Some pictures of the little man from the past couple of days. He's looking pretty cute when he comes out of the bath tub these days...thankfully he's enjoying his bath a lot more. He kicks and kicks and splashes -- it's great to watch him in there. And when we pull him out and wrap him up in the towel, he is all smiles.
We also tried out his sunglasses on the deck the other day. He wasn't too sure about those things!! They are still a bit big for his head, so they didn't stay on very well. But they did stay on long enough for us to get some really cute pictures.
And for anyone who's wondering what the hammock bed is like....here's a picture of him napping peacefully in it. He gets snuggled right in there and sleeps wonderfully (most of the time). He has been sleeping 6 hours or so overnight the past few nights (knock on wood), which has been great. And some mornings I put him back in there after his first meal (sometimes he just stays snuggled in bed with me). Naptimes he's been going to sleep fairly well, and will nap for either an hour or two hours in the hammock (usually waking once to get a soother plugged in). So it's been a very different life than the first 2.5 months when he was in my arms an average of 23 hours a day!!
That's the scoop from Winnipeg for today. Hope all who are reading this are doing well. Take care...until next time! Tamara, John & Landon
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