How's that for alliteration?
We had a FABULOUS week back in Sask!! I will tell some stories with pictures as I post them, but here's the 'quick-hitter'.
We went to the farm Friday, arrived in time for supper. Both boys travelled very well! We stopped in the Hat for a few minutes, and had to give Arlan a bottle about Gull Lake to keep going (Landon was sleeping, I didn't want to stop!). And both boys slept well that night (and every night thereafter actually ... especially Landon (how often do I say that?) ). Arlan was a bit cold at Grandma's, next time we'll have to bring warmer sleepers :-/ But I just pulled him into bed with me at night where we snuggled together (poor John had to sleep in the basement!).
Saturday we went to Moose Jaw - checked out mom & dad's house that is under construction. It's looking pretty good. We also went to the Western Development Museum. Landon was much more interested in the Thomas the Tank train tables set up in the foyer :-/ But we did tear him away from there and he ran through the museum. He liked the planes the best I think.
Sunday we hung out at the farm and let Arlan get a bit more used to the play pen (he had spent WAY too much time in the car seat LOL). Monday we had Thanksgiving dinner -- YUM YUM! Great Grandpa, Aunty Yvonne, Uncle Greg and Kyle all came out. It was nice - except Arlan was pretty grumpy as he hadn't napped well that day. But c'est la vie. I did have to laugh at Landon though -- he wanted Kyle to play with him some more, so he said "Kyle, do you want to come and laugh at me?" LOL
Tuesday Aunty Laura came to the farm to visit, which was wonderful. John and dad went to Morse, so we had a great visit all afternoon while Landon and Arlan napped. YAY Aunty Laura gave me a facial with her Nutrimetics products, and some samples. I placed my (BIG) order today - I love that stuff!! My face feels and looks GREAT :-)
Wednesday we packed up and headed to Saskatoon to see Uncle Bob and Aunty Rosemary. That was a wonderful visit too :-) We hung out Wed and Thursday -- but the highlight for me was my first motorbike ride with Uncle Bob on Thursday (pics coming soon). Again, both boys were pretty good, sleeping well etc.
Friday we came home. A long trip - we decided to leave after Arlan's morning nap. Well, had we known he'd nap for TWO HOURS we wouldn't have done that :-/ We didn't get out of Saskatoon until almost 2:00!! Which got us home late. Arlan had a meltdown in the car ... he woke up from a nap and it was dark, he must've been scared so he started bellering. This woke Landon up who also started bellering. We gave them half an hour, and when they didn't quit (YES, this was full volume from BOTH of them) we stopped. I fed Arlan, he was happy and playful ... yay. Landon stopped crying. Then I put Arlan back in his seat and .... *sigh* I cranked up the kids tunes and Landon finally stopped crying (he had his hands over his ears still though!). Arlan kept it up for another 20 minutes, until John had the wonderful idea to turn on the light in the back. Finally - some quiet. LOL
So we got home in peace. Landon was so excited to play with his trains again ... cracks me up. Arlan played a bit, had a bath and went to bed -- in his CRIB! at 9:30. He slept like a champ (all that bellering must've really tuckered him out!). He woke slightly at 4 am, I gave him a soother. Then he woke shortly after 5 and might've gone back to sleep, but my boobs were full so I fed him. He then went back to sleep until 8:30!! Good boy :-D So he's out of our room now -- sad for mommy, but better for all of us I'm sure.
I will post more with pictures / stories when I get them all uploaded etc ...