Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Playing playing playing

The boys are starting to enjoy bathing together. Well, Arlan usually hates baths, until he sees Landon in there!! Splashing and making as big a mess as possible....
Landon's absolute fave is to play in the shale pile in the field behind our house. Arlan gets a kick out of trying to climb it, Landon is busy moving as much of it around as he possibly can!! Every day "Let's go play in the dirt pile!" I only wish it was closer to the house so we could go out while Arlan naps, but c'est la vie.

And Arlan is getting pretty good at running. Especially for meal-times! Ask him if he wants to sit in his chair and eat, and he drops whatever he's doing to run to his highchair. He'll then stand with his back to his chair, sticking his butt out, like "ok, put me in. I'm ready!"

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