Friday, April 30, 2010

Almost an entire month has flown by...

What a fun, and busy month! I've been traveling a lot, busy with my wonderful business, and the boys are stinkers...what can I say!?

We are currently in Swift Current - Landon is having fun fighting with Ryder, Arlan's trying to keep up and is loving playing with the puppies and kitties. Landon loves Lulu so much -- she slept with us last night, and the first thing Landon said when he woke up was "where's lulu?" Then he told me it was too early for me to get up, I could stay in bed (YES!).
It was actually nice that we all slept in today. Arlan's been waking up ~5 or 6 am at Grandma and Grandpa's -- WAY too early for me! today he slept in until 10 am, SWEET! I like that much better. But of course he isn't wanting to nap now ... but that's ok.

So we are fine. The kids are trouble-makers. particularly Arlan. It's like he knows he'll get away with lots with those eyes...
We are in Swifty until Sunday, then up to Aunty's in Kyle, then to Med Hat for a night with Julie which I'm really looking forward to. Tuesday we'll be home again - which will be super nice for all of us!

That's the quick update for now...until next time.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Time goes by...

Not much happening here. We had a nice relaxing weekend. The Easter bunny brought chocolate for the boys, which they devoured. It was pretty cute to see Arlan running for the cupboard, arms stretched out, "choholah!!"
Landon's still riding his bike - has worn the rubber off the training wheels!! lol It's been really windy though, too windy for anyone to want to be outside. But the boys do spend some time in the backyard most days ... swinging and throwing sand around. I don't know if we'll have grass back there this year, or a beach.

Arlan had a fever tonight, pretty miserable. Sure hope he's not getting sick :-( We gave him some Motrin and put him to bed ... will have to see what the morning brings. I am worried that it's maybe his ears as we went swimming today and he seemed fine, then he slept for 3 hours when we came home, and woke up slightly fevered and VERY grumpy. He got worse as the evening progressed, refused to eat or have his bottle. So I think it's either his 2-year molars, or his ears. And if it's his ears, then to the doc we'll go tomorrow :-( Poor little stinker-pants.

Anyway, that's the news ... until next time. ...