Friday, October 31, 2008

Hallowe'en 2008

Well, Hallowe'en was a bit different this year than last, that's for sure. Firstly, I actually went through the trouble of getting dressed up as the Hulk ... and I think my costume was pretty good (except for the hair, didn't have time to do the hair :-/). apparently it was too good -- Landon was scared $hitle$$ of me!! LOL So I had to wash my face off - with Landon watching so that he knew that it really was me - and remove the muscles. I was the Hulk, from the waist down heh heh
Incidentally, Arlan was fine with me ... he must've been cueing on my scent and sound more than sight *shrug*

Here's our jack-0-lantern. Landon sort of helped to carve it this year. Well, he stuck his spoon into the pumpkin twice to help clean it out!! LOL Then he ran around the house, as usual. But he was adamant "No (s)cary faces!!" So we did a goofy one (much to John's disappointment).

And here is Landon as the black cat. This was taken this morning as we were getting ready to go for a walk. He was very excited to be a kitty! But it was so warm out that he ended up taking the kitty costume off as soon as we got to the store :-/
Tonight however, Landon was Tigger. He was so traumatized from the Hulk costume that he didn't want to go trick-or-treating at all, and certainly wasn't going to wear the black cat costume even if we did go outside with mommy (who had already washed her face!). But he did think he could handle the Tigger costume (same as last year) ... so we squeezed him into it. Poor kid. He wouldn't have gone trick-or-treating at all except some kids came to the door and got candy -- he wanted the candy and we told him the only way to get candy was to go out with mommy. So we did ... to about 15 houses or so. We didn't even finish one side of the crescent and he was ready to go home. But I guess ... enjoy the short nights while I can, right??

And here is the cutest little dalmation ever!!! I may be biased, but man is he CUTE!! Arlan was wearing this all day long ... from our first walk this morning, and then to the carpet store in the afternoon, and to go trick-or-treating with Landon. Arlan's such a happy baby ... Landon's melting down and we're trying to placate him and wash my face etc, the whole time Arlan's just hanging out on the floor with his costume on waiting to go!! And when Landon was ready to come home it worked well as Arlan was ready for bed too. But I gotta' admit, he is frickin' CUTE!! Did I mention...heh heh

Thursday, October 30, 2008

weights, measures and potty

I weighed Arlan today ... 15 pounds, 15 ounces. I was kind of shocked - I thought he would've been well over 16 pounds by now, he's gained only a pound this entire month. Could explain why he's eating so much these days!! Maybe he is ready for cereals :-/ That thought makes me kind of sad, I want my baby to stay my baby!!! *sigh* I'm trying to hold off until he's 5 months old, and will simply increase the number of times I nurse throughout the day (hoping that he'll sleep better at night too!!). But I did buy some cereal today ....

He's also 26 1/2" long. So he's still getting longer, and I am not actually worried at all about his growth.

Landon has been making great progress on the potty end of things. He still has accidents, mostly when he's wearing pants and is playing upstairs. Luckily the pants soak up most of the pee!! But if he's naked downstairs he goes potty all by himself, and will dump the pot and everything. It seems that the pants confuse him, but he's going to have to learn with pants on too because we don't live in a nudist colony LOL
But he's made a couple of grocery store trips and 2 car trips (to drop John's car off and pick it up from mechanic) with no problems. So that's looking good.

But I hear Arlan waking to eat (surprise surprise) so off I go. Until next time (which hopefully will be soon with Hallowe'en pics)...

Monday, October 27, 2008

broccoli crashing and dirty movies!

Landon always makes me laugh it seems. The other night we were watching ... wait for it ... THOMAS of course. Thomas did not puff with care around the dangerous bend and crashed into the bushes. Landon looked at me very seriously and explained "Thomas crashed into the broccoli mom!!" Of course ...

Then we were at the library on Saturday afternoon, and I let Landon pick out two Thomas videos to bring home. While we were checking through the videos, I would open them up to see just how scratched they actually were (I hate library videos, but it does break up the monotony of the videos we have here), telling Landon I was looking for scratches. We find a couple that didn't seem to be too bad. Landon then goes ripping through the library yelling excitedly "Let's go home and watch dirty videos mom!!" Of course ...

Another cute story from a few weeks back. Landon was running around ... wait for it ... naked, I was upstairs. Then I heard him "I peed a bunny mom!" Wondering just what he was trying to explain, I went downstairs getting ready to mop up a pee accident. There was an accident all right, and Landon's exclamation was a perfect description. There in the carpet was a wet spot shaped exactly like a bunny head, big pointy ears and all .....

