Friday, June 01, 2007

When All's Quiet...

I was brushing my teeth this morning. Landon was being blessedly quiet. Oh wait -- when they're quiet, there's something up right? Check out these pics!! LOL

Somehow he got the kleenex box off the top of his dresser. I'm guessing it was some sort of magic trick involving the cord to his lamp and the cloth that both the lamp and the kleenex sit on. Then the fun was on!! He got through most of the box before I got in there...little stinker. And looks at me all innocently. bah! He actually didn't destroy most of the kleenex, just pulled it out of the box, so I folded them all up nicely and we're all happy.
Made me giggle though - him all stuck in that nook, just tearing kleenex from that box. Stinker!!

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