Landon's favourite refrains are to do whatever you just did "HARDER!" or "LOUDER!" or "FASTER!" Especially faster!! Everything from singing Row Row Row your Boat, to swinging, to chasing. It doesn't matter, it needs to be MORE!
Landon didn't wake me up in the night last night to pee. He wore a diaper to bed last night, maybe that was why (in his mind you can pee in a diaper, but not a pull-up?). I don't really care, I'm just glad my sleep wasn't interrupted :-)
And I gave Landon a truck as a reward for pooping on the toilet yesterday. I might've created a monster. He kept asking for another 'special' (I told him it was a special present, for pooping on the toilet). When I told him he would get one tomorrow (now today) when he pooped on the toilet again, I thought he would give himself hemorrhoids trying to poop again!! Poor kid LOL We were reading stories and everything, but all he could do was fart :-/ Reminds me of that saying you'd come across in bathrooms: Here I sit, Brokenhearted; Came to shit, but only farted. It might've been a disappointed 3-year-old wanting another 'special' who coined that little rhyme for the bathroom stall!! LOL
Another baby item out the door - the Jumperoo went this afternoon. Holy moly - we're cleaning stuff out and I like it! Just the bouncy chair & Bjorn left (that I've advertised), and the exersaucer will be advertised shortly too. I'll have to go on a shopping spree to fill the house up again ;-)
until next time..
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
YAY for Landon -- what a day it's been. He POOPEd on the toilet, ALL BY HIMSELF! That's right - I wasn't even there for the momentous occassion! I was feeding Arlan supper and I hear from upstairs "Mom! I pooped already!" I went racing upstairs thinking "oh no! WHERE!" And to my pleasant surprise, he had pooped right where he should've :-) YAY
Let's hope this is the beginning of a wonderful relationship with the toilet (NEVER thought I'd say something like that!! LOL)
Let's hope this is the beginning of a wonderful relationship with the toilet (NEVER thought I'd say something like that!! LOL)
Landon's First Dentist visit
Landon went to the dentist for the very first time today. the appt was originally 3 weeks ago, but that was when we all had a cold so I moved it back. He did SO WELL!! We'd been preparing him for quite awhile, telling him he'd have to open his mouth wide for the dentist to look inside. I was so proud!! The dentist counted his teeth (he has TWENTY, don't you know!), and told Landon he has no 'bugs' in there. That's what I use with him when brushing his teeth ... I tell him I'm checking for bugs, so that he doesn't get silver bugs like mom has (those silver fillings are good for something after all). He was a bit shy, but powered right through it. We were well prepared though - he sat on my knee, we had a couple of trucks and puppy blanket to help us feel secure. And of course, a little bribery didn't hurt ... he got a 'treat' afterward, a Froster (we didn't tell the dentist that that was the reward mommy promised!! LOL).
And mostly I was so impressed with Landon's patience! We arrived a few minutes early, Landon was all excited to meet the Dentist. They called us in on time. And there we were, in the frickin' dentist chair, for 25 MINUTES! I mean, seriously!! With a 3-year-old?? What were they thinking!!?? I was NOT impressed at about the 20 minute mark, and to say that Landon was not so patient at that time would be an understatement. Much longer and I would've just walked out. But I was able to show him a fancy light, and he turned the dentist light on and off and few times, and well, just looked at pictures, and tried to find something blue, etc etc. When the dentist came in I did tell him that I'd much rather be waiting in the waiting room with a kid than in the chair - he was like 'I'll take that into consideration' ... you know, the PFO!! LOL ah well, at least I felt better for saying something ;-)
Other than that, it's finally warming up - Landon was playing outside this afternoon. After a half hour or so he came in because he was getting cold, but at least he could get out there. And Arlan was out for a few minutes too, enjoying his swing! They are both such outside kids - I think we will spend most of our summer in the backyard!
That's about it. Until next time...
