Yup - two new teeth in Arlan's mouth. Both on top - upper right first molar, and upper left of his front teeth. So now he has four front teeth, top and bottom, plus the first molar on the right side, top and bottom, for a total of 10 teeth. Actually, I think the molar may have been in there for a day or so, it's quite visible, but he won't let us near his mouth -- we really have to fight with him to get a peek!! But the other front one on top is just barely squeaking through, we've been watching it for the past week or so, I sure hope it makes a full breakthrough tonight!
Good day today - some retail therapy out at "Mallzac" ... that's the nickname of the big Cross Iron Mills mall at Balzac. It was Monday morning, so nice and quiet = happy shopping experience + several employees asking if I needed help! WOW Bought new 'stuff' for the boys bathroom. Landon picked out the shower curtain and rings (with only a minor amount of influencing), and the bathmats (I gave him the choice of colours). We also bought new garbage can/tumbler/soap dish and new towels, so it's all decked out and looks GREAT!
Much better than the old curtain - which I loved, but just didn't work in that little bathroom. Mom and dad get the old curtain (with rings) + soap dish/garbage can/tumbler, so I can still enjoy it when I go to their house :-D
Other than that - poor Arlan's been crying on and off tonight, so I hope that means more teeth and NOT a cold! I also have him in a warm sleeper and a sleep blanket, so he may be warmer than he's used to. But he's always cold in the morning, so I thought we'd best dress him better at night.
oh yeah, and Landon is sleeping for the first night without his bed rails on. We'll see how it goes. But he was SO pumped today to turn his bed into a "true" big boys bed ... by removing the rails and (finally) sleeping with the Thomas quilt Grandma made for him!! YAY He thought that was just the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen today, more excited now than when he originally got it. Better late than never I guess, hey? So hopefully he doesn't fall out ... *sigh*
That's it from here for now, until next time...
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
This week in our lives...
Well, swimming lessons with Arlan went well again. He loves to 'fall' off the side of the pool, and will even let me get his face wet sometimes :-) He giggles and laughs, but mostly wants to do his own thing, not what the 'class' is doing (that's the trouble with waiting until he's over a year for lessons!). But he's enjoying swimming, that's for sure.
Then on Friday we all went to the pool with Landon for his lesson. Arlan, mom and dad swam in the tot pool while Landon had lessons, then we all went in the big pool. Both boys loved it so much, and it was really nice to have us all there swimming :-) Landon's doing really well ... they go in the 'deep' water holding floatation things (in this case it was foam 'dumbbells' they had under their arms), and practise floats and putting their face in. Landon's loving his lessons, looking forward to them every week.
So Saturday morning, Arlan brings me his swimmer diaper and goes to the front door ... like "let's go swimming mom!" LOL He loves is that much. Today we went to a b'day party in Airdrie, and the pool there has a big waterslide and stuff, so we might have to check that place out with the boys one of these weekends. Landon was very excited for the waterslide.
Both boys loved the birthday party today. It took Landon awhile to 'settle in' with the large group of kids, but by the end he was shedding tears because we had to leave. We played with one of those big parachutes, which Landon was ok with as long as he was beside me. Arlan, however, was right in there, shaking the parachute and giggling as usual!! lol The lunch room had a big play structure too (like a McDonald's Playland sort of thing), which Landon loved and Arlan did too (although he was too little to climb all over it). They had such a fun time - it was nice to see them enjoying themselves.
That's about the extent of our excitement. It actually has been pretty good. The swimming has been a ton of fun - I love having something I do with just Arlan, and to see Landon so excited is heart-warming. We'll have to be sure to do more and more swimming.
Until next time...
Then on Friday we all went to the pool with Landon for his lesson. Arlan, mom and dad swam in the tot pool while Landon had lessons, then we all went in the big pool. Both boys loved it so much, and it was really nice to have us all there swimming :-) Landon's doing really well ... they go in the 'deep' water holding floatation things (in this case it was foam 'dumbbells' they had under their arms), and practise floats and putting their face in. Landon's loving his lessons, looking forward to them every week.
