Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Well, after a week of sucking and mewling and whining whining whining ... the FIRST TOOTH is finally poking through!! It hasn't come through completely, but when I put a plastic spoon in his mouth, there's a 'tick tick'!! YAY
Now I've heard that teeth come in twos, so I'm wondering if the second one will be far behind? We'll just have to see I guess.
Landon tried some bananas today for the first time. He wasn't too sure about those things ... but we'll try again tomorrow. I bought tons of baby food today, so we'll have a good variety of stuff for the next month I'm sure!!
Landon actually went to sleep fairly well last night, at 2 am (which is about an hour earlier than at the farm). He woke up a few times over the first hour (tooth?), but then got to some serious sleeping and slept until 11 am. And I slept until 11 am too which felt wonderful. Tomorrow morning we're going to start moving his 'sleep phase' earlier ... by waking him up 15 minutes earlier each day until we're getting up at 9:30. And hopefully his bedtime will follow suit ... heh heh. I chose 9:30 because daylight savings ends in a couple of weeks, and then we'll be getting up at 8:30. That'll be a change, for Landon and mommy!!

Winter is on the way here ... it was bloody cold out. aiaiaiai I'm searching for a warmer jacket (that's not a one-piece, or that includes snow pants) for Landon. I think I'll have to make a trip to the mall...
Tomorrow we get our kitchen flooring replaced. That will make the kitchen look better :-)

That's the quick post for today. Pics coming shortly! Until next time...TK

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