And mostly I was so impressed with Landon's patience! We arrived a few minutes early, Landon was all excited to meet the Dentist. They called us in on time. And there we were, in the frickin' dentist chair, for 25 MINUTES! I mean, seriously!! With a 3-year-old?? What were they thinking!!?? I was NOT impressed at about the 20 minute mark, and to say that Landon was not so patient at that time would be an understatement. Much longer and I would've just walked out. But I was able to show him a fancy light, and he turned the dentist light on and off and few times, and well, just looked at pictures, and tried to find something blue, etc etc. When the dentist came in I did tell him that I'd much rather be waiting in the waiting room with a kid than in the chair - he was like 'I'll take that into consideration' ... you know, the PFO!! LOL ah well, at least I felt better for saying something ;-)
Other than that, it's finally warming up - Landon was playing outside this afternoon. After a half hour or so he came in because he was getting cold, but at least he could get out there. And Arlan was out for a few minutes too, enjoying his swing! They are both such outside kids - I think we will spend most of our summer in the backyard!
That's about it. Until next time...
Sunday, April 26, 2009
another weekend gone
I hate it when weekends come to an end!! Ah well, c'est la vie. I'm just looking out the window, watching the snow fall. Yup - LOTS of it on the way I guess. 5-10 cm tonight, 10- 15 tomorrow, 5-10 for Tuesday. so we'll be building snowmen again this week I'm thinking. ugh ... I'd REALLY like spring to arrive.
We've had a good week. Arlan is pretty much sleeping through the night, waking between 6:30 and 7 for the day. It's alot easier for me to get up at that time when he hasn't woken me up all night long, that's for sure!!
And Landon is potty trained!! Well, for peeing anyways, Poops will be awhile yet I'm thinking. But the pee is there! He even tells me he has to pee when wearing a diaper (or a pull-up) and will then take that diaper or pull-up off to pee in the toilet. And if he's playing by himself, he'll just go without having to announce it to us (although he'll usually announce it after the fact, even 20 minutes later!! lol) I'm so proud.
Now he's not wanting to wear diapers that's where the Pull-ups have come into play. They're easy for him to pull off (like gotchies) when he wakes and wants to pee in the toilet, but if he pees while sleeping that's ok too. Much better than Friday night when he woke up 3 times because he'd taken his diaper half off and had to pee (and didn't want to pee in the bed like he did earlier in the week when his diaper came half off). He even peed in the toilet at 2:30 am on Friday night /Saturday morning!!
So we put him in a pull-up last night, and it was dry this morning. He then took it off to pee in the toilet. So to me, that means he's officially potty trained! YAY
We had Julie here Friday night after her trip to Mexico. So now we're watching how we feel - hoping she didn't bring back swine flu :-/ Yikes - yuck. I sure hope not!! I really don't want the boys to get sick. But from what I've read, it's likely to hit me the hardest ... Not to be selfish or anything, but I sure don't want to be sick either!! We'll just have to wait and see.
That's the news from here. Until next time...
We've had a good week. Arlan is pretty much sleeping through the night, waking between 6:30 and 7 for the day. It's alot easier for me to get up at that time when he hasn't woken me up all night long, that's for sure!!
And Landon is potty trained!! Well, for peeing anyways, Poops will be awhile yet I'm thinking. But the pee is there! He even tells me he has to pee when wearing a diaper (or a pull-up) and will then take that diaper or pull-up off to pee in the toilet. And if he's playing by himself, he'll just go without having to announce it to us (although he'll usually announce it after the fact, even 20 minutes later!! lol) I'm so proud.
Now he's not wanting to wear diapers that's where the Pull-ups have come into play. They're easy for him to pull off (like gotchies) when he wakes and wants to pee in the toilet, but if he pees while sleeping that's ok too. Much better than Friday night when he woke up 3 times because he'd taken his diaper half off and had to pee (and didn't want to pee in the bed like he did earlier in the week when his diaper came half off). He even peed in the toilet at 2:30 am on Friday night /Saturday morning!!
