Thursday, March 29, 2007

No more nursing...

Well, I think Landon may be fully and completely done nursing. He has only nursed Tuesday morning so far this week. The other mornings he might take my nipple, but then spits it out and smirks and then tries to crawl off my lap to go and play. So I think we are at the end of that beautiful road. I have very mixed feelings ... I am glad to get my entire body back, and to not be 'needed', but am also sad to no longer be 'needed' in that way. To think only a year ago Landon was latched on seemingly all day and all night!! lol I guess my little baby is getting bigger. And overall that's a good thing. But I'm still a little sad.

The weather's finally nicer here today, we went for a nice walk to mail some stuff (my speeding ticket from ND for one, almost forgot about that!!), and to pick up a few groceries. Now Landon's snoozing and I'm going to clean up the kitchen and get started on dinner.

I'm looking forward to this weekend - Carla's going to be in Airdrie playing hockey, so I'll get a chance to visit with her sans children!! That'll be a treat, for both of us. I am hoping to take Landon out to a hockey game too - I think he'd enjoy that, for about 5 minutes at least ;-)

That's the news. Landon is adorable, as usual. This afternoon he was playing in a box of books, pulling them out, leafing through them, crawling in the box, pulling the books back into the box, etc. Funny little duffer!! LOL Take care...until next time! TK

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