The most exciting news of the day: Landon rolled over from his back to his tummy for the first time today!! YAY He was playing on the floor last night and almost rolling over (he's figured out it will get him closer to interesting things like toys), and today he did it!! Then he started fussing because he was on his tummy LOL What a kid!
He's starting to move around a bit more ... last night he was on the floor in the living room and after awhile he started fussing. Because he had himself crammed up against the couch (he's only figured out how to wiggle in one direction I guess!). So we won't be able to leave him on the floor upstairs without the gate up anymore ... Our days of immobile Landon are fast coming to an end I fear.
A few days ago as well, I was on the phone with my mom, with Landon sitting on the floor by my foot. He reached over, grabbed my leg, and almost pulled himself right up. He was on his feet, with his butt sticking out, but he got too tired I guess so he didn't make it all the way up. And later that day, he was sitting on the floor and jump-scootched himself about 3 foot forward, while sitting. He leans forward to the point he's almost going to do a face plant, then pushes down with his feet while throwing his upper body into the air, which causes him to kind of bounce forward. It's pretty neat to watch him figuring out all of these ways to try to move...little stinker!
So that's the mobility report for the week ... we'll keep you posted on any further developments.
On a different note: Nikki -- any news? You haven't posted for a few days....
Monday, October 30, 2006
day two of showings...
Day two of showings completed. Half done, phew! There was 8 showings yesterday, 6 today, and 3 scheduled for tomorrow so far. Hopefully we'll see some offers get written soon too :-)
We had a nice day at Aunty Margarets. We all slept the afternoon away! LOL Landon went down for a nap around 2:45, John and I went to sleep about 3 and we all slept until 5 pm! It felt so nice, especially since it's snowy and yucky here anyways! I was thinking of going to the mall, but it was way too snowy. And the nap felt sooooooo good :-) Hopefully Landon will sleep tonight.
He had trouble falling asleep last night, and today we see a much more pronounced bump on his bottom gum. Might not be too much longer and we'll see tooth #2. And the top ones seem to still be working on coming through too, but they will likely be a bit longer.
It was funny last night, he fell asleep only to wake up within 15 minutes. Then he really struggled to go back to sleep, so I gave him to John and he went to sleep within a few minutes :-) And I was already asleep in bed by then too. Worked well -> I think we'll have to try that some more ... heh heh. His poor teeth are just bugging him too much, he wants us to hold him to sleep, but he's getting heavy! I might just curl up on the couch with him tonight if he's struggling again, maybe he'll stay asleep better on the couch with me.
Hope everyone is warm wherever they are. It's nights like tonight that I get super-excited to get to our new home and our new fireplace :-) Until next time...TK
We had a nice day at Aunty Margarets. We all slept the afternoon away! LOL Landon went down for a nap around 2:45, John and I went to sleep about 3 and we all slept until 5 pm! It felt so nice, especially since it's snowy and yucky here anyways! I was thinking of going to the mall, but it was way too snowy. And the nap felt sooooooo good :-) Hopefully Landon will sleep tonight.
He had trouble falling asleep last night, and today we see a much more pronounced bump on his bottom gum. Might not be too much longer and we'll see tooth #2. And the top ones seem to still be working on coming through too, but they will likely be a bit longer.
It was funny last night, he fell asleep only to wake up within 15 minutes. Then he really struggled to go back to sleep, so I gave him to John and he went to sleep within a few minutes :-) And I was already asleep in bed by then too. Worked well -> I think we'll have to try that some more ... heh heh. His poor teeth are just bugging him too much, he wants us to hold him to sleep, but he's getting heavy! I might just curl up on the couch with him tonight if he's struggling again, maybe he'll stay asleep better on the couch with me.
Hope everyone is warm wherever they are. It's nights like tonight that I get super-excited to get to our new home and our new fireplace :-) Until next time...TK
Saturday, October 28, 2006
we're READY!

Well, almost ready. We just have to do the 'one-last' vacuum and floor sweeping. YAY Our house is very neat, but it is not very 'homey' to me because I'm not used to such a clean house!! lol But hopefully others will find it homey. There are 6 or 7 showings scheduled for tomorrow, and they're starting to line up for Monday as well. We're off to Aunty Margaret's for the day, it'll be nice to get a good visit in. And it'll be WONDERFUL to not clean anything for the day!
Think good house-selling thoughts for us tomorrow :-) TK
Friday, October 27, 2006
day three of cleaning...
We're on day three of house-prepping ... and I'm feeling tired! LOL To be expected I guess. But we are close, we can see the end. The kitchen is cleaned fully, the basement is show-ready. The bathrooms are spotless. Even the windows have been washed (Dave should be glad to hear that...) Tomorrow is the final cleaning in the bedrooms, the laundry room, and the 'one-last-time' vacuuming and floor cleaning as needed. It's amazing what two people can accomplish when we set our minds to it. John cleaned the basement, I focused on the kitchen, and we just went at it.
Of course, Landon has been an absolute dream ... playing quite happily by himself for most of the day, having nice naps, and then last night going to sleep about 1 and staying asleep (the past couple of nights he'd sleep for 20 - 40 minutes, then wake up and need me to help him back to sleep ... grrr). Landon was so tired this morning, he was 'up' for almost an hour before he woke up. He'd just loll around on us, or go to sleep if we put him down. lol I tried sitting him up on the floor, he just bent over double with his face on his feet and went back to sleep!! Hopefully he'll still go to sleep well tonight, as I'm in need of some serious zzz's.
