Thursday, November 20, 2008

FIVE months old ... already!

Here's a pic of me with my boys from yesterday ... actually got Landon to sit with us (pretty impressive ... he's usually moving FAR too fast for us to get a pic of him!! LOL).
And a pic of me with my little stinker ... he's so cute!

And Arlan sitting up on his own. This was on Tuesday (his 5th month birthday). He was falling over by the time I got the camera, but he is starting to sit on his own for short bursts (30 seconds to a minute). Can hardly believe it. He's getting SO big :-D

Chewing on the links is one of Arlan's favourite things. You should see how excited he gets when I pull those things out!! LOL

And just a picture of my smiler. Again from Tuesday -- exactly 5 months old. He is such a smiler all the time :-)

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