Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I'm supposed to be packing...

So I thought I'd post a note instead.

And post a picture too. Landon loves to play with the headphones, there's many pictures of that. So we stuck these ones on his head ... too cute. He thought it was funny because we were laughing :-) Little imitator. He loves to be the centre of attention, no doubt about that.

So I'm off to pack for the trip to the farm tomorrow. To Manitoba Friday and won't be back for a couple of weeks. I'm sure hoping Landon sleeps well at the cottage. Last night he woke up at 11 pm for about 30 minutes of talking and googling. I didn't go in to his room at all and he did fall back to sleep. Then at 5:30 am the same thing. *sigh* At the cottage he's in the same room as us, so hopefully he won't know we're sleeping on the bed or he'll just want to play, and we won't get much sleep! John and I are taking ear plugs - the rest of the cottage will have to fend for themselves!! lol

That's it for now. He's still babbling up a storm. Bah is for sure bath - I said to him 'let's go upstairs for a bath' and he ran to the tub and said 'bah' as soon as he got upstairs. He LOVES the bath, that's for sure.

No posts now until mid-July. I hope you won't suffer too badly ... I will try to sneak one in maybe, but no guarantees. Have a good Canada Day weekend!!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

I've been neglecting news on WORDS!

I've not been letting everyone know about Landon's new words. He's getting more and more as time goes on, and it's kind of fun to hear him say something other than dadadada and momomomom :-)

first official word (beside mom and dada) was up ... pronounced 'bup'. He uses it non-stop now ... heh heh. Sometimes he says up when he's already up, so I'm not sure what he's thinking of then ...?
He also loves anything with four wheels, and they are all called trucks, pronounced 'guck'. He even will say guck at a picture of a truck too.
We're working on getting tractor to be something more like tractor, although he usually sticks with guck for that one too. But every now and again he'll say 'gackter' (after we've prompted him).
He also has some sort of sound that we've been able to equate to birds, same for dogs and cats (usually a high-pitched squeal!). Birds is more like 'buh', dog and cat less clear.
Grandma claims he would say 'go' all the time at the farm, but not so much here. Could be because he's so fussy and whiny all he's saying is 'bup' *shrug* Not as many neat things to go to here versus at the farm either I guess.
I think he's also saying bath, pronounced 'bah' ... it's not 100% clear that he is speaking with intention or if it was fluke, so the jury's still out. But I think it is bath.
And he likes ducks and the word quack. So he says 'guck' for duck, sounding very close truck, but in response to seeing pictures of ducks or to me singing 'six little ducks'. He also responds to quack, with something like 'ack' or 'aghk'. So I guess those count too :-)

So that's Landon's set of words for now. I'll post more as he gets more :-)

When oh When will Landon get better??!!?

This kid is still not feeling 100%. don't get me wrong, he's considerably better than say, a week ago. But he's still pretty fussy and miserable most of the time. Last night he was up most of the night ... crying so hard! Breaks my heart and ticks me off all at the same time :-/ Then he slept in until 11:30, and hasn't had a nap yet despite being in bed for over an hour already. So who knows what tonight will bring ... aiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiai
All six teeth have broken the surface though. I'm just wondering if there's a couple more in there working their way out too ? Who knows.... If this runny nose would give in and go away, I think he'd be much easier to live with.

So we're just hanging out at home all weekend, nice and relaxing, starting to get prepared for next weeks travels to MB. Hopefully Landon will have put all this teething and cold business behind him by then....cross your fingers!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Dr appt follow-up

Landon does not have RSV or pink-eye. His chest is clear, his throat is ok. He did have a slightly reddened ear drum on one side (beginning of ear infection), so if he develops a fever we go back for antibiotics. Other than that, he's to work through it I guess *shrug*
He slept very well last night, from 9:30 (fell asleep on my lap) until 10 this morning! YAY - mom and dad got good sleeps too!!
Today he's doing a bit better. It's mostly just his sore sore mouth...Some Tylenol helps that a bit. He did finally get off of me and play for awhile this morning though, phew! What captured his attention? Well I left the gate open at the bottom of the stairs. He played on the first 4 stairs or so, and discovered that from there he can reach the light-switches...so the lights went on and off for about 45 minutes!! lol I didn't care, I could get something DONE!

I had to laugh yesterday, he'd slept so poorly the night before, he napped for FOUR hours! aiaiaiai
But then he ate some dinner finally, and a good snack before bed. And today his appetite seems to have returned a bit more yet. He likes Montreal bagels, that's for sure!! Kid has good taste :-)

I had dentist appt yesterday aft as well, a crown preparation. It feels pretty good today, I get the permanent crown next Wed. I have a cracked tooth, and we're hoping the crown will prevent me from having to have a root canal, or worse, have the tooth pulled.

