Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Heritage Park - Monday

Yesterday we went to Heritage Park with our friend Howie from Winnipeg (in visiting his sis for a week). It was a cool day, which was probably good because that meant it wasn't too busy. Landon had a pretty good time exploring and seeing things :-) We explored through some train cars from the early 1900's, and he even sat on the seats (he fits quite nicely under the ropes meant to keep people off the seats). And we went for a boat ride on a paddle-wheeler. Landon loved the birds, as usual, and was pointing at a sail boat I believe in this picture. (He points at everything and nothing these days, I usually have no clue what he's trying to show me).

We also went for a ride on the real train - Landon was glued to the window watching everything go by. The first time he heard the whistle (we were outside the train) it scared him, but after that he was good.

Heritage Park was really nice, and is definitely someplace that we'll take Grandma and Grandpa when they come to visit again. I think Grandpa would really get a kick out of it :-)

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