With Brian's help (a considerable amount of it actually), we got our trees planted in the backyard today. These boys moved a LOT of dirt around, let me tell you!! But the trees look fabulous! Here are the 5 aspens, as well as the double-flowering plum and 'sensation' lilac (they look so small now that they're planted!!).
Now let's just hope and pray the trees survive -- we certainly don't want to go through this again! yes - that's a pick-ax in Brian's hand - the clay soil was like concrete, we had to use a pick-ax to get any lower than ~8" or so. I don't know if John will let me plan on planting any more trees ever again! LOL
And once these guys were done in the yard, they moved onto the basement. John and Brian moved over half of the drywall into the basement (via the side window) before supper yet. They most definitely earned their HUGE steaks (thanks again Brian) for supper, and the nice cold beers too (made me really want a beer today...)
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