Landon is pooping in the toilet these days! WOW! Hoping this continues :-) We've always been giving him the option, but he kept choosing the diaper. The last week or so he's been more agreeable to having us take his poopy diaper off right after pooping (WHY would anyone refuse to have their poopy diaper removed asap? Beats me ... we'll have to ask him when he's older ...). And then yesterday he said he needed to poop on the toilet! And he did! TWICE!!
So he got two special trucks, and another one today. Then when I was out shopping he pooped all by himself, and didn't even ask for a special truck. So hopefully we won't have to be stocking up on hotwheels to keep the poop trend on track! LOL But really ... do I care if we get a few more hotwheels? Not one bit!
So that's the good stuff there. He has been peeing more overnight though - we didn't have a diaper on him one night and he peed. That's not a big deal, but he had been dry for so many nights. But maybe he'll be set back a bit on overnight dryness while he gets the poop thing figured out. And again ... do I care? Not at all! If he needs a diaper overnight for a bit longer, I can most definitely live with that.
Arlan is so bloody cute it's ridiculous! What a happy camper :-) He MUST be getting another tooth soon though - he's biting everything! Then when you say "Arlan, no biting!" he just looks at you and laughs. Cute, but scary too! LOL
I'm starting to get plans together for Arlan's first birthday. We're having a small party on the Sat (June 20) for him ... cake and stuff, nothing too crazy, though. Grandma and Grandpa will be coming up, but I don't know if anyone else will make it. Right now I'm on the hunt for a cake pan ... then I'll spend next weekend making my icings, etc. Fun stuff -
Anyways, better head off to bed. Until next time...