Wednesday, February 18, 2009


My little Arlan is ALREADY 8 months old! So hard to believe!!

Here are some pics I took tonight. I love the cocked eyebrow picture - too funny! Can't believe I caught that expression so well :-)
Landon and Arlan play together sometimes. Mostly it's Arlan trying to maneuvre over to Landon, and watching Landon's antics (I am SO in for it!!). But every now and again Landon will play back ... tonight he was "tickling" Arlan's tummy saying "snuggly baby!". The tickling can get pretty rough, so I do have to watch, but so far Arlan just absolutely loves it!! LOL

So I just kept snapping photos as Arlan skootled himself around the bedroom tonight. We will be putting gates up very shortly as he is SO close to crawling. you can see that knee is getting under him, and he can get up on all 4's for brief periods already. Soon (too soon!!) he will figure it all out, and then ... *sigh* makes me want to cry :-( My little baby is growing too quickly ... Of course, maybe all this growing will have him sleeping through the night sometime soon - and I guess I am looking forward to THAT development!!

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