We had a lot of fun playing at the park by Cor and Dave's house. Landon has so much fun going down the slide ... Allie took him down as did I. He smiles with big dimples right from the top! It was fun to watch him playing here, he actually climbed the play structure himself, and he likely would've gone down the slide on his own (but I was too worried he'd crack his head open). Then he had fun playing at the bottom of the slide, examining rocks and such.
This was all after we went to feed the geese. It was pretty funny. Landon just wanted to chase the geese, he thought their hissing at him was funny (mom didn't think it was too funny though). Then Cor gave him some bread to throw to the geese, and he just ate it. Then he proceeded to eat 2 more slices of bread (yes, we do feed this kid, just not stale bread which is apparently a favourite!! lol). Too cute.
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