So Saturday morning, Arlan brings me his swimmer diaper and goes to the front door ... like "let's go swimming mom!" LOL He loves is that much. Today we went to a b'day party in Airdrie, and the pool there has a big waterslide and stuff, so we might have to check that place out with the boys one of these weekends. Landon was very excited for the waterslide.
Both boys loved the birthday party today. It took Landon awhile to 'settle in' with the large group of kids, but by the end he was shedding tears because we had to leave. We played with one of those big parachutes, which Landon was ok with as long as he was beside me. Arlan, however, was right in there, shaking the parachute and giggling as usual!! lol The lunch room had a big play structure too (like a McDonald's Playland sort of thing), which Landon loved and Arlan did too (although he was too little to climb all over it). They had such a fun time - it was nice to see them enjoying themselves.
That's about the extent of our excitement. It actually has been pretty good. The swimming has been a ton of fun - I love having something I do with just Arlan, and to see Landon so excited is heart-warming. We'll have to be sure to do more and more swimming.
Until next time...
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Arlan's Antics
Arlan crawled into the toybox yesterday - just to have a good seat to watch the goings-on by the looks of things.
Arlan, forever the kidder, put this hat of Landon's on, and thought he was just so funny. He strutted around, giggling and showing off (so much so, that Landon had to steal the hat and wear it himself!)
And I was making dinner, looked over to this scene. Made my heart jump, to say the least. The pics were taken as John is right there, just out of the frame. Otherwise he'd have just been scooped down lickety-split! SUCH a climber (where Landon was a jumper), he's always up on everything!!
Here's Arlan enjoying playing on the chairs, just like Landon used to do. And now he's taken to "dressing up" in the Tigger costume (Landon's been wearing it all summer long ... this is the first time Arlan 'requested' it). Good thing too, with Hallowe'en coming up. What will they be? Landon is going to be Winnie the Pooh (his request), and Arlan will be a Hunny Pot. Do you think I'll scar him for life?? Nah ... I'll just have bribery pictures down the road....
playing with Arlan
And one of our only pics with the boys together, where one or the other or both isn't fussing! John managed to snap this on Sunday while they were playing in the container. Leave it to an empty container to bring the kids together :-)
Playing with Sebastien
Arlan was very curious about Sullivan, mostly trying to poke his eyes out. So he's not in the pic, otherwise I couldn't have gotten a pic! lol
Both Sebastien and Landon were crying when Sebastien left to go home...I think they'll be doing many more play-dates in the future!
mini-golfing Landon
We will need to work on Landon's form I think. He looks more like hockey than golfing! I couldn't get him to keep his hands together, no matter what. "I DO MOMMY!" So he did, and he enjoyed it, which is what is important.
Arlan - well he was in the stroller the whole time, just hanging out, being Arlan. What a wonderfully patient kid he is!!
Friday, September 18, 2009
And the teething continues...
Arlan's got a bit of a fever again today -- similar to exactly 2 weeks ago when we went to Saskatoon. And he's already woken up once tonight, which is unusual...So I'm thinking we're in for some more teeth! It appears that the bottom eye tooth on the right is ready to pop through (it's so red and swollen and sore looking ... poor guy!), as well as one on the top. If they are on their way, I hope they come through quickly, and that Arlan isn't too fussy grumpy tomorrow. Of course, John gets to go golfing, so I'll get fussy-pants all to myself (great). Ah well...
Other than that, life is fine. Went through the boys clothing, got our winter items are sorted out I think. Might need to invest in some mittens and toques, but I think we're good for jackets and skin pants. Oh yeah, and Arlan will need boots. But other than that, we're good to go. Now to find their Hallowe'en costumes. Landon wants to be Winnie the Pooh - but I haven't found a costume big enough for him yet. As for Arlan, we'll maybe he can be piglet if Landon's Winnie? We'll have to see.
That's about it - not much excitement. Landon continues to challenge us daily with his attitude, grrr. He's started the crying over everything 'stage', my oh my. Drama QUEEN! LOL I just keep enjoying Arlan, and thinking to myself "Oh man, in 2 years Arlan will be doing the same thing! ARRGGGHHH!! " aiaiai
Until next time...