So we put him in a pull-up last night, and it was dry this morning. He then took it off to pee in the toilet. So to me, that means he's officially potty trained! YAY
We had Julie here Friday night after her trip to Mexico. So now we're watching how we feel - hoping she didn't bring back swine flu :-/ Yikes - yuck. I sure hope not!! I really don't want the boys to get sick. But from what I've read, it's likely to hit me the hardest ... Not to be selfish or anything, but I sure don't want to be sick either!! We'll just have to wait and see.
That's the news from here. Until next time...
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sleeping ... with some crying too
Well, on Friday night we decided that we aren't going in to lay Arlan down at night time when he wakes up crying. It's become a habit with him, he wakes up, then practises standing up and cries for us to come lay him down again. Thursday night, after the umpteeth time going in there, I thought maybe he's actually hungry, and made him a bottle to see exactly how hungry. Well, he wasn't hungry at all!! So Friday night - cry if you need to, but you have to get yourself down and back to sleep.
It started Friday morning with his nap - he stood up, I let him figure out how to get down and go to sleep. It took about 20 minutes of really, REALLY mad howling, but he made it. Then the afternoon nap was fine. And guess what! Friday night ... he slept right through without a peep!! RIGHT THROUGH! Man that feels good!!
Saturday night he woke about 4:30 am (I should mention that the plan was/is to not respond until after 4 am, if he cries after 4 I go in and feed him). He ate and went back to sleep, oh such a good baby :-)
Then last night (Sunday) he woke up at 2:15 or so, and we left him to it. He cried, so MAD, but after about 15 minutes he was quiet. A few minutes later he cried again, but for a very short time. Then he slept through until 6:45 (when we got up for the day).
So we had 2 really good nights, some howling last night, but still a happy camper today. So we'll see what tonight brings as well ... It's SO hard to leave him in there, but when all he wants is to be laid down again, well, that's just TOO exhausting for this mama!! Wish us luck ... maybe he'll even give up that 4 or 5 am feed for good soon :-)
On another note - Landon continues to pee in the toilet. No poops yet, but consistent pees, without us needing to help him. He just gets up and does it, then comes to 'brag' about it. BIG BOY!
And a big Happy Birthday to Grandma today :-) Hope your day was wonderful...enjoy being 39!! Hey, how can you be only 5 years older than me, your youngest?????
Until next time...
It started Friday morning with his nap - he stood up, I let him figure out how to get down and go to sleep. It took about 20 minutes of really, REALLY mad howling, but he made it. Then the afternoon nap was fine. And guess what! Friday night ... he slept right through without a peep!! RIGHT THROUGH! Man that feels good!!
Saturday night he woke about 4:30 am (I should mention that the plan was/is to not respond until after 4 am, if he cries after 4 I go in and feed him). He ate and went back to sleep, oh such a good baby :-)
Then last night (Sunday) he woke up at 2:15 or so, and we left him to it. He cried, so MAD, but after about 15 minutes he was quiet. A few minutes later he cried again, but for a very short time. Then he slept through until 6:45 (when we got up for the day).
So we had 2 really good nights, some howling last night, but still a happy camper today. So we'll see what tonight brings as well ... It's SO hard to leave him in there, but when all he wants is to be laid down again, well, that's just TOO exhausting for this mama!! Wish us luck ... maybe he'll even give up that 4 or 5 am feed for good soon :-)
On another note - Landon continues to pee in the toilet. No poops yet, but consistent pees, without us needing to help him. He just gets up and does it, then comes to 'brag' about it. BIG BOY!
And a big Happy Birthday to Grandma today :-) Hope your day was wonderful...enjoy being 39!! Hey, how can you be only 5 years older than me, your youngest?????
Until next time...
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Picture catch-up!
Well, I played picture catch-up today ... lots of new pics on here. I have been so slack!! If it hasn't been me doing shows and everything I'm trying to learn for Nutrimetics, it's been travels or flu-bugs. But I waded through the pics today, and got plenty on here :-)
Julie was here last night -- she's off to Mexico today (I'm VERY jealous ... oh just think, a day of lazing around on the beach, in the sun, reading a book ... just a DAY would be incredible, she's there for a WEEK!). She'll be back next Thursday for a day or two, which is wonderful.
