Sunday, August 01, 2010

And we're down to the wire...

Our last night on vacation in Vernon - it has been INCREDIBLE! We have absolutely loved this week, and are already planning to be back here for TWO weeks next summer! The boys had so much fun swimming and splashing, Landon went kayaking with dad one day and learned how fun boogie boards are today. The "weekend of sickness" is a distant memory given all the fun we've had since then - thank goodness!! Next year we will do more exploring through the Okanagan with 2 weeks to play with - we noticed today that the boys would benefit from a break from the beach. But with only a few days to hit the beach I didn't want to lose any of them!! We took a pile of pics, and I can't wait to go through them and post some for everyone to see.

So tomorrow is the trip home. I'm thinking it won't be as peaceful as the trip here when all three boys slept for most of it (2 due to illness, the 3rd exhaustion due to the first 2's illnesses!!). But we'll get up and hit the road as early as is possible for a family of non-morning-people, and we'll survive it.

That's the last post from Vernon...until next time...

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