Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Dr appt follow-up

Landon does not have RSV or pink-eye. His chest is clear, his throat is ok. He did have a slightly reddened ear drum on one side (beginning of ear infection), so if he develops a fever we go back for antibiotics. Other than that, he's to work through it I guess *shrug*
He slept very well last night, from 9:30 (fell asleep on my lap) until 10 this morning! YAY - mom and dad got good sleeps too!!
Today he's doing a bit better. It's mostly just his sore sore mouth...Some Tylenol helps that a bit. He did finally get off of me and play for awhile this morning though, phew! What captured his attention? Well I left the gate open at the bottom of the stairs. He played on the first 4 stairs or so, and discovered that from there he can reach the the lights went on and off for about 45 minutes!! lol I didn't care, I could get something DONE!

I had to laugh yesterday, he'd slept so poorly the night before, he napped for FOUR hours! aiaiaiai
But then he ate some dinner finally, and a good snack before bed. And today his appetite seems to have returned a bit more yet. He likes Montreal bagels, that's for sure!! Kid has good taste :-)

I had dentist appt yesterday aft as well, a crown preparation. It feels pretty good today, I get the permanent crown next Wed. I have a cracked tooth, and we're hoping the crown will prevent me from having to have a root canal, or worse, have the tooth pulled.

Just getting ready for my Pampered Chef party tomorrow evening. Grocery shopping when Landon wakes up (depending on his mood), and I'll have to get some cleaning done. Our house is a shambles. Mostly because one of the things that will keep Landon quiet when he's feeling miserable is shredding kleenexes! He'll spend half an hour on one kleenex, ripping it into strips. Makes me giggle, and mutter and swear when I spend 4 hours afterwards picking up little bits of kleenex all over the house!

So that's the news for today. I'm looking forward to picking Jenay up from the airport tonight! Haven't seen her for sooooooooo long! YAY!! Talk again soon...TK

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