Just getting ready for my Pampered Chef party tomorrow evening. Grocery shopping when Landon wakes up (depending on his mood), and I'll have to get some cleaning done. Our house is a shambles. Mostly because one of the things that will keep Landon quiet when he's feeling miserable is shredding kleenexes! He'll spend half an hour on one kleenex, ripping it into strips. Makes me giggle, and mutter and swear when I spend 4 hours afterwards picking up little bits of kleenex all over the house!

So that's the news for today. I'm looking forward to picking Jenay up from the airport tonight! Haven't seen her for sooooooooo long! YAY!! Talk again soon...TK

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Six new teeth and one helluva cold!

That's our Landon! Leave him with Grandma and Grandpa for a week, and all hell breaks loose!! Well, all teeth break loose anyways.

That's right - SIX teeth popping through at once. Poor, sore little mouth! Two molars, both eye teeth (moving up and down, although one has popped through), and some more bottom teeth. He looks like a different kid from when I dropped him off at the farm! This mouth full of teeth.

And his sore red eyes...He has one helluva cold or infection or something. He is miserable! Thank you to Grandma for such great care when we were down East and you had this sick little munchkin to deal with :-/ He's still miserable now, he's been sick a week. We're going to the doc this afternoon, to rule out severe infection, pink-eye and RSV. There's no fever (he broke that after a couple of days), but lots of coughing, boogers, and sore eyes.

Between the cold and his teeth - we don't have a particularly happy boy these days. Although he was pretty excited to see daddy yesterday. That was about the only time he really smiled and showed some enthusiasm for anything. Other than that he's just grumping and whining and squirming and making everyone's life miserable. Poor guy...

The trip was great though - John and I had a great time. Cape Breton Island is gorgous, the Bay of Fundy (at Hopewell's Rocks) was incredible, the seafood was scrumptious, the scenery (mostly) breathtaking. We hope to go back sometime to see CBI in the fall, maybe when the kid(s) are old enough to come along. I'll post some pics when I get them uploaded.

Until then, I'm going to relax for a few mins until the grump wakes up. Until next time...TK

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Getting ready to go...after Landon's first flu

We are almost all packed up and ready to go. John leaves for PEI golfing tonight - his flight's in about 2.5 hours. Landon and I head to Carla's tomorrow, to the farm Friday afternoon. Then I'm to meet John in PEI on Monday and we'll spend a week touring through Nova Scotia. Mostly Cape Breton Island, a day at the Bay of Fundy, and a day or so on PEI. Lots of seafood, lots of fresh salty air. Hopefully some whales. Some wine. And most importantly, some Alexander Keith's :-)

All of my travel has been delayed a day as Landon had his first tummy flu yesterday :-( We went shopping in the morning, and he was sooooo good. But when I pulled into the garage coming home, he cried cried cried. I was wondering why, then he puked all over. Yuck! I got him in the house, cleaned up, sitting in front of cartoons and I got the car seat out to clean it up. Then I picked him up to feed him -- diarrhea poo everywhere. Into the tub. He ate a bit, went down for his nap. Then he woke up at his normal time, cried and puked again, poor guy. Then a few more poops ... another bath. Yuck. Poor kid. He ate lots of supper though, and hasn't looked back. He still has a bit of a fever, but other than that he's good. So hopefully he'll be fine for his week with Grandma and Grandpa.

Anyways, I won't be posting until the week of June 18. See y'all then!! Take care..TK

Just Ridin' along in my Automobile...

Here is a pic of Landon riding on Mater. He has figured out how to ride "properly" on his ride-on cars now, and does so occassionally. Mostly though, he pulls the both of them around at once, all over the house. He loves pulling them everywhere!! lol

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Another weekend down...

Weekends certainly go too quickly. Sheesh! We had a good one though. Today we went out for lunch - to one of John's co-workers, it was very nice to get out for a bit and get some visiting in. This afternoon was quiet - Landon snoozed, I got a pedicure, *shrug* That's really about it. We're starting to plan for packing for the big trip! I have to give Carla a call to see what her plans are this week, and then I'll have to make my plans for when I'm leaving. Getting excited, although I don't think the excitement will fully hit until I get to the farm. Once I get Landon there and settling in, then I'll be excited for Nova Scotia.

Off to call Carla...TK

Friday, June 01, 2007

When All's Quiet...

I was brushing my teeth this morning. Landon was being blessedly quiet. Oh wait -- when they're quiet, there's something up right? Check out these pics!! LOL

Somehow he got the kleenex box off the top of his dresser. I'm guessing it was some sort of magic trick involving the cord to his lamp and the cloth that both the lamp and the kleenex sit on. Then the fun was on!! He got through most of the box before I got in there...little stinker. And looks at me all innocently. bah! He actually didn't destroy most of the kleenex, just pulled it out of the box, so I folded them all up nicely and we're all happy.
Made me giggle though - him all stuck in that nook, just tearing kleenex from that box. Stinker!!