So tonight I'll do some more cleaning and then the final spurt tomorrow should have it done. Phew! Then let's hope lots of people come through the house! Heh heh We'll keep you posted!!
Of course, Landon has been an absolute dream ... playing quite happily by himself for most of the day, having nice naps, and then last night going to sleep about 1 and staying asleep (the past couple of nights he'd sleep for 20 - 40 minutes, then wake up and need me to help him back to sleep ... grrr). Landon was so tired this morning, he was 'up' for almost an hour before he woke up. He'd just loll around on us, or go to sleep if we put him down. lol I tried sitting him up on the floor, he just bent over double with his face on his feet and went back to sleep!! Hopefully he'll still go to sleep well tonight, as I'm in need of some serious zzz's.
So tonight I'll do some more cleaning and then the final spurt tomorrow should have it done. Phew! Then let's hope lots of people come through the house! Heh heh We'll keep you posted!!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
day one of house prepping...
and it went well. We got the yard cleaned up, the garage swept out. I put up the ceramic tiles (will grout tomorrow) -- that was way too easy for words. I'll be tiling more things in our new house ... heh heh, unless the grout-work is terrible! John completely cleaned up the basement, it looks huge now :-) Didn't know our basement was so big! Tomorrow is carpet cleaning, and finish cleaning up the basement.
Landon was so funny today. I had him outside as I was hosing off the cobwebs (so many spiders this year!). He was sitting on a blanket in the front yard, just looking around at everything, all "I can't really move in this snowsuit". I heard some squawking, looked over the bushes. There he is, face-planted in the grass. He'd tried to pull some grass out (the evidence was clutched tightly in his fist), and in doing so had pulled his face into the ground. There was dirt covering his face, he was sitting there mewling to be picked up ... I just about peed laughing at him!! But we got him all picked up and cleaned off and he was quite fine to sit there for a bit longer ... until nap time anyways!!
So that was our day. Tomorrow is cleaning day two ... will hopefully post again soon!! Take care...TK
Landon was so funny today. I had him outside as I was hosing off the cobwebs (so many spiders this year!). He was sitting on a blanket in the front yard, just looking around at everything, all "I can't really move in this snowsuit". I heard some squawking, looked over the bushes. There he is, face-planted in the grass. He'd tried to pull some grass out (the evidence was clutched tightly in his fist), and in doing so had pulled his face into the ground. There was dirt covering his face, he was sitting there mewling to be picked up ... I just about peed laughing at him!! But we got him all picked up and cleaned off and he was quite fine to sit there for a bit longer ... until nap time anyways!!
So that was our day. Tomorrow is cleaning day two ... will hopefully post again soon!! Take care...TK
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Life is getting busy...
Frantic may be a better term...:-/
We met with the Realtor tonight. We plan to list the house on Thursday, with showings starting Sunday. **GULP** So we'll be spending tomorrow getting outside spic and span (the weather is forecast to be nice, thank goodness), and Thurs, Fri, Sat polishing inside. Mostly we'll be de-cluttering the inside :-P And finishing up some details, like I'm putting ceramic tile on the add some pain to the process heh heh. Oh yeah, and carpets get steam-cleaned Thursday too ... so they should look great! But I'm confident that we'll be fine in getting everything done, we'll just be tired on Sunday!
The good news in it all ... we'll be showing the house Sunday through Wed (was going to be Tuesday, but since that's Hallowe'en we moved it to Wed). Which means we'll be spending time with family and friends on those days (I don't want to be home only to get 6 phone calls to leave in the next 30 minutes ... too hard on me and on Landon, especially for naps). So we'll spend our days visiting, and what could be better? It ensures that we'll get some visiting time in before we leave in a few short weeks! And they will be days when we aren't cleaning our house, looking for a new house, nor fretting over things. We'll just be visiting. I'm looking forward to that.
So next Wed we're hoping that we'll have the house sold :-) YAY And it'll be cleaned and decluttered, and some stuff will already be packed :-) And then ... *sigh* It'll be so busy leading up to moving ... hopefully Landon won't get sick in there or anything. The on-and-off teething fussies are enough. He was good the last couple of nights (I've likely just jinxed it and he'll be awful tonight!). He goes to sleep well, but then wakes up 30 - 45 minutes later and cries for a bit. We've been leaving him alone, and he gets himself back to sleep within 5 to 10 minutes. He usually wakes up shortly after that and does the same routine, and then finally is asleep for the night. I don't know why he wakes up like that - but we've found that leaving him alone he gets back to sleep and all is good. He sure bounces the ambybed ... I think that helps soothe him back to sleep.
And Landon ate chicken today !! YAY He still made faces, just not as bad as last month when he ate the chicken! LOL He had just a bit (to taste), and we'll try it again tomorrow. He's such a munchkin ... eating so much :-)
So that's the news for tonight. I may not get a chance to post for a couple of days, but hopefully I'll get a quick break every now and again. Any one who's interested in helping out, just let us know :-) Cheers!! TK
We met with the Realtor tonight. We plan to list the house on Thursday, with showings starting Sunday. **GULP** So we'll be spending tomorrow getting outside spic and span (the weather is forecast to be nice, thank goodness), and Thurs, Fri, Sat polishing inside. Mostly we'll be de-cluttering the inside :-P And finishing up some details, like I'm putting ceramic tile on the add some pain to the process heh heh. Oh yeah, and carpets get steam-cleaned Thursday too ... so they should look great! But I'm confident that we'll be fine in getting everything done, we'll just be tired on Sunday!