So yes, Landon makes me laugh, and blush occassionally too. But it's all fun! LOL

Potty training - a bit slower these days...Landon peed his pants yesterday and today, and then wants diapers on because he feels bad. He is 100% when he runs around naked without gotches or anything. But put gotches, and esp gotches and pants on, and he forgets he's got to use the pot. *sigh* Ah well, we just mop up the messes and keep trying ...

Arlan is perfectly adorable, of course! He was laughing laughing laughing today as I tickled him. Sooooo cute. He's such a happy little man, I love it. He's been going to bed nicely at 7 pm, wakes up 3 times to eat, and wakes in the morning at 8 am for the day. Gotta' love that schedule. He has only short naps throughout the day, but with that nighttime schedule I think I can survive it!

Until next time...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

LANDON puzzle

Almost forgot about this shot ...
Last night we found the LANDON puzzle that Uncle Greg and Aunty Yvonne gave Landon last year ... it was hiding in the basement! So Landon had a blast doing the puzzle of his name, and telling me the letters ... over and over again. It's a great puzzle though - I think it will be very helpful in teaching Landon to spell his own name. And does he loves puzzles!!!

Saturday news...

Well, things are going well here, I think. Arlan seems to be settling back into a pattern of sorts. Unfortunately that pattern involves 2 overnight feeds, followed by feeding in mommy's bed at 6:30 or 7 (I do get another 45 mins to an hour snooze after that third feed though!). We've been getting up at 8, and he's been going to bed at 7:30. I guess I can't complain too much!! LOL Especially thinking back to Landon at this age ... ummm, bedtime at 1 am? *sigh* But I am hoping that the overnight feeds cut back a bit - I don't mind once, but twice? The good side of that is usually the first one is before I fall asleep (10:30 or so), then between 3 & 4, then at 6:30 or 7.
He nurses so much better overnight than throughout the day, I can see why he wants to eat overnight. During the day he fusses and pulls off (and my nipples bloody HURT!). At night he eats and goes back to sleep. I haven't had as much of a 'let-down' sensation this week, and when I pumped I was getting less milk than before, so I am wondering if that led to his day-time nursing fussiness? I know one time I nursed him and it was 5 minutes before I had a let-down ... both Arlan and I were pretty frustrated by that point, needless to say. But yesterday seemed better, and I've gotten milk when I pumped yesterday and today (Wed I got NO milk at all!!). So maybe it was the phase of the moon, or a low pressure system or something? the chinook?? I don't know ... I ordered more nursing tea on-line just in case -- my neighbour (who has twins) wants more too, so we'll share the bag when it arrives. She noticed a decrease in her milk this week too ... makes me wonder about weather phenomenon...


Landon has been doing so well re: potty training!! He has been wearing gotchies for at least part of the day the past couple of days, and no accidents! He still is a bit tentative around pulling his gotchies down to use the pot -- although he's proficient at using the pot when he's naked. He will go pee, dump the pot into the toilet and flush, rinse the pot out, wash his hands, and then return the pot to the living room!! LOL one time he did all this and John didn't get a chance to see if there was even pee in the pot - but there must've been based on him doing this process several times since then!!
He still has a diaper on for part of the day. We put one on for naps, and he will pee in that before we take it off when he wakes up. He also wears a diaper for poops (you know he's gotta' poop because he comes running "NEED diaper ON!!"), but when he's done we take it off and put gotches back on again. And of course he wears a diaper overnight, and pees in that in the morning before we take it off. But I think it's wonderful progress :-)

John's putting the sauna in the basement this weekend ... he's got the big back wall up, and is hoping to get all the walls up today. Smells pretty damned nice in the basement, I gotta' admit :-)

That's the news from here ... until next time...

Naked Baby!!

My all-time favourite -- naked baby pictures!! Here's our little smiler playing away before his bath last night. Sooooooo cute, don'tcha' think?? I love it!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Yup- that's right. For the first time ever, Landon used the potty all by himself. I wasn't even in the room.
I was upstairs feeding Arlan, thinking 'oh man, Landon's downstairs without a diaper, I'm gonna' have a mess when I get down there'. I get Arlan back to sleep and head downstairs. I asked Landon "did you pee?" He says "no, yes!" (those who recently spent time with Landon can likely hear exactly how he said this, his favourite two word combination!). So I checked out the couch - nothing. Then I look in the potty and [insert angels singing here].