Other than that, life is fine. Went through the boys clothing, got our winter items are sorted out I think. Might need to invest in some mittens and toques, but I think we're good for jackets and skin pants. Oh yeah, and Arlan will need boots. But other than that, we're good to go. Now to find their Hallowe'en costumes. Landon wants to be Winnie the Pooh - but I haven't found a costume big enough for him yet. As for Arlan, we'll maybe he can be piglet if Landon's Winnie? We'll have to see.
That's about it - not much excitement. Landon continues to challenge us daily with his attitude, grrr. He's started the crying over everything 'stage', my oh my. Drama QUEEN! LOL I just keep enjoying Arlan, and thinking to myself "Oh man, in 2 years Arlan will be doing the same thing! ARRGGGHHH!! " aiaiai
Until next time...
More recent pics
Then Landon comes downstairs with my heels on ... and my worries of a "ladies man" vanish!! LOL He had so much fun running around the house with these on ... they made a wonderful amount of noise you see :-/ *sigh*
Piano players...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Another new tooth :-)
Arlan popped through another tooth today!! Top, to the right of the 2 front teeth. So that's 2 so far this month, after that grumpy weekend. I wonder if more are on their way??
Just been enjoying the summer weather - in mid-September! I guess Mother Nature's making up for the crappy July?? Went to Airdrie today, still lotsa canola that's nice and green ... yuck
Landon's so funny these days, he walks around singing songs. I don't even know where he gets half of them! But he sings sings sings. And when we get in the car, Landon always wants music (specifically, the "na-na-na" song, which is "So What" by Pink). So I turn on the CD, and Arlan starts head-bopping. Cracks me up every time.
I don't remember if I posted before with Arlan's words. His favourite thing is "Bye" with a hand wave. We were at the Farmer's Market today, and he was saying "Bye" and waving to everyone. Even at the grocery store yesterday. So cute ... I love it. I should try to get a video of that...
Off to bed...
Just been enjoying the summer weather - in mid-September! I guess Mother Nature's making up for the crappy July?? Went to Airdrie today, still lotsa canola that's nice and green ... yuck
Landon's so funny these days, he walks around singing songs. I don't even know where he gets half of them! But he sings sings sings. And when we get in the car, Landon always wants music (specifically, the "na-na-na" song, which is "So What" by Pink). So I turn on the CD, and Arlan starts head-bopping. Cracks me up every time.
I don't remember if I posted before with Arlan's words. His favourite thing is "Bye" with a hand wave. We were at the Farmer's Market today, and he was saying "Bye" and waving to everyone. Even at the grocery store yesterday. So cute ... I love it. I should try to get a video of that...
Off to bed...
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Bathtime - without tears :-)
Finally, we gave Arlan a bath and he didn't scream his head off!! Like we did with Landon, we moved him into our big bathtub, and I got in with him. In fact, I got in first, and when his curiousity got the better of him I pulled him in with me :-) But we made it through without screaming. I didn't wash his hair - dumped some water on his head and he was immediately trying to get out of the tub. But I got everything else washed (his feet are actually skin coloured, not dirt coloured!!! lol) so I'm happy. Then to his room, bottle and jammies and happy :-) Much nicer. Landon even crawled in with Arlan and I, and finished his bath up while I put Arlan to bed.
Landon had Sebastien over to play yesterday. He was so excited for "Bastien" to come, but when he got here, Landon was way more interested in playing with Sebastien's mom - of course!! Wow - am I gonna have trouble with him and older women? lol
Other than that - Landon is always busy. Right now he's carrying every book from our bedroom across to the bonus room, and piling them on the futon. I guess I'll go through our books shortly ...
Arlan is back to his happy, playful self. YAY! Giggling and playing and exploring all over ... so curious! And smiling again - I love it. Only one tooth has popped through (that danged molar), so we're watching to see if some more make their appearance shortly. There's gotta be a whole batch come through soon...
that's about it. Enjoying these nice days of late summer (I can still call it summer when we have humidex readings, right?). But I am looking forward to cleaning up the backyard toys -- several will be making their exit at the end of this season, and perhaps next year it won't be such a junk yard back there? Yah, right...heh heh
Landon had Sebastien over to play yesterday. He was so excited for "Bastien" to come, but when he got here, Landon was way more interested in playing with Sebastien's mom - of course!! Wow - am I gonna have trouble with him and older women? lol
Other than that - Landon is always busy. Right now he's carrying every book from our bedroom across to the bonus room, and piling them on the futon. I guess I'll go through our books shortly ...
