Friday, February 12, 2010

He's doing better

Well Arlan is definitely better today. Now I don't know if he's feeling punky or just 20 months old. This kid sure knows exactly what he wants!! No, not this, not that. He wants what he's not supposed to have, of course! He likes to stand in his chair at the table, and then look all sly at us when we tell him to sit down. In fact, anytime we tell him "no" he gives us that doe-eyed look .... *sigh*! Stinker. He still coughs a lot if he starts running around or walking too much - we had a couple of sessions today when I was out running errands. But no actual upchucking which was nice for a change.

Landon's a stinker - he doesn't want to go outside because it's still snowy and such, so it's not much fun; but he NEEDS to get outside and burn off some energy! He just wants to play in his sand box...that's all he asks for :-/ When oh when will spring get here......

Tomorrow we are going out - can't wait! A group of friends going out to celebrate our February birthdays - YAY! I'm really looking forward to it.

And now, a moment of silence for the Georgian luger. I know it may be a crazy sport, but still....

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