So we gave Landon a Thomas tattoo and phoned Grandma and ran downstairs to tell dad and we are so very proud of him.
Now let's just hope tomorrow brings more of the same....heh heh

Landon has also learned the wonderful word "WHY". So far he's only used it with John, but I'm sure it's coming for me. With me he's more inclined to say "how come?" because that's what I say. He also asks "What's going on here?", and says "oh my bloody gawd!" alot. And "Drive me NUTS!!!" Heh heh Don't know where he gets that from......

Arlan's a cutie-patootie. Bedtimes are still a bit iffy...last night he cried for an HOUR before finally falling asleep. tonight he went to sleep but woke up 45 minutes later for the second half of his bedtime snack. *sigh* I don't mind those nights, I can feed him again if needed, as long as he goes right back to sleep - which he did tonight. Naps can still be touchy for him, but are getting a bit better.
I took Arlan to the doctor today - the sclera (whites) of his eyes are still dark (were darker with the jaundice) so I wanted to know if I should be worried / following up. Doc said 'nope, they're fine'.
He also said we should be staring Arlan on solids! GACK! MY BABY!!! He can't eat solids yet!! But he was very interested in my glass of water today, and when I put it to his mouth he eagerly mouthed at it and even got a splash of water. So maybe soon ... but not quite yet!

Anyways, that's the news here. Good potty news, improving bedtime news, and *sob* my baby's getting big :-) Until next time...

Comparisons ...

I know you're not supposed to compare, but...
Here's Arlan at 4 months, and a couple of Landon at 4 1/2. Look at those cheeks on both of them!! LOL Gotta' love it. They do look similar, but as Arlan gets older I think he looks less like Landon all the time. And I can't believe how many more smiley pictures I have of Arlan ... Landon was a cutie, but he wasn't as smiley at this age by the looks of it!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Here's our little 4 month old Arlan. He's getting SO big, and just check out those cheeks!! LOL He's a talker and a smiler, which is sooooo sweet!
He can roll over from tummy to back now, and gets to his side when on his back (especially when I put him in bed with me and he knows he's going to nurse ... he gets himself onto his side pretty fast!! LOL). He can sit up when we hold him at his waist, and loves to sit and watch Landon play play play.
His favourite toys are his playmat -- with preference for the mirror and the octopus; the exersaucer is quickly becoming more enjoyable as he can sit in there for longer periods of time; and the musical flower toy we have...oh yeah and that wonderful giraffe to chew on that Landon used to love as well!!
Our wonderful little sleeper has been giving us some challenges as of late. He slept incredibly well in Saskatchewan, but hasn't been so obliging since we've come home. He's moved into his crib, and did well for the first couple of nights. But now ... He's been waking up within an hour or two of us putting him to bed (this started a couple of weeks ago) -- just when we got used to him going to bed and sleeping for 4 - 6 hours before needing a feed -- and either nursing or just fussing and not wanting to go back to sleep. Then naps have been becoming more difficult, with him not wanting to fall asleep and pissing around even though he's obviously sleepy. And now tonight (right now actually) he's crying crying crying and doesn't want to fall asleep! Little stinker. He's happy as soon as we pick him up, so we know he's 'okay' ... he just wants our company I guess! I'm just thankful he's pulling these shenanigans at home and not while we were travelling!!!!!!
So that's what Arlan is doing these days ... driving me nuts mostly! LOL Oh yeah, did I mention that he was up at 4 am and wanting to play, and then again at 6:30 wanting to play??? After crying and being a fussy-budget last night from 9 until 11 pm??????? aiaiaiaiaiai Poor kid - we'll get ourselves back on track soon I'm sure. Good thing he's so frickin' cute .... those big dimples get me every time! LOL So I'd better go and check on him again....


Arlan got to meet his beautiful cousin Juli, and her daughter Lilja who just turned 1. Lilja is just learning to get around, the perfect age to freak Landon out!! LOL He just isn't sure of those little people who can move but can't walk for some reason -- he was the same way with a friend's son Jackson who is 15 months old and scootches around on his bum.

And again, Arlan loving that playmat! Here he's doing the tummytime thing. Pretty much he'll stay on his tummy playing for 5 minutes or so, then he'll get bored and grunt for a few minutes and finally get himself turned over. Then he's happy and is giggly and smiley :-) Very cute!


