Here's some pics of Landon doing what he does. Climbing (and jumping and trying to conquer all inanimate objects), and asking "why" about something that .. really, I don't know WHY!! LOL I do like the pic of him examining the twig - that twig was a source of entertainment for him for about 30 minutes. Not all nice, quiet contemplation, mind you -- after this moment of peace, he ran around like it was a sword, whopping and hollering like a true 3-year-old boy!!
We took some 'family' pics too. I like the one with all of us. Yup - it was on Sunday, and the RIDERS did win :-)
Then me with the boys (John's artistic photo skills coming through here). That's about as good as it could get when I had a deathgrip on Landon to keep him on my knee, and Arlan was crying or whining 99% of the time!!
The picture of Arlan on John shows what Arlan spent most of Saturday doing...lying on us. He just wanted to be held. He laid across my chest as I was laying back on the couch; feet dangling off the couch, body across my chest, head resting on my arm. Then he'd lift his head, bite my arm (HARD I tell you), and put his head back down. A minute later, CHOMP!, and lay his head back down. You couldn't help but feel sorry for him, although it is so tiring when they're miserable. But John and I did just sit back and soak up some snuggle time ... thankful that Aunty Rosemary and Uncle Bob are wonderful hosts who didn't grumble about Arlan's fussing (to our faces anyway!), and that Landon was entertained solely by being somewhere else. Phew!
This week Arlan is still fussy, and Landon is more and more jealous of the attention Arlan's getting. So Landon's starting making Arlan noises, grunting and pointing instead of using words, and whining. So fun. Love my life, really!
But, Arlan is saying more words. Still loves "burhhhhs!" (birds). Now also says "cah" (car), "truh" (truck), "buh" (bus), "bah" (bottle), "reh" (red), "spoo" (spoon). Oh yeah, and he has been fussing away in his high chair too, which I've been putting down to a sore mouth. But nope - he actually wanted utensils! Silly I gave him a spoon and fork tonight, and he happily ate almost everything up, using the spoon and fork!! WHERE'S MY BABY!!! *sigh* he's growing up WAY too fast....
until next time...
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