We are pretty much just hanging out. I'm not sure if Arlan's getting more teeth or what, but he sure hasn't been sleeping well. His appetite has increased tremendously ... I can barely get the kid fed! I did up a bunch of veggies today (no purees, just chunky now, so he can feed himself) so hopefully I can keep up! He insists on feeding himself, so I'm constantly trying to find things that cook up soft enough for him to do so. We are getting through a bunch of new foods, so I hope that isn't the problem with the sleeping (gassy???). And he's been biting biting, so I'm sure another tooth is on it's way soon enough. If it's not one thing, it's another!! LOL Ah well, good thing he's so cute. And he sure naps well whenever we get him outside, so I'm hoping that bodes well for the summer......
Landon's being really wonderful ... defying every single request made of him. He just stands there shaking his head 'no', no matter what the request may be. But on the upside, he's been using the toilet consistently the past few days (I better not have just jinxed it!). Poops still in the diaper, but pees all in the toilet. He's even going on his own ... he was playing downstairs last night when I heard the toilet flush -> I went down to check on him and he's all matter-of-fact "Oh, I just peed." Keep your fingers crossed!!!!!! He has to be potty-trained to go to the daycamps I signed him up for this summer ... I know he'll love camp, so I sure hope he's trained by then, as I'd hate for him to miss camp.
Anyways, that's it for now. I should check on Arlan the snoozer ... really late afternoon snooze today. And of course, Landon wants to play blocks (he didn't have a nap this afternoon, something that's happening more and more frequently ... 2 or 3 times a week usually).
until next time....enjoy the pics ;-)
Julie was here last night -- she's off to Mexico today (I'm VERY jealous ... oh just think, a day of lazing around on the beach, in the sun, reading a book ... just a DAY would be incredible, she's there for a WEEK!). She'll be back next Thursday for a day or two, which is wonderful.
We are pretty much just hanging out. I'm not sure if Arlan's getting more teeth or what, but he sure hasn't been sleeping well. His appetite has increased tremendously ... I can barely get the kid fed! I did up a bunch of veggies today (no purees, just chunky now, so he can feed himself) so hopefully I can keep up! He insists on feeding himself, so I'm constantly trying to find things that cook up soft enough for him to do so. We are getting through a bunch of new foods, so I hope that isn't the problem with the sleeping (gassy???). And he's been biting biting, so I'm sure another tooth is on it's way soon enough. If it's not one thing, it's another!! LOL Ah well, good thing he's so cute. And he sure naps well whenever we get him outside, so I'm hoping that bodes well for the summer......
Landon's being really wonderful ... defying every single request made of him. He just stands there shaking his head 'no', no matter what the request may be. But on the upside, he's been using the toilet consistently the past few days (I better not have just jinxed it!). Poops still in the diaper, but pees all in the toilet. He's even going on his own ... he was playing downstairs last night when I heard the toilet flush -> I went down to check on him and he's all matter-of-fact "Oh, I just peed." Keep your fingers crossed!!!!!! He has to be potty-trained to go to the daycamps I signed him up for this summer ... I know he'll love camp, so I sure hope he's trained by then, as I'd hate for him to miss camp.
Anyways, that's it for now. I should check on Arlan the snoozer ... really late afternoon snooze today. And of course, Landon wants to play blocks (he didn't have a nap this afternoon, something that's happening more and more frequently ... 2 or 3 times a week usually).