The good news in it all ... we'll be showing the house Sunday through Wed (was going to be Tuesday, but since that's Hallowe'en we moved it to Wed). Which means we'll be spending time with family and friends on those days (I don't want to be home only to get 6 phone calls to leave in the next 30 minutes ... too hard on me and on Landon, especially for naps). So we'll spend our days visiting, and what could be better? It ensures that we'll get some visiting time in before we leave in a few short weeks! And they will be days when we aren't cleaning our house, looking for a new house, nor fretting over things. We'll just be visiting. I'm looking forward to that.
So next Wed we're hoping that we'll have the house sold :-) YAY And it'll be cleaned and decluttered, and some stuff will already be packed :-) And then ... *sigh* It'll be so busy leading up to moving ... hopefully Landon won't get sick in there or anything. The on-and-off teething fussies are enough. He was good the last couple of nights (I've likely just jinxed it and he'll be awful tonight!). He goes to sleep well, but then wakes up 30 - 45 minutes later and cries for a bit. We've been leaving him alone, and he gets himself back to sleep within 5 to 10 minutes. He usually wakes up shortly after that and does the same routine, and then finally is asleep for the night. I don't know why he wakes up like that - but we've found that leaving him alone he gets back to sleep and all is good. He sure bounces the ambybed ... I think that helps soothe him back to sleep.
And Landon ate chicken today !! YAY He still made faces, just not as bad as last month when he ate the chicken! LOL He had just a bit (to taste), and we'll try it again tomorrow. He's such a munchkin ... eating so much :-)
So that's the news for tonight. I may not get a chance to post for a couple of days, but hopefully I'll get a quick break every now and again. Any one who's interested in helping out, just let us know :-) Cheers!! TK
Saturday, October 21, 2006
We have a HOUSE!

That's right -- John has struck a deal for our new home in Calgary! We get possession on November 17...Which is very exciting, and very SOON! LOL We'll have busy few weeks as we have to sell this house now :-P But it's all coming together nicely, and we are excited!! We have beautiful hardwoods, three bedrooms upstairs plus a bonus room, ensuite (YAY), and a nice backyard backing onto greenspace, so no neighbours over the backfence :-) Pretty cool - we are pretty darned excited!
The other good news: John will be able to fly home tomorrow instead of Monday. Which I like ... it's not that I don't love Landon, and I love spending time with him too, and he naps so well all day long that I even get breaks, but it'll just be nicer to have John again. I'm so darned spoiled with John having been home so much for Landons first months, I don't know what I'll do when he goes back to work! aiaiaiaiai Actually, I'll spend the first few weeks unpacking and organizing, and then preparing for Christmas, but after that .... heh heh I'll survive, I know.
So that's the big news from here. I'll keep you posted on developments on selling our home here as that will likely all come together in the next couple of weeks as well. Fun fun ... Now I'm really looking forward to Dec 1 when we can be somewhat settled in our new house, as the next few weeks may be a bit hairy...
Bye for now...TK
Just hanging out...
He might just go straight to walking!

Getting ready to crawl?

Sort of... Landon is starting to work on getting his knees under him, but he's not always happy about it when they get there!! I think it's a bit of "Now what the hell do I do?" But more and more he is starting to pull his knees up, and if we help by putting our arm by his feet so that he has something to push off of, he'll move himself on the floor, a bit :-) I would actually like the crawling to hold off until after we move, but I don't know if my wants are going to matter that much! LOL
I spoke too soon...
I spoke too soon about the teeth thing ... Landon had a really rough night Thursday night, I think it was his teeth. He would fall asleep only to wake up 5 - 15 minutes later crying, hard. This lasted until 3 am, when he finally fell asleep and stayed asleep - on me, while I went to sleep on the couch. But at least we got some sleep!! And he woke up at 7:40 am, which is unusual ... he hasn't been waking up overnight at all. So I definitely think it's teeth. When he plays on the floor, it's all about whatever teething toy he has close by ... he ignores his blocks, balls, etc, preferring to chew chew chew on something hard or rubbery. So maybe we'll get to see another tooth in the next week or so.
That said, last night he went to sleep really well. I gave him some Tylenol, so maybe that helped ... ? But I put him down at 1:30, and he went to sleep on his own and slept until 10:15 when I got him up today. Which means I slept peacefully from about 1:45 until 10 - YAY. Oh yeah, 10:15, not 9:30 like it's supposed to be. After his bad 3 am night, we slept until 11! Oops!! So this morning was 10:15, and I think he was out of bed for 30 minutes before he even opened his eyes ... poor stinker, so sleepy in the mornings. And he had a crazy long nap this afternoon, so I could be in for it tonight! Oh well ... we'll take it as it comes I guess. *Shrug*
John's busy busy busy looking at sooo many houses in Calgary. We've got a 'short list' of about 5 from what he's looked at so far, and he was going to look at 6 - 10 more this afternoon hopefully. If we can get things narrowed down tonight, that will be great! It's exciting seeing all of these houses ... I can hardly wait to have a new address to share with everyone! :-D
I have a few more pics to post, so I will get that done here soon. Hope all is well...take care!! TK
That said, last night he went to sleep really well. I gave him some Tylenol, so maybe that helped ... ? But I put him down at 1:30, and he went to sleep on his own and slept until 10:15 when I got him up today. Which means I slept peacefully from about 1:45 until 10 - YAY. Oh yeah, 10:15, not 9:30 like it's supposed to be. After his bad 3 am night, we slept until 11! Oops!! So this morning was 10:15, and I think he was out of bed for 30 minutes before he even opened his eyes ... poor stinker, so sleepy in the mornings. And he had a crazy long nap this afternoon, so I could be in for it tonight! Oh well ... we'll take it as it comes I guess. *Shrug*
John's busy busy busy looking at sooo many houses in Calgary. We've got a 'short list' of about 5 from what he's looked at so far, and he was going to look at 6 - 10 more this afternoon hopefully. If we can get things narrowed down tonight, that will be great! It's exciting seeing all of these houses ... I can hardly wait to have a new address to share with everyone! :-D
I have a few more pics to post, so I will get that done here soon. Hope all is well...take care!! TK
Thursday, October 19, 2006
And John's off...