Arlan is back to his happy, playful self. YAY! Giggling and playing and exploring all over ... so curious! And smiling again - I love it. Only one tooth has popped through (that danged molar), so we're watching to see if some more make their appearance shortly. There's gotta be a whole batch come through soon...
that's about it. Enjoying these nice days of late summer (I can still call it summer when we have humidex readings, right?). But I am looking forward to cleaning up the backyard toys -- several will be making their exit at the end of this season, and perhaps next year it won't be such a junk yard back there? Yah, right...heh heh
Friday, September 11, 2009
Pics from Saskatoon
Here's some pics of Landon doing what he does. Climbing (and jumping and trying to conquer all inanimate objects), and asking "why" about something that .. really, I don't know WHY!! LOL I do like the pic of him examining the twig - that twig was a source of entertainment for him for about 30 minutes. Not all nice, quiet contemplation, mind you -- after this moment of peace, he ran around like it was a sword, whopping and hollering like a true 3-year-old boy!!
We took some 'family' pics too. I like the one with all of us. Yup - it was on Sunday, and the RIDERS did win :-)
Then me with the boys (John's artistic photo skills coming through here). That's about as good as it could get when I had a deathgrip on Landon to keep him on my knee, and Arlan was crying or whining 99% of the time!!
The picture of Arlan on John shows what Arlan spent most of Saturday doing...lying on us. He just wanted to be held. He laid across my chest as I was laying back on the couch; feet dangling off the couch, body across my chest, head resting on my arm. Then he'd lift his head, bite my arm (HARD I tell you), and put his head back down. A minute later, CHOMP!, and lay his head back down. You couldn't help but feel sorry for him, although it is so tiring when they're miserable. But John and I did just sit back and soak up some snuggle time ... thankful that Aunty Rosemary and Uncle Bob are wonderful hosts who didn't grumble about Arlan's fussing (to our faces anyway!), and that Landon was entertained solely by being somewhere else. Phew!
This week Arlan is still fussy, and Landon is more and more jealous of the attention Arlan's getting. So Landon's starting making Arlan noises, grunting and pointing instead of using words, and whining. So fun. Love my life, really!
But, Arlan is saying more words. Still loves "burhhhhs!" (birds). Now also says "cah" (car), "truh" (truck), "buh" (bus), "bah" (bottle), "reh" (red), "spoo" (spoon). Oh yeah, and he has been fussing away in his high chair too, which I've been putting down to a sore mouth. But nope - he actually wanted utensils! Silly mom...so I gave him a spoon and fork tonight, and he happily ate almost everything up, using the spoon and fork!! WHERE'S MY BABY!!! *sigh* he's growing up WAY too fast....
until next time...
Monday, September 07, 2009
We're home again :-)
We are home again after having a nice visit in Saskatoon. Landon had an absolute blast, and did NOT want to leave this morning at all!! I kind of wanted to stay too, we were having quite a nice time!! Poor Arlan needed to get home though - poor kid. He's had an awful fever all weekend, I think it's due to teething as there are no other symptoms. So he has been MISERABLE! Fever that we've been treating, and he has no energy ... sits on us most of the time, will play a bit, and then needs to sleep. Not the usual fun Arlan we're used to, that's for sure.
But Arlan did perk up when we went to Lilja's 2nd birthday party on Sunday ... it was about the only time he was spry!! He really enjoyed the activity, and the toys!! He particularly liked Noah's Wiggles guitar...
The reason for the fever: well at least 1 tooth has popped through. His first molar on the bottom right. Now, he only has 2 teeth on top ... why he's already popping out a molar!!?? But, I'm remembering Landon getting 6 teeth in one week at age 15 months...Arlan will be 15 months next week. So maybe we're in for a bout of teething here, and we'll see some more come in the top, as well as this molar (maybe an eye tooth or two, by the looks of his poor, red eyes).