until next time....enjoy the pics ;-)
Fun in the Park
Arlan thoroughly enjoyed his first real play time in the park. He went to the park several times last year, but was usually snoozing in the stroller :-) So today he go to PLAY! At first, he was quite content to watch Landon and check out the Grandpa that mom was visiting with ... so he sat on the bench with mom. But after a short while he wanted to get down and see what all the fuss was about. It was a very fun game to try to put rocks in our mouths and then laugh laugh laugh when mom batted them away and said "no". He laughed so hard ... would put his hand almost to his mouth and wait there for me to bat the rocks away. Too funny. Arlan also LOVED his first big swing ride. It took awhile though ... it seemed as though as soon as Landon got on the other swing Arlan realized it was all good and started giggling and laughing. Then Landon was swinging his legs back and forth, laughing that his swing was 'wiggly' ... so Arlan had to swing his legs back and forth while laughing even harder. Too CUTE! I loved it and am SO looking forward to many more trips to the park. Not to mention getting Arlan's little swing seat hooked up in the backyard ... that'll be great too!
Piano Man -- er, Men!

A favourite game for the boys is to play the piano. Arlan has just discovered this wonderfully noisy new toy!! LOL Whenever Landon starts banging away, Arlan stops dead, listens, then starts 'singing' while crawling full-speed to join Landon!! It's pretty funny. And if Landon nor I are available to play the piano, Arlan tries to do it himself. He gets SO frustrated when the lid is down, or when that darned piano bench gets in the way. But sometimes mom HAS to have it that way, or her ears might fall off of her head....
Loving the mirror, and the stairs...

Arlan has rediscovered the baby in the mirror, and has fun playing with that baby, and even giving kisses!! LOL Little stinker.
Arlan's favourite trick right now is the stairs -- he climbs up 3 or 4 stairs, and then backs down them again. Today he went from upstairs to the landing pretty much by himself. I had to show him how to back up to the stairs at the top, but then he maneuvred himself down (with the possible exception of the last stair, where thankfully mom was there to ensure no bumps and bruises). So we have put up the last gate in the house at the very bottom of the stairs -- mom did that about 14 seconds after she discovered Arlan on his knees on the fourth stair up, and Landon going "No ARLAN!" (worried he's get his trucks that Landon 'stores' on the landing of the stairs, out of harms (read: Arlan's) reach).
And the pic with Arlan in the foreground, John in the back. That's Arlan being a very helpful helper ... John was putting our new garbage can in under the sink, and Arlan was making sure all the measurements were exact. I think we have a picture of Landon at this exact age helping John under the sink, putting the garburetor in :-)
Oh that face...
If that pic with him sitting up isn't a trouble-maker face, I just don't know what is!!
And another naked baby pic - he's getting ready for a bath here. He's taken to crawling full-speed around before bathtime ... where he used to be SO ready for bath because it meant bed, now it's not so much. He is still so tired, and so ready for bed at bedtime, but isn't nearly as keen on the bath. Especially since we have to keep sitting him back down "bathtubs are for sitting, Arlan." That usually ends the bath pretty quickly.
Arlan LOVES to feed himself!
As you can tell, some of my favourite moments are when Arlan's feeding himself. He's just so DARNED CUTE!! LOL He loves bananas, spinach, Mum-Mum crackers, Cheerios, and his most recent favourite is whole wheat toast with butter. He can't get enough of that. But I just love watching him concentrate SO hard to get that food into his chubby little cheeks ...
Picture Catch-up - Landon
Here are a few pics of Landon. The ones at the park are from this afternoon. He was having fun filling his pockets with rocks!! Of course Arlan was having fun filling his mouth with rocks!! LOL But they are starting to play together a bit more, which is always nice to see. Landon does tend to panic whenever Arlan gets within 14 feet of his toys, but it's getting better. This summer will be fun - I can see that already!
Monday, April 13, 2009
I think the real reason behind Easter is to remind us all why we DON'T feed our children chocolate for breakfast!
Thankfully, Landon is now done all of his chocolate.
Thankfully, Landon is now done all of his chocolate.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter!
We had a nice weekend - hung out at home and it was GREAT!
I bought Arlan a new carseat (thank you Uncle Bob & Aunty Rosemary) on Saturday. Now he fits :-) Of course, on the ride home from buying the seat, he fell asleep -- so he had his last nap in the bucket car seat :-( Another sad time for mom as I realize he's growing SO fast!!!!! But I took the opportunity to clean the car out - vacuumed, windows, the whole shebang and it looks great (until the very next car trip with the kids I'm sure!!). Ah well.....
