Here is our "four generation" picture, taken on Saturday, June 24. Grandpa Earl on the left, and Great-Grandpa Alex on the right.
Landon Alexander came jumping into the world at 5:46 am on March 7, 2006 -> 8 lbs, 1 oz, 20.5" long. At his 2nd Birthday, he was 30 pounds and 35.5" tall. Arlan Jarrett came racing into the world at 10:16 am on June 18, 2008 -> 8 pounds, 8.5 oz, and 20.5" long. Landon loves stories, Thomas the Tank, & construction vehicles. Arlan loves to cry, eat, & sleep. This blog is to share our boys with loved ones who are too far away to see them on a regular basis. We hope that you enjoy :-)
Grandma and Grandpa were so impressed with Isabel's Bumbo that they decided to get one for Landon too!! We picked it up today, as well as some "Baby Banz" sunglasses for the lake next week. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa!!
He is already loving the Bumbo as we can set him in front of the window and he can watch the trees ... one of his favourite activities :-)
Here's our little smiler. He was playing with John on Saturday on the couch ... laughing at daddy making faces.
We haven't been taking as many pics, we'll have to get back on it I guess! He's been smiling so much these days, it's just fun to play with him. Especially when he first wakes up in the morning (or from a good nap) ... then he chats up a storm, talking and cooing and smiling away. What a sweet'ums!
Landon is enjoying his swing more and more everyday. It's a great "wind-down" toy, we can put him in there and he relaxes and gets ready to go to sleep. Sometimes he even does fall asleep in there ... and sometimes in positions that absolutely cannot be comfortable!! Here he is in one of those weird sleep positions! Don't worry, we did put the seat back for him so that he could sleep a bit more comfortably in here, we just had to get a picture of this first!
This picture reminds me very much of Kyle sleeping in his swing ... he used to get his head cranked over into weird positions just like this, and sleep for hours (or what seemed like hours anyways)! LOL Good memories...
Some pictures of the little man from the past couple of days. He's looking pretty cute when he comes out of the bath tub these days...thankfully he's enjoying his bath a lot more. He kicks and kicks and splashes -- it's great to watch him in there. And when we pull him out and wrap him up in the towel, he is all smiles.
We also tried out his sunglasses on the deck the other day. He wasn't too sure about those things!! They are still a bit big for his head, so they didn't stay on very well. But they did stay on long enough for us to get some really cute pictures.
And for anyone who's wondering what the hammock bed is like....here's a picture of him napping peacefully in it. He gets snuggled right in there and sleeps wonderfully (most of the time). He has been sleeping 6 hours or so overnight the past few nights (knock on wood), which has been great. And some mornings I put him back in there after his first meal (sometimes he just stays snuggled in bed with me). Naptimes he's been going to sleep fairly well, and will nap for either an hour or two hours in the hammock (usually waking once to get a soother plugged in). So it's been a very different life than the first 2.5 months when he was in my arms an average of 23 hours a day!!
That's the scoop from Winnipeg for today. Hope all who are reading this are doing well. Take care...until next time! Tamara, John & Landon