to Calgary, house-hunting. John flies out tomorrow morning and will be back Monday afternoon - hopefully with a deal on our new house in Calgary!! YAY Yippee!! Now we're getting even more excited for this move!! We've spent two days staring at houses on-line, and are completely bleary-eyed, but there are (surprisingly) a lot of houses for sale in the areas we're interested in, so we're optimistic that this trip will be fruitful.
That means that Landon and I get to hang out all weekend together. Little stinker-pants. Today we all slept in, so we missed getting Landon up at 9:45, instead we all got up at 10:45 (I wonder where Landon gets this sleeping-in habit from!! LOL). Tomorrow I will get him up at 10 again and we'll go from there. I think he'll still go to bed fairly decently tonight ... likely by 1:30 or so (he was asleep about 1:30 last night). He's been going to sleep well at night, not as much fussing to fall asleep like at the farm (obviously his teeth aren't bothering him as much these days). So we'll keep moving his wake-up time up, and hopefully we'll get this going to sleep time moved up a bit soon too.
John and I went out for a nice dinner tonight to celebrate our anniversary. We went to a french restaurant, La Vielle Gare. It was delicious - and so nice to go out without Landon (I hope that doesn't sound too harsh!!). Thank you so much to Trish for watching Landon for us (lucky gal didn't even get a poopy-pants to change!). But John and I are both soooo full ... ugh. Dinner was much too good I guess!!
That's the news from here ... I'll try to get some pics posted soon, and will keep everyone posted on our house-hunting....until then! TK
That means that Landon and I get to hang out all weekend together. Little stinker-pants. Today we all slept in, so we missed getting Landon up at 9:45, instead we all got up at 10:45 (I wonder where Landon gets this sleeping-in habit from!! LOL). Tomorrow I will get him up at 10 again and we'll go from there. I think he'll still go to bed fairly decently tonight ... likely by 1:30 or so (he was asleep about 1:30 last night). He's been going to sleep well at night, not as much fussing to fall asleep like at the farm (obviously his teeth aren't bothering him as much these days). So we'll keep moving his wake-up time up, and hopefully we'll get this going to sleep time moved up a bit soon too.
John and I went out for a nice dinner tonight to celebrate our anniversary. We went to a french restaurant, La Vielle Gare. It was delicious - and so nice to go out without Landon (I hope that doesn't sound too harsh!!). Thank you so much to Trish for watching Landon for us (lucky gal didn't even get a poopy-pants to change!). But John and I are both soooo full ... ugh. Dinner was much too good I guess!!
That's the news from here ... I'll try to get some pics posted soon, and will keep everyone posted on our house-hunting....until then! TK
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Quick note Tues afternoon...
Last night we almost got to sleep a bit earlier. Well, Landon did get to sleep earlier, much earlier. He fell asleep at midnight. But woke up shortly before 1, and struggled to get back to sleep. He was still sleepy, but maybe his teeth were bugging him or something? He would wake up and fuss, and fall back to sleep very quickly, only to wake up 10 - 15 minutes later fussing and crying again. I finally gave him some Tylenol about 1:45 and put him back down and we didn't hear from him again until we went in to wake him up. So at least he got a bit more sleep last night than he's been getting, even if I only got to go to sleep at 2 am! :-P
He was in a much better mood this morning (and we did get him up at 10:15 today ...), and has been happier all day. He's just down for his second nap right now, so it's nice a peaceful again. He's sure playing lots now, it's a ton of fun!! Right now he's really liking this cloth ball that Grandma gave him ... we toss it into his lap and he laughs and laughs. I also bought some 'roll-around' balls for him, and he's enjoying those too.
We're just waiting and watching to see if that second tooth is going to pop on through one of these days. We can see just a faint outline, and he hasn't been too fussy these past few days, so it could be a while longer.
Phoned for flu shots today ... still no serum, so we'll likely have to wait until Landon's Dec 11 appointment. And I don't know if we'll even still be here then. John and I may be able to get in to our family doctor in November, so I don't know why the Ped can't get serum until Dec? But that's the medical system I guess. Maybe it's a sign to not even bother...?
Oh yeah - other big news (how could I leave this to the end!?): John accepted a position with Toromont today. He hasn't nailed down a start date yet, as we're trying to co-ordinate that with when we can get possession of a house. But he is officially employed now, and we know what kind of tractors and stuff Landon will be playing with (Caterpillar)! Grandpa may throw a few red ones in the mix too, I guess. It'll be red and yellow tractors for Landon :-)
So we're full-fledged house-hunting now, but still debating on when John will make a trip out to Calgary to do some hunting in person. But we're one step closer...
