Wednesday, March 24, 2010

times, they be a-changin'

I did it, I left the kids in the car *gasp* for approximately 1 minute today while I dropped candles off. Bad mommy, I know. Arlan was asleep, Landon was enjoying his A&W bribery winnings. Then Landon walks up the stairs to get me. Yup, I forget, he's in his booster seat and can easily undo the buckle. Then he climbs over the seats to the front, as the back doors have the child-locks engaged. Gets out and comes on up to get me. Of course.

So, no need to scold me too much, it'll be the absolutely last time he's left in there at all (except maybe when I get the mail, maybe, he was half-way to the front seats today when I got the mail, ready to climb out the door after me ... to "help" of course). *sigh*

Arlan was oblivious to it all, drooling on his jacket. Poor kid. He was so grumpy all morning, so sleepy. He didn't even eat his A&W winnings, hamburger's in the fridge :-/ He's so cute, it's ridiculous really.

Landon also scared the pants off of me tonight. He's in bed, has been for 1.5 hours or so. It's quiet, I'm thinking he's asleep finally. I go there, no Landon. The mattress is off the bed, all the bedding strewn about the room, but no Landon. Then I pick the mattress up to put it on the bed, and Landon's been playing under it! Seriously. So, the long-time threat was followed through - all toys in Landon's room were boxed up and put in the garage where they will remain for 1 full week. That includes Thomas trains and trains, his hotwheels spinning fire-thingy, stuffed animals. Of course, while I took the first load down to the garage, I could hear him scampering about. I asked him what he was doing. "Just moving my favourite toys downstairs!" he tells me (so that they don't go out to the garage!). He was huffing and puffing like he'd run a marathon! So I gave him that one, smart little bugger; whatever toys he managed to salvage to the toybox downstairs did not put into the garage :-/


That's the news from here...

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