Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Love that sprinkler

Yesterday was a hot one, so we set up the sprinkler for Landon. At first he wasn't too sure about going through the water, but once he got started ... He ran and ran and ran until he was shivering. Then he played on the cover of the sand box (the tarp) because it was warm. I hadn't tried his sunsuit on yet this year, but was pleased that it still fits him. Oh yeah, and Landon had the added pleasure of no diaper for his sprinkler-running ... you could tell that it was a new sensation to have nothing between him and his clothes *ahem*. But he was good with it, no accidents, and when he came in the house he peed on his pot. YAY He peed on his pot again today too. Maybe, just maybe ... *shrug*

Arlan and I went to a movie again today ... we saw Get Smart (well I saw it, Arlan snoozed through almost the entire thing, waking up during the last 10 minutes or so to eat :-D). I like these movie-Tuesdays ... only one more available to me, then John goes back to work :-/ Ah well, I'll go next week likely too ... it'll be a long Tuesday though, as we have Arlan's 6-week check-up in the morning too.

John is likely going to rent the drywall hoist either tonight or tomorrow and get working on drywalling the basement (!!). Wowsers ... it's really coming along, much more than I thought it would be at this point. Drywalling will be a big step ... after that it starts to feel like 'finishing' work. And I guess we'll have to make some choices on stuff like flooring, wall colours, and light fixtures. So far I've avoided all decision-making. But we just may get the basement done for Xmas ... YAY!!

That's the news from here. Oh yeah, that's Arlan's one-month picture. Too cute. Love that little stinker! Tomorrow afternoon is Cdn Baby Photographers too, so we'll get pics of Arlan, and Arlan with Landon and maybe even mom with the boys (dad too probably!!). Looking forward to that...

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