Sunday, May 04, 2008

Day Out with Thomas!

Today was "Day Out with Thomas" at Heritage Park for Landon. He wasn't too sure about that Thomas train though - certainly wasn't interested in getting close, that's for sure. Then when we boarded for our train ride (the reason we're there, after all) Landon threw a hissy fit!! But we got him calmed down and he enjoyed the train ride once it started moving. The most fun he had was just running around the grass and meeting other kids :-) But it was still a good day - the weather was incredibly beautiful and I really enjoyed it (even if Landon was 'meh' about the whole thing!!). At least tonight at supper he was excitedly reminding us that he rode on Thomas ("rwode on Thompus") today, so maybe it made more of an impression than I realize.

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