When in Saskatoon, I went for my very first motorbike ride ever! Thank you Uncle Bob. I will say it was plenty windy - even Uncle Bob noted that the ride wasn't the greatest because of it. But it was pretty exhilarating, and a tad bit scary, and overall pretty awesome and I can't wait to go again!!
Landon got to sit on the bike too, although it will be MANY years before mom consents to him going for a ride!! LOL

other shots from the farm...

Arlan had fun playing on his playmat while we travelled, I'm glad I took it along. This picture was taken when he just rolled over for the very first time :-) He was playing away on his tummy, I was sitting beside him and talking to Grandma. I saw his roll over from the corner of my eye, but it took me a second or two to realize the significance of it!! Then he did it again, and on the third time we caught it on video (which can be seen here -- you'll find the link in the story containing Arlan's videos). My baby is getting sooooo big sooooo fast :-(
Arlan spent some time in his little red snowsuit-thing too ... we went outside on what looked like a gorgous day, but it was super windy !! Ah well, we hung out by the garage, out of the wind but in the sunshine.

And Landon was looking as cute as can be in Grandpa's boots!! Gotta' love the kid in the cowboy boots pictures!!

Thanksgiving Day

Yummy! Nothing like eating pie with Grandpa!! Landon loves eating pie with Grandpa, as you can tell from the expression on his face!
Landon slept so well at Grandma and Grandpa's (and at Uncle Bob & Aunty Rosemary's too) ... I love this blow-up bed (Thanks one more time Ricki!!). I thought this pose was just too cute to miss ... notice the missing sock even!

Hanging out with Aunty Yvonne before supper ... great shot Aunty!!
And Arlan with Great Grandpa Leisle and dad after supper. Arlan was a grumper-puss as he hadn't napped very well that day, and oh my was it warm in that kitchen!! LOL So no smilers for this picture, but no tears either which is good.

This is where Arlan spent dinner -- playing with those jingle-buddies which he loves! So at mealtimes we would put him in here and he'd play and talk and just generally enjoy himself!!

Trip to Moose Jaw - Oct 11

On the Saturday of our trip back to Sask, we checked out Grandma and Grandpa's new house in Moose Jaw (seen in the background here ... it was just about to get some siding, and is framed on the inside). Landon had the most fun climbing on the sandpile for the driveway. He had so much fun that when we got to the restaurant and took off his shoes, we left quite a pile of sand on the floor there too!!
We went to the Western Development Museum in Moose Jaw after lunch. I hadn't been there in YEARS (like, 20 ??). We almost didn't see any of the museum, as Landon found the Thomas train table in the lobby. What a set-up!! But we broke him away from there, despite his protests, and he got to explore the museum with it's trains, boats, and planes. I think the planes were his favourite, and he even got to sit in the cock-pit of a Snow-bird -- which he thought was "pretty neat"
On the way out we checked out the gift shop (while Landon again played at the train tables). Thank goodness he didn't go in there - it's a Thomas SUPERSTORE!! LOL Both Grandma and I bought some Christmas stuff for Landon. Even my eyes were shining, I wanted to buy it all!

The trip back to the farm was pretty good. Landon slept most of the way, and Arlan made some fusses but I fed him and we were good to go.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

What a Wonderful Week

How's that for alliteration?

We had a FABULOUS week back in Sask!! I will tell some stories with pictures as I post them, but here's the 'quick-hitter'.

We went to the farm Friday, arrived in time for supper. Both boys travelled very well! We stopped in the Hat for a few minutes, and had to give Arlan a bottle about Gull Lake to keep going (Landon was sleeping, I didn't want to stop!). And both boys slept well that night (and every night thereafter actually ... especially Landon (how often do I say that?) ). Arlan was a bit cold at Grandma's, next time we'll have to bring warmer sleepers :-/ But I just pulled him into bed with me at night where we snuggled together (poor John had to sleep in the basement!).

Saturday we went to Moose Jaw - checked out mom & dad's house that is under construction. It's looking pretty good. We also went to the Western Development Museum. Landon was much more interested in the Thomas the Tank train tables set up in the foyer :-/ But we did tear him away from there and he ran through the museum. He liked the planes the best I think.

