Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Yup - Arlan has started running, lord help me!!! He doesn't manage it for very long, and sometimes I think he's only running trying to keep up with himself, as he usually ends up faceplanting :-/ But he's doing it, and proud of it too!!

Arlan's fave "game" right now is kicking a ball around. Doesn't matter what size - the big soccer ball, or a small 'hockey' ball. It's amusing to watch him; he'll kick the ball, then walk right over it (the small ones) and then stop, looking down like "Where is it??", then he turns around and is all happy to see the ball and starts kicking it again!! Too cute.

We're just hanging out at home. Trying to move Arlan to one nap a day. Two is really too much for him, as he's having trouble falling asleep at night (some nights not until 9 pm). But one isn't enough, as he doesn't extend that one nap, still keeps it a 1.5 hours and then he's grumpy later in the afternoon. But it's time to get rid of that morning nap I think - poor kid.

Anyways, I hear he's awake from that one nap, so I'd better go get him. Until next time...

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