That's the big news...we'll keep you posted on any further developments!! Until next time...TK
He was in a much better mood this morning (and we did get him up at 10:15 today ...), and has been happier all day. He's just down for his second nap right now, so it's nice a peaceful again. He's sure playing lots now, it's a ton of fun!! Right now he's really liking this cloth ball that Grandma gave him ... we toss it into his lap and he laughs and laughs. I also bought some 'roll-around' balls for him, and he's enjoying those too.
We're just waiting and watching to see if that second tooth is going to pop on through one of these days. We can see just a faint outline, and he hasn't been too fussy these past few days, so it could be a while longer.
Phoned for flu shots today ... still no serum, so we'll likely have to wait until Landon's Dec 11 appointment. And I don't know if we'll even still be here then. John and I may be able to get in to our family doctor in November, so I don't know why the Ped can't get serum until Dec? But that's the medical system I guess. Maybe it's a sign to not even bother...?
Oh yeah - other big news (how could I leave this to the end!?): John accepted a position with Toromont today. He hasn't nailed down a start date yet, as we're trying to co-ordinate that with when we can get possession of a house. But he is officially employed now, and we know what kind of tractors and stuff Landon will be playing with (Caterpillar)! Grandpa may throw a few red ones in the mix too, I guess. It'll be red and yellow tractors for Landon :-)
So we're full-fledged house-hunting now, but still debating on when John will make a trip out to Calgary to do some hunting in person. But we're one step closer...
That's the big news...we'll keep you posted on any further developments!! Until next time...TK
Monday, October 16, 2006
Piggy pig, and poopy poop
What a pooping machine ... he's still going 'full force', heh heh. Some impromptu baths have been in order for clean-up purposes. *sigh* But at least he's a healthy little bugger, and he's still eating up a storm.
Today we missed getting him up at 10:15, but he did get up at 10:30 still. He fell asleep shortly after 11, as I breastfed him in bed. And he wouldn't wake up ... I carried him around, was chatting with John, everything. He was sleepy!! So he had his first nap early, and all other naps have been early too. His last nap (this evening) which is usually only 45 minutes, was stretching out to be longer so we had to get him up. He was so sleepy again, I actually had to put him on the floor in the living room and keep talking to him to wake him up. He wouldn't wake up on me (even when I sat him up on my knee facing me and John and I were laughing at him). So on the floor he went, where he still struggled to wake up!! So we're hoping for a bit of an earlier night tonight? Maybe....just maybe, it'll be earlier than 2:15 am!!
So, we've been perusing houses for sale in Calgary. We are just debating on when John will head out there to (hopefully) buy one. We are both getting very excited for the move ... VERY excited! It's all starting to come together, which is great.
That's the news from here for today. We are going to check out more houses now, so I'll post again in a day or two. Until then...TK
Today we missed getting him up at 10:15, but he did get up at 10:30 still. He fell asleep shortly after 11, as I breastfed him in bed. And he wouldn't wake up ... I carried him around, was chatting with John, everything. He was sleepy!! So he had his first nap early, and all other naps have been early too. His last nap (this evening) which is usually only 45 minutes, was stretching out to be longer so we had to get him up. He was so sleepy again, I actually had to put him on the floor in the living room and keep talking to him to wake him up. He wouldn't wake up on me (even when I sat him up on my knee facing me and John and I were laughing at him). So on the floor he went, where he still struggled to wake up!! So we're hoping for a bit of an earlier night tonight? Maybe....just maybe, it'll be earlier than 2:15 am!!
So, we've been perusing houses for sale in Calgary. We are just debating on when John will head out there to (hopefully) buy one. We are both getting very excited for the move ... VERY excited! It's all starting to come together, which is great.
That's the news from here for today. We are going to check out more houses now, so I'll post again in a day or two. Until then...TK
Pictures for Grandma....

Here are some pics of Landon from the past couple of days. He was playing with John on the couch, and was particularly cute (first pic) so we got some pics. I was hoping you could see his tooth, but not quite yet. It's just barely through, so it's not quite visible.
Landon loves to chew on everything he can, but his most favouritest thing right now is John's watch. If he's fussing, we just give him the watch and he's content to chew chew chew on that for at least 20 minutes :-)
Landon has also discovered his love for his own little piano (thanks again Carolin!). It took him awhile to figure out that in order to get "music" you have to hit the 'keys' ... not just bang on the soundboard (plus that must hurt the hands, with the pegs on there!!). But mommy only had to show him a little bit and he got it all figured out. He even plays with his feet when he gets tired and decides to lay back :-)

Sunday, October 15, 2006
pooping machine!
