Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Here's our little 4 month old Arlan. He's getting SO big, and just check out those cheeks!! LOL He's a talker and a smiler, which is sooooo sweet!
He can roll over from tummy to back now, and gets to his side when on his back (especially when I put him in bed with me and he knows he's going to nurse ... he gets himself onto his side pretty fast!! LOL). He can sit up when we hold him at his waist, and loves to sit and watch Landon play play play.
His favourite toys are his playmat -- with preference for the mirror and the octopus; the exersaucer is quickly becoming more enjoyable as he can sit in there for longer periods of time; and the musical flower toy we have...oh yeah and that wonderful giraffe to chew on that Landon used to love as well!!
Our wonderful little sleeper has been giving us some challenges as of late. He slept incredibly well in Saskatchewan, but hasn't been so obliging since we've come home. He's moved into his crib, and did well for the first couple of nights. But now ... He's been waking up within an hour or two of us putting him to bed (this started a couple of weeks ago) -- just when we got used to him going to bed and sleeping for 4 - 6 hours before needing a feed -- and either nursing or just fussing and not wanting to go back to sleep. Then naps have been becoming more difficult, with him not wanting to fall asleep and pissing around even though he's obviously sleepy. And now tonight (right now actually) he's crying crying crying and doesn't want to fall asleep! Little stinker. He's happy as soon as we pick him up, so we know he's 'okay' ... he just wants our company I guess! I'm just thankful he's pulling these shenanigans at home and not while we were travelling!!!!!!
So that's what Arlan is doing these days ... driving me nuts mostly! LOL Oh yeah, did I mention that he was up at 4 am and wanting to play, and then again at 6:30 wanting to play??? After crying and being a fussy-budget last night from 9 until 11 pm??????? aiaiaiaiaiai Poor kid - we'll get ourselves back on track soon I'm sure. Good thing he's so frickin' cute .... those big dimples get me every time! LOL So I'd better go and check on him again....

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