Landon had so much fun at Lilja's, he didn't want to leave, and has asked many times to go back!! Lilja got some cool gifts for her birthday, and Landon was in there enjoying them - especially a Tonka dumptruck, and a play-and-learn centre (fisher price). He was very patient though, through the gift-opening. It must've been SO hard for him, but he waited and let Lilja open her own gifts. It just about killed him to let her get that dump-truck opened..... I was very proud of him. He did, however, blow her candles out for her on the birthday cake before any of us could even blink!! I don't think the cake even made it all the way on to the table, and POOF!! lol But the candles were re-lit and Lilja had her turn too :-)
Other than that - John golfed with Brian (I bowed out, as I didn't want to leave sick Arlan with Aunty Rosemary, and wouldn't have enjoyed myself worrying about him anyway). I did a couple of runs with Brian - pushing my pace and distance (while it was a nice, easy run for him as he's running a half-marathon next weekend), we had nice dinners, and it was a really good time.
The driving was fine - if you can stand 4,312,937 questions from Landon!! "What's that truck carrying?", "Why is your blinker on?", "Why does grass grow here?". And then Landon's statement about an hour outside of Calgary "I wanna go to Kapuskasing!!!" aiaiaiai (Aunty Rosemary read him a story with Kapuskasing in it!! LOL). We were quite happy to let Landon out and get away from question period, that's for sure. And to think, Arlan will be doing the same thing in 2 years!! aAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHH
Now back to reality, and what appears to be fall. I will get some pics up this week I hope... Until next time...
But Arlan did perk up when we went to Lilja's 2nd birthday party on Sunday ... it was about the only time he was spry!! He really enjoyed the activity, and the toys!! He particularly liked Noah's Wiggles guitar...
The reason for the fever: well at least 1 tooth has popped through. His first molar on the bottom right. Now, he only has 2 teeth on top ... why he's already popping out a molar!!?? But, I'm remembering Landon getting 6 teeth in one week at age 15 months...Arlan will be 15 months next week. So maybe we're in for a bout of teething here, and we'll see some more come in the top, as well as this molar (maybe an eye tooth or two, by the looks of his poor, red eyes).
Landon had so much fun at Lilja's, he didn't want to leave, and has asked many times to go back!! Lilja got some cool gifts for her birthday, and Landon was in there enjoying them - especially a Tonka dumptruck, and a play-and-learn centre (fisher price). He was very patient though, through the gift-opening. It must've been SO hard for him, but he waited and let Lilja open her own gifts. It just about killed him to let her get that dump-truck opened..... I was very proud of him. He did, however, blow her candles out for her on the birthday cake before any of us could even blink!! I don't think the cake even made it all the way on to the table, and POOF!! lol But the candles were re-lit and Lilja had her turn too :-)
Other than that - John golfed with Brian (I bowed out, as I didn't want to leave sick Arlan with Aunty Rosemary, and wouldn't have enjoyed myself worrying about him anyway). I did a couple of runs with Brian - pushing my pace and distance (while it was a nice, easy run for him as he's running a half-marathon next weekend), we had nice dinners, and it was a really good time.
The driving was fine - if you can stand 4,312,937 questions from Landon!! "What's that truck carrying?", "Why is your blinker on?", "Why does grass grow here?". And then Landon's statement about an hour outside of Calgary "I wanna go to Kapuskasing!!!" aiaiaiai (Aunty Rosemary read him a story with Kapuskasing in it!! LOL). We were quite happy to let Landon out and get away from question period, that's for sure. And to think, Arlan will be doing the same thing in 2 years!! aAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHH
Now back to reality, and what appears to be fall. I will get some pics up this week I hope... Until next time...
Thursday, September 03, 2009
A couple of shots from September...
Landon loves dad's new workbench. He was very proud of his organization job, and was showing it to me yesterday like a peacock with his chest puffed out!!! LOL He sat up there for 45 minutes or so, rearranging the wrenches. Too funny
On another note, we discovered last night that Arlan likes sushi of all things! Yup - he had some of my california roll and was quite pleased with it. Stinker. Landon still won't even come close to a piece of sushi ...
Playing with Iden
We went to the park in the morning -- they climbed and slid and swung (swang? swinged?).
Then an afternoon snack for all the kids. Arlan loved the goldfish the most :-) of course
Some popsicles too, especially after playing outside, it was so hot.
