Wednesday, January 30, 2008


It's still plenty cold here. Yuck! Poor Landon, every day he gets excited, wanting to go outside. So we open the garage door or the front door. He stands for about a minute, then slams the door shut! LOL Poor guy though - he just wants to go out and play. Hopefully it'll warm up soon. And it's supposed to snow periodically over the next weeks, so maybe it'll get warmer and there will be lots of snow for Landon to play in.
We did leave the house today - went to buy groceries. Landon used to be an angel in the grocery store, but I guess it must be that he's so close to 2 or something? The last couple of trips he flips out when I put him in the cart. He bawls, and clings to me. You'd think it was torture or something. Poor guy. I end up walking scrunched up over the cart so that he can cling on to me while still being in the cart. By the time I'm through the fresh produce he's calmed down, and he gets excited to see the fish (well, lobsters and crabs at Sobeys). Today he ate a bunch of bread, which kept him pretty quiet. I think he's just so sick of being cooped up, he wanted to run

I was going to take him swimming this morning, until I tried on my bathing suits! LOL Nothing fits. Well, the bikini's do, but not the one pieces. Too much belly. So I ordered a maternity suit from Sears - but it's on back-order, so it'll be a couple of weeks :-( in the meantime, I have the times for gym-drop-in at Cardel, so we'll have to go and do that (tomorrow morning YAY). At least Landon can maybe burn off some energy.

He was pretty sleepy this morning though. He finally woke up on his own in the morning, without us having to drag him out of bed. But he was really sleepy all morning. I made up a song maybe last summer or so, for when I put him down for his nap. It's like "Mommy, I'm sleepy, I need to have a snoozy ..." Now he's singing that song to me when he's feeling sleepy. "Mommy, seepy, noozy" So cute.

Other than that, we've just been watching Thomas videos and playing with either trains or trucks. Landon LOVES when John gets home because John will play with him (after I'm tired out from the day). He has a bundle of energy, that kid!! aiaiaiaiai

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