Sunday we hung out at the farm and let Arlan get a bit more used to the play pen (he had spent WAY too much time in the car seat LOL). Monday we had Thanksgiving dinner -- YUM YUM! Great Grandpa, Aunty Yvonne, Uncle Greg and Kyle all came out. It was nice - except Arlan was pretty grumpy as he hadn't napped well that day. But c'est la vie. I did have to laugh at Landon though -- he wanted Kyle to play with him some more, so he said "Kyle, do you want to come and laugh at me?" LOL

Tuesday Aunty Laura came to the farm to visit, which was wonderful. John and dad went to Morse, so we had a great visit all afternoon while Landon and Arlan napped. YAY Aunty Laura gave me a facial with her Nutrimetics products, and some samples. I placed my (BIG) order today - I love that stuff!! My face feels and looks GREAT :-)

Wednesday we packed up and headed to Saskatoon to see Uncle Bob and Aunty Rosemary. That was a wonderful visit too :-) We hung out Wed and Thursday -- but the highlight for me was my first motorbike ride with Uncle Bob on Thursday (pics coming soon). Again, both boys were pretty good, sleeping well etc.

Friday we came home. A long trip - we decided to leave after Arlan's morning nap. Well, had we known he'd nap for TWO HOURS we wouldn't have done that :-/ We didn't get out of Saskatoon until almost 2:00!! Which got us home late. Arlan had a meltdown in the car ... he woke up from a nap and it was dark, he must've been scared so he started bellering. This woke Landon up who also started bellering. We gave them half an hour, and when they didn't quit (YES, this was full volume from BOTH of them) we stopped. I fed Arlan, he was happy and playful ... yay. Landon stopped crying. Then I put Arlan back in his seat and .... *sigh* I cranked up the kids tunes and Landon finally stopped crying (he had his hands over his ears still though!). Arlan kept it up for another 20 minutes, until John had the wonderful idea to turn on the light in the back. Finally - some quiet. LOL
So we got home in peace. Landon was so excited to play with his trains again ... cracks me up. Arlan played a bit, had a bath and went to bed -- in his CRIB! at 9:30. He slept like a champ (all that bellering must've really tuckered him out!). He woke slightly at 4 am, I gave him a soother. Then he woke shortly after 5 and might've gone back to sleep, but my boobs were full so I fed him. He then went back to sleep until 8:30!! Good boy :-D So he's out of our room now -- sad for mommy, but better for all of us I'm sure.

I will post more with pictures / stories when I get them all uploaded etc ...

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

My little men :-)

Arlan is such a little smiler ... this pic was taken this afternoon just after he woke up. He's usually a bit grumpy when he first wakes up, but very quickly he starts smiling like this and doesn't stop until he's ready for his next snooze!
He's also getting more used to the exersaucer. He grabs at some of the toys and drools all over the place ... good times. This pic makes me think "Yeah, just one minute, I'll be right with you!"

And here's Landon -- wanted me to take a picture of him with monkey. So cute.
He helped mommy make some muffins the other night ... mostly he delights in sticking his hand in the dry ingredients -- probably just to hear me say 'Get you hands outta there!' repeatedely. But the muffins did turn out well :-)

We've had a fairly good week. The boys went to Heidi's Monday night when I played volleyball. Arlan went to sleep SO well, then woke up at 10:30 and I'm sure he was thinking "who are you and WHERE's my MOM!". Actually he didn't fuss and cry too much, but when I got there and was holding him, he was staring at Heidi like she was an alien!! too funny. It took Landon quite awhile to settle in with Heidi's boys - he was scared of Jackson who is 1. Jackson would squawk and Landon would cower ... poor kid. Heidi did a great job of settling Landon in, and since Arlan went down before I left I don't think she had too much difficulty :-/ She offered to watch them again in a couple of weeks, so it couldn't have been that bad.

Other than that, we've been sticking close to home. I haven't done a very good job of putting Arlan into his room for naps. I did a few times, but slacked off today :-/ Last night he had a ton of trouble getting back to sleep after initially going to sleep at 7. I think the night before had thrown him off -- it was midnight before I got him back home and in bed after Heidi's. So he slept with mom ... I was worried he was getting sick, as Landon has a cold and I have a sniffly nose and scratchy throat. But he slept well after ~midnight, waking to eat at 3 and not again until 7 or so. *shrug* Tonight he cried for about 15 minutes and went to sleep - and is doing well in there still. So I don't know ...

