He's also getting more used to the exersaucer. He grabs at some of the toys and drools all over the place ... good times. This pic makes me think "Yeah, just one minute, I'll be right with you!"
He helped mommy make some muffins the other night ... mostly he delights in sticking his hand in the dry ingredients -- probably just to hear me say 'Get you hands outta there!' repeatedely. But the muffins did turn out well :-)
We've had a fairly good week. The boys went to Heidi's Monday night when I played volleyball. Arlan went to sleep SO well, then woke up at 10:30 and I'm sure he was thinking "who are you and WHERE's my MOM!". Actually he didn't fuss and cry too much, but when I got there and was holding him, he was staring at Heidi like she was an alien!! too funny. It took Landon quite awhile to settle in with Heidi's boys - he was scared of Jackson who is 1. Jackson would squawk and Landon would cower ... poor kid. Heidi did a great job of settling Landon in, and since Arlan went down before I left I don't think she had too much difficulty :-/ She offered to watch them again in a couple of weeks, so it couldn't have been that bad.
Other than that, we've been sticking close to home. I haven't done a very good job of putting Arlan into his room for naps. I did a few times, but slacked off today :-/ Last night he had a ton of trouble getting back to sleep after initially going to sleep at 7. I think the night before had thrown him off -- it was midnight before I got him back home and in bed after Heidi's. So he slept with mom ... I was worried he was getting sick, as Landon has a cold and I have a sniffly nose and scratchy throat. But he slept well after ~midnight, waking to eat at 3 and not again until 7 or so. *shrug* Tonight he cried for about 15 minutes and went to sleep - and is doing well in there still. So I don't know ...
We're getting ready for our road trip back to Sk ... leaving Friday noon-ish. I have a baby repositioning class for Arlan's flat head, then we leave. Hopefully the trip goes smoothly, and hopefully Arlan sleeps well while we travel and while we're visiting. I think at the farm he will be in the cmpt room for sleeping (?) - that will be his first nights not in the room with me!! Either that, or he and I will have to sleep downstairs, leaving John and Landon upstairs? We'll figure it out when we get there I guess *shrug*
Anyways ... that's really about it. Just wanted to get some pics up here. Don't know if I'll post again before our travels ... but will try to post quickly while we're in Sask. If not - well, we're back the 17 :-D
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