Here are some pics of Landon from the past couple of days. He was playing with John on the couch, and was particularly cute (first pic) so we got some pics. I was hoping you could see his tooth, but not quite yet. It's just barely through, so it's not quite visible.
Landon loves to chew on everything he can, but his most favouritest thing right now is John's watch. If he's fussing, we just give him the watch and he's content to chew chew chew on that for at least 20 minutes :-)
Landon has also discovered his love for his own little piano (thanks again Carolin!). It took him awhile to figure out that in order to get "music" you have to hit the 'keys' ... not just bang on the soundboard (plus that must hurt the hands, with the pegs on there!!). But mommy only had to show him a little bit and he got it all figured out. He even plays with his feet when he gets tired and decides to lay back :-)

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