Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Grandma and Grandpa will be here soon!

Well, Grandma and Grandpa should be here anytime now, I'm just waiting. Landon's snoozing :-/ In addition to liking to go to sleep late these days, he's been fighting his naps too! I put him down and sometimes it's an hour later when he finally goes to sleep. I was going to wake him, but when I tried he just groaned, rolled over and pulled the blanket over his head! He reminded me so much of myself that I left him sleeping!! At least he'll be in a good mood for Grandma and Grandpa. Tomorrow morning we'll get up a bit earlier, so the nap is earlier (let's hope) so that we can get to the zoo!!

I'll be taking lotsa' pics over the next few days, so should have some to post maybe Thursday. Friday afternoon Landon gets his 1-year shots ... it's been so long since he's been stabbed with a needle ... I'm not looking forward to it. Hopefully he doesn't react. It will be nice to get him weighed and stuff though - I'm curious how much he weighs now. And I've got tons of questions so it'll be good to see a doctor again!

Until next time....TK


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Landon......have a great daye

niknac said...

Just wanted to wish Landon a Happy First Birthday. Hope you all have a great day.