I left the farm last Fri morn (June 29), and drove for 5 hours before stopping (to Brandon) ... I stopped because I had to pee!! Landon had a good run, and we would've made it all the way to Winnipeg had he not smacked himself in the eye while we were going through St Francois Xavier (and I had to pee again anyways).
We stayed with Aunty Margaret for a couple of nights, and relaxed most of Sat. We went to Liz and Chris for some fun times with the Tremendons -- I sure miss those gals.
Then Sunday off to the Lake. It took a few attempts before Landon got used to the water, but by Friday we had him swimming and enjoying himself. Good thing too, as he got sick after that, and has been since then.
I'm at Pam's in Niverville (since Sun) until tomorrow. Hopefully we haven't gotten Frankie and Taya sick as Landon has a throat infection. He even threw up yesterday and today -- poor kid :-( He's on antibiotics now as I took him to the doc this afternoon. Yesterday I thought he got sick because he choked on a cookie so I wasn't so worried. But today he got sick while visiting Karen and Ken and Nathan (I sooo hope Nathan doesn't get sick now too!) so we were off to the doc. He started playing right after being sick, so he wasn't too traumatized, and hopefully the antibiotics will kick in quickly and we can salvage the last days of our visit.
It's been fun though. I have plenty of pics which I'll post when we get home. Should be home no later than Tues as I play v'ball Tues night. I'll post more info with the pics when I get them up.
Hope all is well with everyone!! Take care...TK
The trip out was good. Landon travelled like a pro. I left the farm last Fri morn (June 29), and drove for 5 hours before stopping (to Brandon) ... I stopped because I had to pee!! Landon had a good run, and we would've made it all the way to Winnipeg had he not smacked himself in the eye while we were going through St Francois Xavier (and I had to pee again anyways).
We stayed with Aunty Margaret for a couple of nights, and relaxed most of Sat. We went to Liz and Chris for some fun times with the Tremendons -- I sure miss those gals.
Then Sunday off to the Lake. It took a few attempts before Landon got used to the water, but by Friday we had him swimming and enjoying himself. Good thing too, as he got sick after that, and has been since then.
I'm at Pam's in Niverville (since Sun) until tomorrow. Hopefully we haven't gotten Frankie and Taya sick as Landon has a throat infection. He even threw up yesterday and today -- poor kid :-( He's on antibiotics now as I took him to the doc this afternoon. Yesterday I thought he got sick because he choked on a cookie so I wasn't so worried. But today he got sick while visiting Karen and Ken and Nathan (I sooo hope Nathan doesn't get sick now too!) so we were off to the doc. He started playing right after being sick, so he wasn't too traumatized, and hopefully the antibiotics will kick in quickly and we can salvage the last days of our visit.
It's been fun though. I have plenty of pics which I'll post when we get home. Should be home no later than Tues as I play v'ball Tues night. I'll post more info with the pics when I get them up.
Hope all is well with everyone!! Take care...TK
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