We have had several busy days, and are quite happy to be at home for Family Day!!
Sherry came in from Winnipeg on Thursday morning and spent Thursday and Friday with us. We hung out at home for the most part ... although we did pick up Landon's Wall-E cake pan for his birthday cake. Landon LOVES Sherry ... he wanted Sherry to read him his stories at nap time and bed time and everything!!
Friday was a nice day - John and Sherry made a yummy steak supper and cleaned up too, the best birthday present ever!! We played some cards, yapped our faces off, and drank too much wine.
Saturday we were up and on the road to Lethbridge for a wedding. We stayed at Paulette's house - I hadn't seen Paulette in about 10 years, so it was great to have a chance to catch up. Landon and Arlan stayed with Paulette while John & I went to the wedding, and I think they were fairly well behaved. Landon had missed his nap so was pretty wired all night, thankfully Amy got him convinced to finally go to bed (he said he couldn't go to sleep until mommy & daddy got home - she told him mommy & daddy were like Santa Claus that night, and couldn't come home until he went to sleep!). Landon did break one candle ... but overall was good. Arlan was an angel of course - going to sleep well and everything. The only frustration came when we got home -- Arlan was up to eat, and spent the next hour gooing and playing in the playpen while I tried to go to sleep beside him. Then he was awake for the day at 6 am!! aiaiaiaiai
But we got up and came back home yesterday - it was nice to come home and get unpacked and settled again. I enjoyed a LOT more sleep last night, and we are just hanging out all day. I think Arlan will maybe be getting another tooth shortly as his cheeks are red and he has dry skin patches on his bum again. I've been putting Nutri-Rich Oil on them to see if that works (as opposed to prescription cream). We'll watch that mouth of his.
Arlan is on the verge of crawling too ... today for the first time he was up on all fours ... so it's gotta come soon!! Now when he's on the floor, he's all over the place exploring!! we will be needing to dig the gates out of the basement in the next few days for SURE!!
Anyways, that's the quick post for now ... I'll keep you posted on the crawling and toothing developments...