We're getting ready for our road trip back to Sk ... leaving Friday noon-ish. I have a baby repositioning class for Arlan's flat head, then we leave. Hopefully the trip goes smoothly, and hopefully Arlan sleeps well while we travel and while we're visiting. I think at the farm he will be in the cmpt room for sleeping (?) - that will be his first nights not in the room with me!! Either that, or he and I will have to sleep downstairs, leaving John and Landon upstairs? We'll figure it out when we get there I guess *shrug*

Anyways ... that's really about it. Just wanted to get some pics up here. Don't know if I'll post again before our travels ... but will try to post quickly while we're in Sask. If not - well, we're back the 17 :-D

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Weekend news?

Well, it's been a productive weekend, but not that exciting. John got the basement primed. our next step is to pick out carpetting, so we can pick out paint colours. John will get the sauna built too -- before we paint and install flooring. But it's coming together, that's for sure :-)

Landon's favourite activity these days is doing somersaults. Yup - he does 'em all over the house!! Mostly he likes to jump from the arm of the couch, flip in the air and do the somersault onto the seat of the couch. Gives me heart attacks every time. But he also does somersaults all over the living room whenever we can convince him to clean up his train tracks.

Arlan is a cutie of course. He is napping well in his room in the bassinet. Next step is to move him into his crib for naps, probably start tomorrow. Last night he slept well ... went to sleep ~7:30, got up at 4 to eat. He did stir several times before that, but I just plugged the soother in and he went back to sleep. I'm hoping to get him back to once a night eating if possible ... we'll just see if he co-operates!! LOL

Landon woke up at 1:30 with a horrible cough ... sounding like he was choking so I think it was post-nasal drip. I think that poor kid has inherited his mom's sinuses :-( I gave him Motrin, and laid down with him. He grabbed puppies and snuggled right up to me - it was so sweet - and went right back to sleep. I think he was most miserable just to have woken up. Oh yeah, he had poopy pants too that I had to change, which didn't help matters :-/ But he woke up fine this morning and has been playing his heart out all day, so maybe it won't be too bad?

This fish has been causing some work, of course! We are having to change some of the water every day because it's 'bubbly' :-/ But the little fishie is very pretty and surprisingly social, so I guess I'll labour away at it! lol By social I mean that every time we walk into the room, he swims to the front of his bowl and then swims back and forth like he's saying 'look at me look at me!" Reminds me of Landon!! LOL

Well, that's about it really. oh yeah, I voted as we'll be gone on voting day. And Landon and I planted tuplips in the front bed this morning. Let's hope they come up all pretty in the spring :-)
until next time...

Thursday, October 02, 2008

and again, Landon amazes me :-)

Last night it was pretty warm in our house, since we had beautiful record-breaking temps here yesterday (up to 27'!). We put Landon to bed in some nice new pj's that are light-weight, but he was still too hot. So when I went to check on him, he asked me for his 'white bed'. Then he says "blue bed too hot". LOL He wanted his white sheets on his bed, the blue sheets are fleece and so were obviously too hot for last night! Crazy kid - makes me giggle. So I changed his sheets for him. It must've helped because he did eventually fall asleep, but not before cooling off a bit more by taking his pj pants off! Thankfully he left his diaper on...

Landon's been a bit better on the potty front. We aren't pushing him, we just give him the choice to wear gotch, diaper-gotch (pull-ups), or diapers, or to run around naked while in the house. When he chooses naked, he's done a pretty good job of going pee on the potty. Let's just say there's been no accidents (I just jinxed it, didn't I?). And last night he peed in the toilet before bed ... standing up just like daddy! He pulled the stool over and was quite proud of himself :-) So that's promising. He's not too keen on the gotch these days, I think the accidents he had turned him off for now. But naked is ok while we're at home, so we'll go with it. I think I'll take a potty along for our Sask roadtrip too ... again we won't be pushing him, but if he's interested I don't want to be caught unprepared!

Arlan's doing well. So cute! He is going to bed better, but has started waking an additional time. The good news is this wake-up happens before I go to sleep, the bad news is that he still wakes up twice more overnight :-/ I'm stll managing to get 6 or 7 hours though, in small chunks maybe, but I'm getting some sleep. His naps are getting a bit better too ... yesterday he had a 2 hour nap in the morning (!!), I think because he slept so poorly the night before :-/ Today he was back to his 45 minute snooze, and is grumpy now, but I guess I'll have to make do.

ummmm, that's about it really. We're hoping to start priming the basement tonight (well, John's going to be priming ... his first foray into painting!). Then next week I'm hoping to pick out flooring and wall colours so that we can start painting when we come back from Sask. oh yeah, and John's going to build the sauna when we get back too. But it's moving along...

Anyways, that's the news from here. Until next time....