Today I actually managed to go outside for a run, yup, I said RUN! It wasn't all running, but I did about a mile of running, a mile of walking, so that's ok for a start. I'm hoping to get back into it (after a 5 year hiatus!), and maybe even do a 10K this fall. We'll see....but I do need to do something to get back into shape, and I don't seem to find the time to get to the gym, so maybe this will be it.
Landon really enjoyed his Easter Egg hunt this morning. It took him awhile to catch on to the 'hunting' part, if in fact he ever really did. He basically went about his day and then you'd hear "An EGG!!!". I had some chocolates, graham crackers, and play-doh in the eggs, so he was excited to open them (and REALLY excited when it was chocolate inside!!). He also enjoyed his Easter present from the Easter bunny (a chocolate egg, of course, and the Thomas & Friends V-Tech game). We've played a bit of his new game today, he's liking his V-tech more and more.
We have also been taking several walks because it's so nice out. I love spring!! Arlan is enjoying facing forward in the stroller, although he won't go to sleep in there anymore. Maybe if we went for longer walks, but he hasn't thus far. It won't surprise me if he doesn't nap in the stroller anymore, and who can blame him - there's just so much to see!
Arlan is a piggy-pig these days...we can hardly fill him up. It seems like all he does is eat and sleep - I'm thinking growth spurt??!! We've introduced an additional bowl of cereal before bathtime (before bed), plus he eats constantly all day. This morning I think he ate breakfast for an hour ... we just kept giving him Cheerios and bananas. He eats a SLICE of bread at each meal, plus all the usual stuff. aiaiaiai But he hasn't been nursing quite as much. He really likes that bottle --> who could blame him, the milk squirts right out of there as fast as he can drink it with no effort on his part; he's so different from Landon who loved to nurse just to nurse, Arlan just wants to EAT, NOW! But I'll keep chugging away at it.
Arlan has been waking at night a bit more ... since this cold. But last night I just laid him back down with the soother instead of feeding him (I had to do this twice, I think, can't really remember if it was once or twice), then he woke at 7 for the day. So that's not too bad. Now if he could just learn to get down when he stands up in the crib, I wouldn't have to go in there at all!! LOL Poor kid - I get in there and he's hanging on for dear life, wailing away ... "MOM, I need HELP!" lol I lay him down and plug that soother in and he's out immediately. Ah well, someday I'll sleep all night long again, I'm sure of it.
Landon has been giving us many challenges too. He doesn't like to nap, and is so miserable by the early evening when he doesn't. grrrr Then he still fights going to sleep (I don't know how). Then last night, he went to sleep all right, but woke at midnight hungry!! lol Poor guy. But I got him some Yop and he went back to sleep for the night. Today he napped though, so he's still up ... we'll put him to bed soon, where I'm sure he'll play until 11 or 11:30 :-/ He loves to look out of his window (which his bed is right under) ... and he has completely wrecked his blinds - breaking a couple of the slats, and then BITING the rest!! yup - there's teeth marks on EVERY slat that he can reach. What a bozo ... but I didn't like those cheapo blinds anyways and look forward to getting some new ones.
Anyways, that's the ramble for today ... see - I did better, not such a long time between posts. Things are looking up :-D
I bought Arlan a new carseat (thank you Uncle Bob & Aunty Rosemary) on Saturday. Now he fits :-) Of course, on the ride home from buying the seat, he fell asleep -- so he had his last nap in the bucket car seat :-( Another sad time for mom as I realize he's growing SO fast!!!!! But I took the opportunity to clean the car out - vacuumed, windows, the whole shebang and it looks great (until the very next car trip with the kids I'm sure!!). Ah well.....