Landon has been in full-poop-production mode the past couple of days! Man oh man!! We are no longer worried AT ALL about the functioning in that area LOL I've increased his cereal intake while decreasing slightly his veggies / fruit, in hopes that we will slow this down a bit?! 3 times a day, covering all that he's wearing, is a bit much :-/
Things are going well though. We are working on moving his sleep phase earlier, so yesterday he was up at 10:45, today 10:30. He is so sleepy when we get him up, John said today he didn't even open his eyes for about 15 minutes!! Hopefully he will start going to sleep a bit earlier too. We will get him up at 10:15 tomorrow, 10 Tuesday, 9:45 then 9:30. That's where I'm stopping for now, as daylight savings ends next Sunday, and then 9:30 will be 8:30 and we'll have almost normal hours. Then we'll work on getting more of those hours in his night-time sleep with less napping hours. He's napping 4.5 hours during the day, sleeping ~9 hours at night ... I'd like to move an hour to 1.5 hours from the day to the night if we can ... if we can't I won't sweat it though. It's nice to have those hours to ourselves during the day too. But I would like an hour or so to myself at night too, if we can figure that in somewhere :-/ If only I functioned better on 7 or 8 hours of sleep, but unfortunately I'm still tired unless I get 9 (how ridiculous is that!).
Had volleyball practise today. Felt good to get out there, but it looks like my team has found my replacement so I won't be playing any volleyball at all :-( But I will still go to cheer them on and drink a beer or two I think!
That's the news from here. Grandma has requested more pics, so I will work on getting some more on the blog soon. Take care....until next time! TK
Things are going well though. We are working on moving his sleep phase earlier, so yesterday he was up at 10:45, today 10:30. He is so sleepy when we get him up, John said today he didn't even open his eyes for about 15 minutes!! Hopefully he will start going to sleep a bit earlier too. We will get him up at 10:15 tomorrow, 10 Tuesday, 9:45 then 9:30. That's where I'm stopping for now, as daylight savings ends next Sunday, and then 9:30 will be 8:30 and we'll have almost normal hours. Then we'll work on getting more of those hours in his night-time sleep with less napping hours. He's napping 4.5 hours during the day, sleeping ~9 hours at night ... I'd like to move an hour to 1.5 hours from the day to the night if we can ... if we can't I won't sweat it though. It's nice to have those hours to ourselves during the day too. But I would like an hour or so to myself at night too, if we can figure that in somewhere :-/ If only I functioned better on 7 or 8 hours of sleep, but unfortunately I'm still tired unless I get 9 (how ridiculous is that!).
Had volleyball practise today. Felt good to get out there, but it looks like my team has found my replacement so I won't be playing any volleyball at all :-( But I will still go to cheer them on and drink a beer or two I think!
That's the news from here. Grandma has requested more pics, so I will work on getting some more on the blog soon. Take care....until next time! TK
Friday, October 13, 2006
The teething continues...
Landon's first tooth is still working on popping all of the way out ... we see more of it all the time. And this morning John noticed the outline of the second tooth, so we should see that one soon (hopefully in less than a week). Landon is still a bit fussy, moreso at the end of the day, but he went to sleep a bit better last night. And was soooo sleepy at 11 this morning when John got him up!! It took about half an hour for Landon to wake up, he just kept putting his head back on John's shoulder ... then he took a big poop for daddy :-) Heh heh, I like when I don't have to clean those diapers!!
Things are going well here. The new flooring is in the kitchen - it looks fabulous!! The kitchen is much brighter now, I really really like it. Now I just have to fix up the backsplash in the kitchen (the new countertops end about 1/2" lower than the old ones), and we'll be done. I don't know if I'll tile, or paint. We'll see.
The job-hunt has gone well ... John should be 'employed' by the end of next week. We don't know when the start date will be, and we still have to make arrangements to buy a new house, sell this one, etc. But we may be moved by Christmas, which was what we were hoping for... I'll keep everyone posted.
That's the big news from here for today. My life is pretty uncomplicated these days, just feed Landon, play for awhile, he and I both nap (ahhh), and repeat. I am looking forward to volleyball practise on Sunday though, and the season starts next Wednesday. I haven't done anything since ball ended at the end of August, so it's about time. With Landon nursing less, I've gained a couple of pounds back, so it's time to start doing more exercise and I'll have to (gasp!) watch what I'm eating :-( Oh well ... I've eaten like a pig for about 15 months, so I can't really complain!!
until next time....TK
Things are going well here. The new flooring is in the kitchen - it looks fabulous!! The kitchen is much brighter now, I really really like it. Now I just have to fix up the backsplash in the kitchen (the new countertops end about 1/2" lower than the old ones), and we'll be done. I don't know if I'll tile, or paint. We'll see.
The job-hunt has gone well ... John should be 'employed' by the end of next week. We don't know when the start date will be, and we still have to make arrangements to buy a new house, sell this one, etc. But we may be moved by Christmas, which was what we were hoping for... I'll keep everyone posted.
That's the big news from here for today. My life is pretty uncomplicated these days, just feed Landon, play for awhile, he and I both nap (ahhh), and repeat. I am looking forward to volleyball practise on Sunday though, and the season starts next Wednesday. I haven't done anything since ball ended at the end of August, so it's about time. With Landon nursing less, I've gained a couple of pounds back, so it's time to start doing more exercise and I'll have to (gasp!) watch what I'm eating :-( Oh well ... I've eaten like a pig for about 15 months, so I can't really complain!!
until next time....TK
Thursday, October 12, 2006
playing with Grandpa

Landon sure enjoyed playing with Grandpa all week. He was pretty amazed by those big fingers I think!! Whenever Grandpa would talk to Landon, he would stop whatever he was doing just to listen ... and then a big smile would spread across his face! I think Landon misses Grandpa this week (and vice versa too?).
Thanksgiving ...
Discovering Leaves...

