We got a double chariot from Liz & Rob when we were in Toronto. The boys absolutely LOVE it -- especially when John pulls them behind the bike (they get to go really fast!). Plus it's quite nice even just for walking. I think we're going to get ALOT of use out of this stroller!!
Arlan loves to crawl around, especially outside. But he does NOT like the feel of grass on his knees! So he sticks his bum in the air and crawls for all he's worth :-)
Arlan's so proud to be able to walk behind his walker toys -- the activity walker on the main floor, the "peek-a-block" hippo in the computer room. SO proud.
What I don't have a picture of is Arlan's very first steps -- taken yesterday (June 22). He took 3 steps to mom, before collapsing in my arms giggling and laughing. It won't be long and he'll be running, I'm sure!
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