Arlan loved both watching the big boys and playing with them as much as possible. Little stinker. I'm not sure Iden quite knew what to make of the little imitator following them around!! Landon mostly ignores Arlan, Iden just growled at him LOL
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Maybe THAT'S why they ask so many questions...
If the answers that I give to Landon's 1 million questions a day are even half as entertaining as the answers Landon gives to my questions, it explains why he asks so many questions!!!!
Landon just told me he doesn't want to have a penis anymore, he doesn't like it. I asked him what he would have instead. He's walking away from me (naked, of course), saying he'd have a bum in front, and a penis in the back (pointing to his body accordingly). "That's a good idea, right mom?" *ok*
So I think I should remember his answers to all of these questions we pose to him. They are quite amusing. Some other examples:
He told his babysitter that "Bees unscrew the lightbulbs and put their honey in there, and that's how they work." I don't know if that's how lightbulbs work, or how the bees work, but it's an interesting point to ponder....
Ah well, I will put more of these 'learnings' in here as I come across them!! Until then, we are enjoying another (close to) 30' day, and dreading the end of summer (and the approach of 'less play outside winter'!! ugh)
Landon just told me he doesn't want to have a penis anymore, he doesn't like it. I asked him what he would have instead. He's walking away from me (naked, of course), saying he'd have a bum in front, and a penis in the back (pointing to his body accordingly). "That's a good idea, right mom?" *ok*
So I think I should remember his answers to all of these questions we pose to him. They are quite amusing. Some other examples:
He told his babysitter that "Bees unscrew the lightbulbs and put their honey in there, and that's how they work." I don't know if that's how lightbulbs work, or how the bees work, but it's an interesting point to ponder....
Ah well, I will put more of these 'learnings' in here as I come across them!! Until then, we are enjoying another (close to) 30' day, and dreading the end of summer (and the approach of 'less play outside winter'!! ugh)
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Floating the Bow

Some ducks were "charging" our raft as we came to downtown. Sooooooo cute!! (yes we fed them ... bad us)
Our starting point was Bowness Park (west end of Calgary). Hard to believe we were even IN Calgary.

Can you tell I was absolutely LOVING IT!! Perfectly clear blue skies, hot weather, tons of sun, and NO KIDS! LOL
Our view of Calgary downtown as we came up to it.
Whoops -- where have the days gone!
Aunty Allison was here for a visit - Arlan of course checked her out, and once he determined that she was ok, she was REALLY ok!! LOL Both boys loved visiting and playing with her -- and Allison got the best form of birth control ever (gotta love kids!). Ah well. We didn't do as much this year as we did last year when she was here, I think because Arlan needs to nap at home now I don't have the same 'freedom'. But she and I did "float the Bow" (drop a raft in to the Bow River, and float downstream) ... it was 30' and clear blue skies that Friday, it was WONDERFUL!!
Other than that - we've been hanging out at home. Iden spent a day with Landon last week, they had a lot of fun. It was cute to watch them - they'd play, then get sick of each other and go their separate ways, then they'd play together again. I didn't see any hitting going on, so Landon must've realized he can just go play on his own - he doesn't need to hit the other kid to make them leave!! LOL
Arlan now copies every single thing that Landon does. EVERYTHING! Landon was humming / moaning / singing into the empty water can (making a lovely sound!), and Arlan was right over there. Landon has to 'bite' the top of the umbrella pole, Arlan got right up there too. Landon hands on the cross bar on the swingset, so does Arlan!! Arlan follows him around ALL day long, doing everything his big bro does. The nicest times are when Landon plays back ... like they chase each other pushing trucks around the back yard, or they'll play in the sandbox together, that type of thing. Makes my heart melt :-D heh heh
I've also noticed Arlan is starting to stand his ground and fight back a bit. We've finally just got to the point where we've implemented the rule: if Arlan is crying or fussing, Landon has to quite doing whatever it is he's doing to him. That also goes for dad ... if Landon starts crying or fussing, DAD has to quit tormenting LANDON! Landon is getting a bit better with that rule, since "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" just wasn't getting any of us anywhere!!
But Arlan was walking up to Landon and pushing him today -- quite a change. It was ticking Landon off too, as he was trying to eat his "treat" (a Froster from Mac's). I just let it go, I know I'll be refereeing often enough.