Today I actually managed to go outside for a run, yup, I said RUN! It wasn't all running, but I did about a mile of running, a mile of walking, so that's ok for a start. I'm hoping to get back into it (after a 5 year hiatus!), and maybe even do a 10K this fall. We'll see....but I do need to do something to get back into shape, and I don't seem to find the time to get to the gym, so maybe this will be it.
Landon really enjoyed his Easter Egg hunt this morning. It took him awhile to catch on to the 'hunting' part, if in fact he ever really did. He basically went about his day and then you'd hear "An EGG!!!". I had some chocolates, graham crackers, and play-doh in the eggs, so he was excited to open them (and REALLY excited when it was chocolate inside!!). He also enjoyed his Easter present from the Easter bunny (a chocolate egg, of course, and the Thomas & Friends V-Tech game). We've played a bit of his new game today, he's liking his V-tech more and more.
We have also been taking several walks because it's so nice out. I love spring!! Arlan is enjoying facing forward in the stroller, although he won't go to sleep in there anymore. Maybe if we went for longer walks, but he hasn't thus far. It won't surprise me if he doesn't nap in the stroller anymore, and who can blame him - there's just so much to see!
Arlan is a piggy-pig these days...we can hardly fill him up. It seems like all he does is eat and sleep - I'm thinking growth spurt??!! We've introduced an additional bowl of cereal before bathtime (before bed), plus he eats constantly all day. This morning I think he ate breakfast for an hour ... we just kept giving him Cheerios and bananas. He eats a SLICE of bread at each meal, plus all the usual stuff. aiaiaiai But he hasn't been nursing quite as much. He really likes that bottle --> who could blame him, the milk squirts right out of there as fast as he can drink it with no effort on his part; he's so different from Landon who loved to nurse just to nurse, Arlan just wants to EAT, NOW! But I'll keep chugging away at it.
Arlan has been waking at night a bit more ... since this cold. But last night I just laid him back down with the soother instead of feeding him (I had to do this twice, I think, can't really remember if it was once or twice), then he woke at 7 for the day. So that's not too bad. Now if he could just learn to get down when he stands up in the crib, I wouldn't have to go in there at all!! LOL Poor kid - I get in there and he's hanging on for dear life, wailing away ... "MOM, I need HELP!" lol I lay him down and plug that soother in and he's out immediately. Ah well, someday I'll sleep all night long again, I'm sure of it.
Landon has been giving us many challenges too. He doesn't like to nap, and is so miserable by the early evening when he doesn't. grrrr Then he still fights going to sleep (I don't know how). Then last night, he went to sleep all right, but woke at midnight hungry!! lol Poor guy. But I got him some Yop and he went back to sleep for the night. Today he napped though, so he's still up ... we'll put him to bed soon, where I'm sure he'll play until 11 or 11:30 :-/ He loves to look out of his window (which his bed is right under) ... and he has completely wrecked his blinds - breaking a couple of the slats, and then BITING the rest!! yup - there's teeth marks on EVERY slat that he can reach. What a bozo ... but I didn't like those cheapo blinds anyways and look forward to getting some new ones.
Anyways, that's the ramble for today ... see - I did better, not such a long time between posts. Things are looking up :-D
Friday, April 10, 2009
Finally - nice weather!

We finally have some nice weather, where we can go outside and hang out and not worry about cold winds in our ears & things like that. Arlan was loving sitting with dad on the deck watching Landon play. And Landon is LOVING being about to play outside. Our biggest challenge is getting him to put pants on to go outside!! LOL
Arlan has been loving his mobility, crawling all over and exploring the house. One 'toy' he enjoys is the mirror. I caught him having fun with the baby in the mirror the other day ... too sweet!
We are recovering from colds in our house :-/ Last weekend was VERY rough. Arlan had his first really bad cold, with a completely stuffed nose :-( He woke up Fri and Sat nights every 1.5 to 2 hours ... it was like having a newborn again. Fri night was the worst, as he would wake up and it would take an hour or two to get him back to sleep again. He was so tired, but he'd want to suck the soother and then couldn't breath through his nose, so he'd cry again which made his nose worse ... what a long night. Sat was better only in that he could get back to sleep quicker, he was still up lots!!
