Arlan has rediscovered the baby in the mirror, and has fun playing with that baby, and even giving kisses!! LOL Little stinker.
Arlan's favourite trick right now is the stairs -- he climbs up 3 or 4 stairs, and then backs down them again. Today he went from upstairs to the landing pretty much by himself. I had to show him how to back up to the stairs at the top, but then he maneuvred himself down (with the possible exception of the last stair, where thankfully mom was there to ensure no bumps and bruises). So we have put up the last gate in the house at the very bottom of the stairs -- mom did that about 14 seconds after she discovered Arlan on his knees on the fourth stair up, and Landon going "No ARLAN!" (worried he's get his trucks that Landon 'stores' on the landing of the stairs, out of harms (read: Arlan's) reach).
And the pic with Arlan in the foreground, John in the back. That's Arlan being a very helpful helper ... John was putting our new garbage can in under the sink, and Arlan was making sure all the measurements were exact. I think we have a picture of Landon at this exact age helping John under the sink, putting the garburetor in :-)
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