With all of the fallen leaves at the farm, we took Landon out for some playtime. He thought the leaves were pretty fun, all crinkly. He tried to taste them too, but we were able to stop him :-) He enjoyed when we threw the leaves up in the air and let them land on him, and he loved scrunching them in his hands.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Well, after a week of sucking and mewling and whining whining whining ... the FIRST TOOTH is finally poking through!! It hasn't come through completely, but when I put a plastic spoon in his mouth, there's a 'tick tick'!! YAY
Now I've heard that teeth come in twos, so I'm wondering if the second one will be far behind? We'll just have to see I guess.
Landon tried some bananas today for the first time. He wasn't too sure about those things ... but we'll try again tomorrow. I bought tons of baby food today, so we'll have a good variety of stuff for the next month I'm sure!!
Landon actually went to sleep fairly well last night, at 2 am (which is about an hour earlier than at the farm). He woke up a few times over the first hour (tooth?), but then got to some serious sleeping and slept until 11 am. And I slept until 11 am too which felt wonderful. Tomorrow morning we're going to start moving his 'sleep phase' earlier ... by waking him up 15 minutes earlier each day until we're getting up at 9:30. And hopefully his bedtime will follow suit ... heh heh. I chose 9:30 because daylight savings ends in a couple of weeks, and then we'll be getting up at 8:30. That'll be a change, for Landon and mommy!!
Winter is on the way here ... it was bloody cold out. aiaiaiai I'm searching for a warmer jacket (that's not a one-piece, or that includes snow pants) for Landon. I think I'll have to make a trip to the mall...
Tomorrow we get our kitchen flooring replaced. That will make the kitchen look better :-)
That's the quick post for today. Pics coming shortly! Until next time...TK
Now I've heard that teeth come in twos, so I'm wondering if the second one will be far behind? We'll just have to see I guess.
Landon tried some bananas today for the first time. He wasn't too sure about those things ... but we'll try again tomorrow. I bought tons of baby food today, so we'll have a good variety of stuff for the next month I'm sure!!
Landon actually went to sleep fairly well last night, at 2 am (which is about an hour earlier than at the farm). He woke up a few times over the first hour (tooth?), but then got to some serious sleeping and slept until 11 am. And I slept until 11 am too which felt wonderful. Tomorrow morning we're going to start moving his 'sleep phase' earlier ... by waking him up 15 minutes earlier each day until we're getting up at 9:30. And hopefully his bedtime will follow suit ... heh heh. I chose 9:30 because daylight savings ends in a couple of weeks, and then we'll be getting up at 8:30. That'll be a change, for Landon and mommy!!
Winter is on the way here ... it was bloody cold out. aiaiaiai I'm searching for a warmer jacket (that's not a one-piece, or that includes snow pants) for Landon. I think I'll have to make a trip to the mall...
Tomorrow we get our kitchen flooring replaced. That will make the kitchen look better :-)
That's the quick post for today. Pics coming shortly! Until next time...TK
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Week long travels...
Well, we survived the week back in Sask and are safely back home today. It does feel good to be home ... but we really enjoyed the trip back to Sask. Landon traveled so well, there and back (sleeping most of both trips ... we left early in the morning to accommodate that). And he even slept pretty well while we were there, although it did take him awhile to get to sleep most nights :-/ Surprise surprise. He started full-fledged teething last week, so we had a very late night at Grandma and Grandpa's, and he's been really fussing when trying to go to sleep ever since. It's funny, he actually went to sleep really well at Carla and Dave's, but didn't sleep as well overnight (waking up 3 or 4 times). At Grandma and Grandpa's he really struggled to get to sleep, but once there he slept very well. *shrug* Who knows! heh heh
So we're in teething mode now ... every night he falls asleep nicely, only to wake up several times crying and chewing on anything close to him. I've been walking and holding him to sleep, even spending an hour or two on the couch when he first falls asleep before putting him to bed. I sleep all right that way (I'm usually so tired by the time he goes to sleep), and it ensures that he gets some sleep, so that's what I've taken to doing. I'm curious what tonight will bring as he slept so much today on the trip home. But he had a 2 hour nap after we got home ... I don't know if he's still looking for a third nap (I sure hope not!!), or if he'll be good to go down for the night when he next goes to sleep. I'm not panicking, what will be will be.
This week we're planning to introduce some fruits ... we've gone through plenty of veggies, so I think it's time Landon got some sweetness :-) (and not just whipping cream, Dave!). So we'll start something yummy in a day or two. He's loving peas and even creamed corn now. Little piggy. And he's doing four full 'meals' through the day too ... cereal for breakfast (4 Tbsp), and veggies(2-3 Tbsp)/cereal (2-4 Tbsp) for lunch, dinner, and before bed. aiaiaiai
Nursing is still going well ... 5 times a day, with the fifth being a cluster-feeding type of thing while getting him to go to sleep at night. Especially with the teething, he must like to sucking motion ... soothes his gums and alleviates teething pain a friend told me. He doesn't usually wake up over night, but that's likely because he's only getting ~8 hours by the time he gets to sleep (we're still waking him in the mornings so that we don't push the schedule back too much).
It's funny now that we're on more solids, we definitely know when Landon's pooping. He will be sitting and playing, and all of a sudden he's very serious and concentrating quite hard on the business at hand. He just made a stinker, makes me smile to watch him, he's so cute!
Thanksgiving was very nice. We got to see Aunty Yvonne, Great Grandpa Leisle, and Landon met his cousin Kyle for the first time. It was so nice ... I will post some pictures soon too.