Then Landon got the cold too this past week, but he's weathered it like the pro he is. He's still got the runny nose and a slight cough, oh yeah -- he had the fever the first day too, fever child! -- but it hasn't disrupted his sleep too badly.
I've the cold too, I think I brought it home in the first place. It's still lingering, but not nearly as bad. Thankfully - it's been over a week and a half with this one already. But from what I hear, it may hand on another couple of weeks yet.
Carla, Dave & the boys were here last night for a visit. Did we ever have a great time. Landon & Ryder stayed up until 1:30 am!!! I thought they'd give in and fall asleep, but no way! Finally we had to put them to bed, I think they'd have been up until 4 otherwise :-/ Today was a long one though - our 'alarm clock' (Arlan) had me up at 7:30, as usual, so we were sleepy! I'm looking forward to going to bed right away here.
And that's about it. Landon's first dental appt was supposed to be on Wed, but since he woke up with the cold (and fever) on Tues I changed it to later in the month. We've been talking about going for a few weeks, but he must've forgotten about it b/c he hasn't asked. We'll have to get him pumped up for it now again, but c'est la vie.
Oh yeah - Arlan got his top 2 front teeth as well!! Both came in the same day (last Fri)...the day he got his cold. Now when he bites mommy, it REALLY hurts!! Hopefully that won't last....
So that's the news from here. I really should get on here more frequently, and will try harder :-P Promise...
general news,
sleeping fun...,
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Man the Days Fly by!!
So here it's been a week since I last posted --- again! aiaiai
Arlan continues to insist on feeding himself. Mealtimes are at least 30 minutes, with clean-up almost as long. I guess I'll have to start stripping him down to eat so that the laundry doesn't get too ridiculous! And I'm going to have to start making more meals for us that he can eat, as he really isn't interested in boring things like cereal anymore. Tonight for supper he had roasted butternut squash (not pureed), canned pears, Yum-Yum cookie, pureed broccoli and a meat puree. He wasn't interested in the purees, just the pears and squash!! So I think the purees are almost at an end. We'll be eating more meals with potatoes, as he loves potatoes. He also loves avocados, and has eaten a bit of bread too. Oh yeah, and hard-boiled eggs. All those things that Landon refused to eat!! lol
Arlan is also working at getting his 2 top teeth through. They are oh so close. I think tomorrow they should be there. His poor gum was almost to the point of bleeding today - he's working them so hard. So hopefully tomorrow they'll be through and he'll be happier.
Landon continues to be a stinker. Still missing a nap about once, sometimes twice, a week. His personality is really coming through - and I'm really enjoying him (most of the time). He is quite the character though, hard to believe he's three!!
That's about it from here. I'll get some pics up soon (I hope!). Until next time...
Arlan continues to insist on feeding himself. Mealtimes are at least 30 minutes, with clean-up almost as long. I guess I'll have to start stripping him down to eat so that the laundry doesn't get too ridiculous! And I'm going to have to start making more meals for us that he can eat, as he really isn't interested in boring things like cereal anymore. Tonight for supper he had roasted butternut squash (not pureed), canned pears, Yum-Yum cookie, pureed broccoli and a meat puree. He wasn't interested in the purees, just the pears and squash!! So I think the purees are almost at an end. We'll be eating more meals with potatoes, as he loves potatoes. He also loves avocados, and has eaten a bit of bread too. Oh yeah, and hard-boiled eggs. All those things that Landon refused to eat!! lol
Arlan is also working at getting his 2 top teeth through. They are oh so close. I think tomorrow they should be there. His poor gum was almost to the point of bleeding today - he's working them so hard. So hopefully tomorrow they'll be through and he'll be happier.
Landon continues to be a stinker. Still missing a nap about once, sometimes twice, a week. His personality is really coming through - and I'm really enjoying him (most of the time). He is quite the character though, hard to believe he's three!!
That's about it from here. I'll get some pics up soon (I hope!). Until next time...
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