Yup - we made it. And all of our stuff did too, which is great news!! So we're doing the unpacking, sorting through, wondering-where-all-of-this-stuff-came-from type of activities.
We got to Calgary Friday afternoon, and spent the first night in a nice, big, empty house. Then our stuff arrived on Saturday and our big roomy house quickly became a crowded, box-filled, paper-overloaded cave. We've been sorting through boxes ever since, and are hoping to get through them all by New Years or so....
About the house: it's quite nice, although it's taking some getting used to to be living in a box on a street of boxes next to 100 more streets of boxes. There's definitely less 'space' here than in Winnipeg, and I'm missing my treed yard and open space front and back (at least we have open space in the back here). We do have lots of room for our junk (er...stuff), and I love the bonus room concept (over the garage). And our great room is nice ... kitchen, nook, and living room all together -- especially the gas fireplace which I think I'll get lots of use out of. Our yard is smallish, and just grass right now, but I have a few winter months to figure out what I want to do with it.
The shopping here is CRAZY!! Consumeristic Calgarians!!!! We have the biggest Superstore I've even seen about 5 minute walk away. That same area is big-box extravaganza with Michaels, Future Shop, Staples, etc. And a short drive away is another shopping haven with Home Despot, Can Tire, Sobey's, and a few million-store mini-malls. Calgarians must do little else besides shopping if this area is any indication.
For all of that shopping....one surprise to us is that Calgary doesn't have a curb-side recycling program (!!). We were shocked that a city this size hasn't put more emphasis on recycling. So we'll have to load up our recycling and find the closest recycling depot I guess *shrug*.
On the most important topic: Landon has been wonderful. He's adjusting well to his new surroundings, even the boxes. The first day we arrived he sat in the empty living room squealing and kicking and playing - I think he loved the big space just for him! He's getting used to his room, and has been sleeping well. And TEETH! Landon got a new tooth last week, and his 4th tooth popped through today! That's 3 teeth in 3 weeks ... he's had a busy mouth, that's for sure!!
And he's been eating like a little piggy too. He's starting to get more proteins ... thanks to Karen for suggesting the sweet potatoe and chicken food. So it seems that he'll make the adjustment fairly easily.
We're on dial-up for another week until our internet and tv get hooked up. So please, no big emails for a few days. I'll try to post again, but it'll be next week before we put any pictures up :-(
That's the news for today ... hope all is well with everyone. Will post soon ... until then!! TK