I should go, I could write a novel, but I will write more when I have pics to post with it. :-) Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Until next time...TK
So we're in teething mode now ... every night he falls asleep nicely, only to wake up several times crying and chewing on anything close to him. I've been walking and holding him to sleep, even spending an hour or two on the couch when he first falls asleep before putting him to bed. I sleep all right that way (I'm usually so tired by the time he goes to sleep), and it ensures that he gets some sleep, so that's what I've taken to doing. I'm curious what tonight will bring as he slept so much today on the trip home. But he had a 2 hour nap after we got home ... I don't know if he's still looking for a third nap (I sure hope not!!), or if he'll be good to go down for the night when he next goes to sleep. I'm not panicking, what will be will be.
This week we're planning to introduce some fruits ... we've gone through plenty of veggies, so I think it's time Landon got some sweetness :-) (and not just whipping cream, Dave!). So we'll start something yummy in a day or two. He's loving peas and even creamed corn now. Little piggy. And he's doing four full 'meals' through the day too ... cereal for breakfast (4 Tbsp), and veggies(2-3 Tbsp)/cereal (2-4 Tbsp) for lunch, dinner, and before bed. aiaiaiai
Nursing is still going well ... 5 times a day, with the fifth being a cluster-feeding type of thing while getting him to go to sleep at night. Especially with the teething, he must like to sucking motion ... soothes his gums and alleviates teething pain a friend told me. He doesn't usually wake up over night, but that's likely because he's only getting ~8 hours by the time he gets to sleep (we're still waking him in the mornings so that we don't push the schedule back too much).
It's funny now that we're on more solids, we definitely know when Landon's pooping. He will be sitting and playing, and all of a sudden he's very serious and concentrating quite hard on the business at hand. He just made a stinker, makes me smile to watch him, he's so cute!
Thanksgiving was very nice. We got to see Aunty Yvonne, Great Grandpa Leisle, and Landon met his cousin Kyle for the first time. It was so nice ... I will post some pictures soon too.
I should go, I could write a novel, but I will write more when I have pics to post with it. :-) Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Until next time...TK
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
We made it!
Well, the trip wasn't nearly as harrowing as I worried it would be ... PHEW! We hit the road ~6 am on Sunday, Landon slept until 11 (we usually have to wake him at 11 at home, but he woke up right at 11 on the road :-/), he was fine for another few minutes, but was pretty hungry by 11:30 so we stopped in Indian Head for a bite to eat. We stopped at the Craft-Tea Elevator ... very nice place to stop. The food was so-so, but the craft room was nice to walk through. We bought Grandpa's birthday gift there (a nice photograph of Ernfold elevators).
So we fed Landon, ate a bit ourselves, and then Landon was pretty much ready for his nap, so we hit the road. He did wake up in Regina, and I thought the last 2 hours wouldn't be so pleasant, but he went back to sleep and slept all the way to the farm! YAY!
So we're here. Landon is napping like an angel (like usual), having troubles getting to sleep at night (like usual). He's super tired today, as he went to sleep at 1 and got up at 9:40 (woke up early on his own ... don't know what that's about...but he still woke up happy). So maybe he'll go to sleep a bit earlier tonight - I'm tired! LOL
We've just been hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa these past couple of days. We're going to Swift Current on Thursday, will stay until Saturday. John's coming back from Calgary on Friday night and will meet us in swift. It'll be nice to see him ... I miss him and I think Landon does too. But I have to admit, Landon has adjusted quite well to a new place. And once I get him to sleep, he's sleeping well.
Happy Birthday to Johnny-cakes!! He had to celebrate in Calgary without us today :-( But he said the job-hunt is going well, so that's good.
Well, that's the news from here for now. Landon's enjoying Grandma's house, we think he may be seriously working on a tooth or two, and he loves peas. I will try posting again in a few days if I get a chance. Landon's sleeping in the computer room, so I don't get many chances to get on-line ... when he's sleeping I can't get in here, and when he's awake he's keeping me busy. :-/ Ah well.....Until next time...TK
So we fed Landon, ate a bit ourselves, and then Landon was pretty much ready for his nap, so we hit the road. He did wake up in Regina, and I thought the last 2 hours wouldn't be so pleasant, but he went back to sleep and slept all the way to the farm! YAY!
So we're here. Landon is napping like an angel (like usual), having troubles getting to sleep at night (like usual). He's super tired today, as he went to sleep at 1 and got up at 9:40 (woke up early on his own ... don't know what that's about...but he still woke up happy). So maybe he'll go to sleep a bit earlier tonight - I'm tired! LOL
We've just been hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa these past couple of days. We're going to Swift Current on Thursday, will stay until Saturday. John's coming back from Calgary on Friday night and will meet us in swift. It'll be nice to see him ... I miss him and I think Landon does too. But I have to admit, Landon has adjusted quite well to a new place. And once I get him to sleep, he's sleeping well.
Happy Birthday to Johnny-cakes!! He had to celebrate in Calgary without us today :-( But he said the job-hunt is going well, so that's good.
Well, that's the news from here for now. Landon's enjoying Grandma's house, we think he may be seriously working on a tooth or two, and he loves peas. I will try posting again in a few days if I get a chance. Landon's sleeping in the computer room, so I don't get many chances to get on-line ... when he's sleeping I can't get in here, and when he's awake he's keeping me busy. :-/ Ah well.....Until next time...TK
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