Arlan is absolutely HATING his bath these days too! It's weird, when we run the tub, he stands at the edge wanting to get in ... he loves to play in water (and has succeeded in thoroughly soaking himself in the TOILET on occassion!!!! YUCK!). But when you put him in the tub, he is crying full volume and scrabbling to get out. Tonight I got in with him to see if it would help, but nope. I don't know what it is ... I remember Landon going through a phase of being afraid on the faucet, maybe I'll put a sock on it next bathtime to see if that helps. Or else we'll try our big tub (that helped with Landon too).
We took the boys swimming to an outdoor pool on Sunday - they loved it. Landon could JUST touch at the edge, so he had fun playing around. Then he jumped in 100 times, and went down the big slide twice, and then the smaller slide many many more times. Arlan was tentative to start, but we got him in the water and he sort of enjoyed it...although he was clamped on pretty hard! It did convince me to register him for swim lessons though, so both boys are starting lessons mid-Sept (until early Nov). Landon is unparented lessons now, so I will take Arlan in the tot pool while Landon has lessons for some extra water time with mommy! A neighbour and I are doing a kid-swap for lessons, to Landon will go there when Arlan has his lesson, and I'll have Lexi when Camryn has her lesson - works out quite well!
I guess I should get myself ready for bed. A late run tonight has me all keyed up! LOL Until next time (with some pics hopefully...)
Other than that - we've been hanging out at home. Iden spent a day with Landon last week, they had a lot of fun. It was cute to watch them - they'd play, then get sick of each other and go their separate ways, then they'd play together again. I didn't see any hitting going on, so Landon must've realized he can just go play on his own - he doesn't need to hit the other kid to make them leave!! LOL
Arlan now copies every single thing that Landon does. EVERYTHING! Landon was humming / moaning / singing into the empty water can (making a lovely sound!), and Arlan was right over there. Landon has to 'bite' the top of the umbrella pole, Arlan got right up there too. Landon hands on the cross bar on the swingset, so does Arlan!! Arlan follows him around ALL day long, doing everything his big bro does. The nicest times are when Landon plays back ... like they chase each other pushing trucks around the back yard, or they'll play in the sandbox together, that type of thing. Makes my heart melt :-D heh heh
I've also noticed Arlan is starting to stand his ground and fight back a bit. We've finally just got to the point where we've implemented the rule: if Arlan is crying or fussing, Landon has to quite doing whatever it is he's doing to him. That also goes for dad ... if Landon starts crying or fussing, DAD has to quit tormenting LANDON! Landon is getting a bit better with that rule, since "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" just wasn't getting any of us anywhere!!
But Arlan was walking up to Landon and pushing him today -- quite a change. It was ticking Landon off too, as he was trying to eat his "treat" (a Froster from Mac's). I just let it go, I know I'll be refereeing often enough.
Arlan is absolutely HATING his bath these days too! It's weird, when we run the tub, he stands at the edge wanting to get in ... he loves to play in water (and has succeeded in thoroughly soaking himself in the TOILET on occassion!!!! YUCK!). But when you put him in the tub, he is crying full volume and scrabbling to get out. Tonight I got in with him to see if it would help, but nope. I don't know what it is ... I remember Landon going through a phase of being afraid on the faucet, maybe I'll put a sock on it next bathtime to see if that helps. Or else we'll try our big tub (that helped with Landon too).
We took the boys swimming to an outdoor pool on Sunday - they loved it. Landon could JUST touch at the edge, so he had fun playing around. Then he jumped in 100 times, and went down the big slide twice, and then the smaller slide many many more times. Arlan was tentative to start, but we got him in the water and he sort of enjoyed it...although he was clamped on pretty hard! It did convince me to register him for swim lessons though, so both boys are starting lessons mid-Sept (until early Nov). Landon is unparented lessons now, so I will take Arlan in the tot pool while Landon has lessons for some extra water time with mommy! A neighbour and I are doing a kid-swap for lessons, to Landon will go there when Arlan has his lesson, and I'll have Lexi when Camryn has her lesson - works out quite well!
I guess I should get myself ready for bed. A late run tonight has me all keyed up! LOL Until next time (with some pics hopefully...)
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