Sunday, June 04, 2006


Yes, I have returned to the land of the sane. Landon finally figured out that letting mom get some sleep makes her a much nicer person to be around!! The little stinker! He went to sleep about midnight and slept until 6 am!! I was the one who couldn't get to sleep right away, and sat up about 4 times with the soother poised because he grunted in his sleep LOL But he just kept right on sleeping and I finally relaxed and got some good sleep! Of course, he woke up, ate, and went back to sleep while I laid there awake because I had so much sleep! But I did eventually get back to sleep and I felt great all day. Let's hope that the end is in sight and he will start to sleep better at night again. It was a shock to the system these past few weeks of terrible sleep, after he was such a good sleeper right from when we brought him home. *sigh*

Landon also loves it when dad plays guitar for him. He watches and smiles and coos and gurgles and drools all over the place!! It's sure cute. Of coures, right now he's distracted by the dangly toys on his bouncy chair ... he's so excited, kicking all over the place, batting at the toys, and drooling at full-spittle-speed! I guess all of that sleep gave him some good playing energy!

So, just wanted to post a quick "hi" now that I'm back from insane-no-sleep-land. Keep your fingers crossed that we'll get more nights of sleep! Take care....

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